blood supply of brain & horizontal section NB [025] Practical Flashcards
What is the Cerebrum ?
Define Association Fibers
Where does the Short Association Fibers lie ?
And what do they connect ?
What structures do Long Association Fibers link ?
List the Long association fibers
What is the cingulum and where does it lie ?
Lies in cingulate and Connect cortical areas of medial surface with one another and with cortical areas on tentorial surface.
What is the Superior longitudinal bundle and where does it lie ?
From frontal pole to occipital pole and adjoining part of temporal lobe and connect various cortical areas on lateral surface of hemisphere with one another.
What is the Uncinate bundle and where does it lie ?
Arch over stem of lateral fissure and connects orbital gyri of frontal lobe with anterior part of temporal lobe (temporal pole).
What is the Inferior longitudinal bundle and where does it lie ?
From temporal pole to occipital pole and connects cortical areas on tentorial surface on hemisphere.
What connects motor speech (Broca’s) area with sensory speech (Wernicke’s ) area through temporal, parietal and frontal lobes ?
And what will it’s injury lead to ?
What is Corpus Callosum and it’s function, and where does it lie ?
What’s the Anterior Commissure ?
What’s the Posterior Commissure’s function and it’s path ?
What’s the Hippocampal Commissure’s function and it’s path ?
What is the Internal Capsule ?
Mention the 5 parts of the internal capsule and their locations
Contents of the Anterior limb and Genu of Internal Capsule ?
identify this part (s) of the Internal Capsule and it’s contents
identify this part (s) of the Internal Capsule and it’s contents
identify this part (s) of the Internal Capsule and it’s contents
identify this part (s) of the Internal Capsule and it’s contents
identify this part (s) of the Internal Capsule and it’s contents
Blood supply of internal capsule ?
Loss of identification of the Nature of objects… is called ?
object agnosia
Loss of identification of the Individual faces… is called ?
Damage to corpus callosum leads to ?
split-brain syndrome;
The two half of the brain behave relatively autonomously
Damage to splenium of corpus callosum leads to ?