Advanced deck B Flashcards
sesamoid apparatus
Sesamoid bones and tendons functioning together to propel the greater toe
mantle cell lymphoma
B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Develops in outer edge of lymph node called the mantle zone. Often spread to lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and liver.
ray resection
operation to salvage the foot and maintain bipedal ambulation; removal of diseased toe and metatarsal
VNUS radiofrequency
minimally invasive technique to use a small catheter to heat the end of a diseased vein to shrink and close the vessel and reroute blood flow to healthy veins
incompetent perforators
veins that are linked to chronic venous insufficiency; bad valves or blockage leading to recurrent leg pain, swelling, cramps
urinary NTx
specific to bone and found in urine as a product of bone degradation. Correlate to rate of bone resorption; net results can indicate osteopenia/porosis
celiac sprue antibodies
antibodies confirmative of celiac disease; IgA/tIgA; correlate to degree of mucosal damage
BUS (gynecology)
Bartholins/urethra/Skene’s referring to vaginal examination
heavy irregular menstrual bleeding; prolonged condition of excessive bleeding more frequent than normal.
AGC Absolute granulocyte count
cell number for each blood cell type, hemoglobin levels, and gran CBC count
EIT / embedded in toto
specimen submitted entirely, in whole.
made when the body breaks down catecholamine hormones which are made by the adrenal gland; response to stress. Test in urine can indicate tumor of adrenal glands; pheochromocytoma
leukopathy / leukoencephalopathy
progressive damage to white matter caused by drug addiction, environmental toxins, or chemo therapy drugs. Affects brain and spinal cord.
inflammation of membranous labyrinth of the inner ear; vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing loss
kappa free light chain
blood test measuring levels of protein in blood; plasma cells make light chains that link up with other proteins to make heavy chains. Abnormal levels can indicate plasma disorders.
Hirschsprung’s disease
Congenital condition as a result of missing nerve cells in baby’s colon; affects large intestine/colon and causes problems with passing stool.
diverse; being of different kinds, degrees, dimensions
Guillain-Barre syndrome GBS
rare condition where nervous system attacks peripheral nerves. More common in adult males. Most people recover fully. Usually associated with viral illness/diarrhea/URI
monoclonal gammopathy
conditions in which abnormal proteins are found in the blood flowing from a small number of plasma cells in the bone marrow.
laboratory technique used to separate DNA, RNA, or protein molecules based on size and electrical charge. An electric current is used to move molecules through a gel or matrix.
sensation of impending fall or need to obtain external assistance for proper ambulation. eg; sense of floating or a tilt to the floor. Can originate in inner ear or CNS.
demyelinating disease
condition that causes damage to myelin sheath surrounding nerve fibres in the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. Often due to viral/bacterial infections, genetic disposition, vitamin deficiency
porphyrin metabolite arising from heme synthesis; natural chemical in the body helping form substances; eg hemoglobin.
stagnation or marked reduction in bile secretion and flow; impaired hepatocytes in secretion of bule or obstruction at any level of excretory path.
characteristic growling or rumblings sounds that stomach and intestines make as matter passes through; can indicate intolerance to foods
Bence Jones
protein markers used to diagnoses and monitor multiple myelomas or other malignancy of the lymphatic system
Wernicke encephalopathy WE
acute neurological condition; triad of ophthalmoparesis with nystagmus, ataxia, and confusion. Life-threatening, caused by thiamine deficiency.
vesicoureteral reflux
abnormal flow of urine from bladder back up the tubes connecting to kidney.
firm and swollen
infection with parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Often from undercooked meat or cat feces. Can pass to baby in pregnancy. Damages brain, eyes, other organs.
breeding of specimens by natural processes/ spread of growth
rare disorders of buildup of porphyrins in the body- cannot convert into heme; part of hemoglobin. Affects skin, CNS, GI. No known cure.
therapeutic intervention of extracorporeal removal, return, or exchange of plasma or components. Treatment for blood cancers, neurlogic disorders, etc
Pipkin classification
types I - IV classification of types of femoral head fracture.
parvovirus B19
human strain; common infectious disease with mild symptoms. Can sometimes target immature red blood cells and cease production.
latin for “nest”; in appearance or function. Breeding place of bacteria, parasites, or other disease agents.
monoclonal antibodies
antibody produced from cell lineage made by cloning unique white blood cell and all trace back to original parent; immune system proteins that bind to specific antigen
birth defect of an abnormally small head; often have smaller brains that might not develop properly
lacunar infarct
artery that supplies blood to the deeper portions of the brain becomes blocked- 15-25% of strokes.
multi-infarct dementia (MID)
common cause of memory loss in elderly. Caused by multiples strokes causing damaged brain tissue.
deficiency of magnesium; anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, weakness.
disorder which the body can build up too much iron in the skin, heart, liver, pancreas, pituitary glands, joints; Toxic to the body and can cause tissue damage.
FBE test
Full blood examination; provides window to overall health of a person. AKA CBC - COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT
fecal incontinence of soiling; repeated passing of stool into clothing; impact stool collects in colon and rectum and leaks out.
PAD - Peripheral artery disease
narrowing or blockage of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs.
NPH - Normal pressure hydrocephalus
brain disorder in which excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricles; causes thinking and reasoning problems, difficulty walking, incontinence.
relating to or characterized by being old or the process of aging
Immunofixation (IFE)
blood test AKA protein electrophoresis; measures certain proteins in the blood; possible cancer diagnosis.
Interventional Radiology (IR)
use of medical imaging techniques to guide doctors as they diagnose and treat problems with blood and lymph vessels.
esophageal manometry
test shows whether esophagus is working properly; measures the contractions of the esophagus.
pressure exerted by fluid in a cell that presses the cell membrane against the cell wall.
“upright + stand (histania)” normal physiological response of sympathetic system to counteract fall in blood pressure when laying down and assuming upright position
plasma metanephrines
markers of pheochromocytoma produced within tumors.
Virchow’s node
left supraclavicular node; sign of metastatic malignancy mainly from gastric cancer.
CT coronary calcium scoring
Normal score is ZERO. CT scan looking at how much calcium is in the coronary arteries. Calcium residuals show buildup of plaque.
U&E exam
urea and electrolytes blood test; kidney function test.
umbrella term for simultaneous use of multiple medicines by a patient
Phalen test
Series of movements and positions to help diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome; moving hands and wrists in position putting light pressure on median nerve - signed by tingling or numbness
Tinel sign
Tingling sensation by tapping skin over an affect nerve; diagnoses nerve damage or irritation
Cardiac enzymes
cardiac biomarkers; proteins found in blood that can indicate heart damage or disease.
ORIF (fracture)
Open reduction and internal fixation. Type or surgery to stabilized and heal broken bone; common to the ankle and feet.
lockjaw; usually due to sustained spasms of mastication muscles. Bilateral restriction of the jaw opening from any cause.
portal tracts
foci within parenchyma; branch of portal vein and hepatic artery and bile duct.
presence of fungi or yeasts in the blood
PEJ tube
percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy tube; inserted through the abdomen wall directly into the small intestine- jejunum.
collapse or part or all of the lung by blockage of air passages or pressure on the lung. Risk from anesthesia, prolonged bed rest, underlying lung disease.
loss of myelin with relative preservation of axons; results from diseases that damage myelin sheaths or cells.
intervention involving extracorporeal removal, return, or exchange of blood plasma components.
without a fever, afebrile.