multi mid exam Flashcards
is an intuitive 3D modeling application that
lets you create and edit 2D and 3D models with a
patented “Push and Pull” method.
is wide range of 3D modeling projects like architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, and video game design,
Select an entity, its bounding box has tools for
moving, rotating, and scaling the entity, or you can
use the keyboard or the Measurements box to enter
precise changes. Select entities to modify with other
tools or commands.
Selecting Tool
soften or smooth entities in the mode and Eraser to remove parts of your model,
Eraser Tool
As you draw 3D models in SketchUp, the ability to
divide edges and faces enables you to create and
manipulate your geometry in complex ways. You can
also explode entities, such as circles and polygons,
into the individual segments.
Line Tool
you can create hand-drawn lines. is handy when you need to trace imported drawings, create a 2D sketch, or decorate
your model.
Freehand Tool
When this tool is activated a protractor appears to
help you set the beginning and ending of the arc
based on your desired angle.
Arc Tool
Activating this tool also changes the cursor to a
pencil. The first click sets your starting point, the
second a pivot point, and the third defines the
3-Point Arc Tool
Activating this tool changes your cursor to a pencil.
Your first click defines one end of the arc, the second
the other end. The third click defines the bulge of the
2-Point Arc Tool
This tool works just like the Arc tool, but creates a
closed pie shape that becomes a face.
Pie Tool
Shape Tools
- Rectangular,
- Rotation Rectangular,
- Circle,
- Polygon
You often need to draw a slightly bigger or smaller
version of a shape and keep the two shapes
equidistant from each other.
Offset Tool
Push and pull Face entities to add or subtract
volume from your 3d models and you can create a
3D shape from a face or cut a 3D shape out of your
Push/Pull Tool
Move, stretch, or copy entities. To merge points or
edges together.
Move Tool
Rotate, stretch, distort, or copy entities along a
rounded path. Your geometry becomes as nimble as
an acrobatic troupe. The Flip Along command
enables geometry to backflip 180 degrees along any
Rotate Tool
Resize and stretch portions of geometry relative to
other entities in model.
Scale Tool
Measure distances, create guide lines, or scale a
model and you can measure a distance and set
precise guide lines or guide points.
Tape Measure Tool
You can add four types of text,
Text Tool
Assign materials and colors to entities. To add detail
and realism to your models, SketchUp enables you to
paint materials on faces.
Paint Bucket Tool
Rotate camera about model and you
move around, above, or below your model.
Orbit Tool
Move camera (your view) vertically or horizontally.
When you pan, you move left, right, up, or down.
Pan Tool
Move camera (your view) in or out. Zoom in to focus
on a specific area as you draw, and zoom out to see
more of your model.
Zoom Tool
Basic Tool SkechUp
● Zoom Tool
● Orbit tool.
● Move tool.
● Pie tool.
● Eraser tool.
● Line tool.
● Push/Pool tool.
● Scale tool.