Muscular system Flashcards
“aminotransferases” are enzymes that catalyze a transamination reaction between an amino acid and an α-keto acid. They are important in the synthesis of amino acids, which form proteins. High levels can indicate fatty liver or alcohol related disease.
the transfer of an amino group from amino acid to keto acid with formation of a new amino acid and a new keto acid. The liver is the main site of this process.
Neer test
test in orthopedic examination of the shoulder. It is used to test for subacromial impingement of rotator cuff tendons. This is also known as Subacromial Pain Syndrome or Impingement Syndrome
antalgic gait
an abnormal pattern of walking secondary to pain that ultimately causes a limp, whereby the stance phase is shortened relative to the swing phase. (wanting to spend as little time on the injured limb as possible, skipping off it)
closing the angle of a joint. Eg; bending at knee or elbow.
increasing the angle of a joint. eg; straightening fingers to open hand.
plantar flexion
bending down the foot ; curling toes
bending backwards; pointing the toes upwards
abduction “A-B-duction”
movement away from midline of body; lifting arm above shoulder
adduction “A-D-duction”
movement toward midline of body; returning arm down to side from a raised position
turning inwards; turning the sole of the foot towards the midline
turning outwards; turning the sole of the foot laterally
turning outward; turning the palm upwards
turning inwards; turning the palm downwards
circular movement from a central point; describing a circle with an outstretched arm
turning a body part on its own axis; turning of the forearm from the elbow
huge, vast, massive
trapezius vs rhomboideus
trapezoids (4 sided shape, two angled surfaces and a parallell surface). Rhomboids ( 4 sided paralellogram adjacent sides are unequal and no right angleds)
flat muscle covering foreheard; raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
orbicularis oculi
circular muscle around the eye; closes eye, blinking, squinting
levator palpebrae
back of eye to upper eyelid; opens eyes
orbicularis oris
circular muscle around mouth; kissing muscle
horizontal cheek muscle; flattens cheek. Trumpeters muscle.
goes from corner of mouth to cheekbone; smiling muscle
flat, fan-shaped muscle over temporal bone; closes jaw
cover the lateral part of the lower jaw; closes jaw
runs along the side of the neck; goes from sternum and clavicle to mastoid process of temporal bone; flex and rotate the head, praying muscle
large, flat, triangular muscle on back of neck and upper back to shoulders; extends head to look at sky, elevates and shrugs shoulders
external intercostals
intercostal spaces (between ribs); enlarges thoracic cavity for breathing as accessory
internal intercostals
intercostal spaces (between ribs); decreases thoracic cavity for forced expiration
dome-shaped muscle that separates thoracic and abdominal cavities; chief muscle for inspiration
external + internal obliques AND transversus and rectus abdominus
muscles arranged vertically, horizontally, and obliquely to strengthen abdominal wall; as a group, the abdominal wall muscles compress the abdomen; the rectus abdominis also flexes the vertebral column. Protection.
serratus anterior
forms the upper sides of the chest wall below the axillae; pulls scapula forward; aids in raising arms
pectoralis major
large muscle that covers upper anterior chest; adducts and flexes upper arm across chest; pulls shoulders forward and downward
latissimus dorsi
large, broad, flat muscle on mid and lower back; adducts and rotates arm behind the back; “swimmer’s muscle”
thick muscle that covers the shoulder joint, abducts arm in scarecrow position
Rotator Cuff: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor
group of four muscles that attaches the humerus to the scapula; forms cuff over proximal humerus; rotates the arm at the shoulder joint
biceps brachii
anterior surface of upper arm; flexes and supinates forearm; muscle used to “make a muscle”
triceps brachii
posterior surface of upper arm; extends forearm; “boxer’s muscle”
deep to biceps; flexes forearm
muscles of forearm; flexes forearm
flexor and extensor/ carpi groups
extensor/ carpi groups
anterior and posterior forearm to hand; flex and extend hand
flexor and extensor/ digitorum groups
anterior and posterior forearm to fingers; flex and extend fingers
gluteus maximus
largest and most superficial of the gluteal muscles, posterior buttocks; forms the buttocks; extends the thigh; muscle for sitting and climbing stairs
gluteus medius
thick muscle partly behind and superior to the gluteal maximus; abducts and rotates thigh; common site of intramuscular injections
gluteus minimus
smallest and deepest of the gluteal muscles; abducts and rotates thighs
anterior surface of groin; crosses over hip joint to femur; flexes the thigh; antagonist to gluteus maximus
adductor group: longus, brevis, magnus, and the gracilis
medial inner thigh region; adducts thigh; muscles used by horseback riders to stay on the horse
Quadriceps: group used to extend the knee (kicking, etc.); R_____f_____can flex thigh at the hip joint
“Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius” anterior and lateral surface of the thigh; form a common tendon that inserts in tibia; group used to extend the knee (kicking, etc.); rectus femoris can flex thigh at the hip joint
long muscle that crosses obliquely over the anterior thigh; allows you to sit in a crossed-leg position
Hamstrings: Flex and extend the thigh
“Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus” posterior surface of thigh; as a group they attach to the tibia and fibula
tibialis anterior
anterior leg; dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
peroneus longus
lateral leg surface; plantar flexion, eversion of foot. Supports the foot arch.
posterior surface of leg; large two-headed muscle that forms the calf; plantar flexion, toe dancer’s muscle
posterior surface of the leg; plantar flexion
paraspinal muscles / erector spinae
three muscle groups that support your back; iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis. You use them every time you lean to one side, arch your back, bend forward, or twist your torso
neurotransmitter that binds to muscle receptor sites to transmit nerve signals
anterior/posterior drawer
physical maneuvers testing for ligamentous instability/muscle dysfunction in the ankle
calf squeeze test
physical palpatory test used to detect rupture of the Achilles tendon; also called a Thompson test
deep tendon reflexes
physical exam usually with a reflex hammer used to test for presence of neuromuscular disease
electromyography (EMG)
needle electrode test measuring activity/firing of muscles at rest and during contraction; used to see how well muscles are working in certain areas of body
electroneuromyography/nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
surface electrode test often conducted in association with EMG; used to distinguish muscle dysfunction from nerve dysfunction
extraocular muscle function testing
test performed asking patient to look in six different directions while noting response of eye muscles to movement
FABER test / Patrick’s test
F -lexion, AB -duction and E -xternal R -otation; physical maneuver used to test for hip or psoas muscle spasm
manual muscle testing (MMT
evaluation of function and strength of individual muscles against resistance. It can be measured in finite degrees (such as 2+/5) or general degrees (such as fair plus/good minus)
Speed test
physical maneuver used to test for bicipital tendinitis; muscular condition of the shoulder
Cardiac stress test
pharmaceutical in nature ; monitor affects of stress on the muscles. cardiac stress tests: Can be with exercise or without depending upon condition
- dobutamine stress test
- Cardiolite stress test
- adenosine stress test
- Lexiscan stress test
located or administered next to the uterine cervix. (site for labor injections)
popliteal angle
assesses hamstring flexibility and length, often for cerebral palsy patients
Babinskis reflex
occurs after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. The big toe then moves upward or toward the top surface of the foot. The other toes fan out. Babinski reflex is one of the normal reflexes in infants and in children up to 2 years old. Can diagnose brain/CNS conditions.
Allis sign / Galeazzi test
used to assess for hip dislocation, specifically testing for developmental dysplasia of the hip. The test is performed with infant supine, hips flexed to 45 and knees flexed to 90 with feet flat on examining surface - assessing knee height.
palmar surface
The palm or grasping side of the hand; back is called the dorsal side
key element separating single muscle fibres from another. Allows autonomous gliding during muscle contractiopn. Highly deformable tissue adapts to changes of volume in muscle contraction.
obturator internus
externally rotates the femur when the hip is extended and abducts the femur when the hip is flexed.
belonging to the same side of the body
muscle through the rear part of the cheek from the temporal bone to the lower jaw. Closes jaw in chewing.
most superficial muscle on radial side of forearm. Forms lateral side of cubital fossa. Flexes the forearm at the elbow.
Mcburney’s point
point of the lower right quadrant of the abdomen where tenderness is maximal with acute appendicits.
iliotibial IT band
thick band of fibrous tissue running along the outside of the leg. Starts at the hip and extends to the outer side of the shinbone below the knee joint. Provides support to outside of knee joint.
quadratus femoris
flat, quadrilateral skeletal muscle. Posterior side of hip joint. External rotator and adductor of thigh; also stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
flat, narrow muscle running from lower spine through butt to top of thighs. Aids in almost all lower body movements. Sciatic nerve runs underneath.