3d prelim L2 Flashcards
Edit Mode is the main mode where modeling takes place. Edit Mode is used to edit the following types of objects:
Text objects
Modes used in modeling
Object mode
Sculpt Mode
Object Mode
Supports basic operations such as object creation, joining objects, managing shape
keys, and UV/color layers.
Object mode
A mode for editing an object’s shape (vertices/edges/faces for meshes, control points for curves/surfaces, points/strokes for Grease Pencil, etc.).
Edit mode
Provides an alternative toolset for editing an object’s shape (only for meshes).
Sculpt Mode
With meshes, everything is built from three basic structures: vertices, edges and faces.
The most elementary part of a mesh is the vertex, a single point or position in 3D space and are represented in the 3D Viewport in Edit Mode as small dots.
always connects two vertices by a straight line and the “wires” you see when you look at a mesh in a wireframe view. They are usually invisible on the rendered image. They are used to construct faces.
used to build the actual surface of the object. They are what you see when you render the mesh. If this area does not contain a face, it will simply be transparent or nonexistent in the rendered image.
it the loops
are an important concept, especially in organic (subsurface) modeling and character animation. When used correctly, they allow you to build models with relatively few vertices that look very natural
when used as subdivision surfaces and deform very well in animation.
Edge Loops
In face select mode, holding Alt while selecting an edge selects a loop of faces that are connected in a line end-to-end, along their opposite
face loops
A common object type used in a 3D scene is a mesh. Blender comes with a number of
“______” mesh shapes from which you can start modeling. You can also add ____ in Edit Mode at the 3D cursor.
Primitives contents
UV Sphere
a single quad face, which is composed of four vertices, four edges, and one face. It is like a piece of paper lying on a table; it is not a three-dimensional object because it is flat and has no thickness.
contains eight vertices, twelve edges, and six faces, and is a three-dimensional object. Objects that can be created out of cubes include dice, boxes, or crates.
set of Vertices, The number of vertices that define the circle or polygon. And Fill Type, Set how
the circle will be filled.
is made out of quad faces and a triangle fan at the top and bottom.
It can be used for texturing.
UV Sphere
a polyhedral sphere made up of triangles. Icospheres are normally used to achieve a more isotropical layout of vertices than a UV sphere, in other words, they are uniform in every direction.
3 types of select in Toolbar | Mesh Edit Mode tools:
Select Box
Select Circle
Select Lasso
Mesh Edit Mode tools:
Add Cube
Extrude Region
Inset Faces
Loop Cut
Change the location of the 3D Cursor.
Translation tool.
Rotation tool.
Scale tool or Scale Cage, Change the scale of an object by controlling its cage.
Tool to adjust the object’s translation, rotations, and scale.
Draw free-hand annotation. Sets of annotated Lines, Polygon, and Eraser
calculate distances in the scene.
Interactively add a cube mesh object. A set of add cubes are added Cone, Cylinder, UV
Sphere, and Icosphere.
Add Cube
Extend the selected region together freely or along an axis.
Extrude Region
add selected faces.
Inset Faces
Create a bevel from the selected elements.
Create a knife cut in the mesh. Press enter to confirm the cut.
Create a loop cut along the mesh. Or Offset Edge Loop Cut Add two edge loops on either
side of selected loops.
Loop Cut
Extrusion tools duplicate vertices, while keeping the new geometry connected with the original vertices. Vertices are turned into edges and edges will form faces.
Extrude Region
by default along their averaged normal. The extrusion can be limited to a single axis by
specifying an axis; see Axis Locking.
Faces are extruded
Interactively places new vertices with Ctrl-RMB at the mouse cursor position.
Extrude to Cursor
This tool is very similar to Extrude Faces but enables Dissolve Orthogonal Edges by default. This causes the tool to automatically split and remove adjacent faces when extruding inwards.
Extrude Manifold
If you have two vertices selected and already connected with an edge, Ctrl-RMB click will create a planar face, also known as a quad. Blender will follow your mouse cursor and will use the planar view from your viewport to create those quads.
Creating Faces
This tool splits a loop of faces by inserting new
edge loops intersecting the chosen edge.
Loop Cut
tool uses many built operators in an interactive
way to add, delete, or move geometry. This is extremely useful for retopology.
Poly Build
Only displays the edges of the objects in the scene.
This mode utilizes the Workbench Render Engine to render the 3D Viewport. It shows solid geometry but uses simplified shading and lighting without the use of shader nodes.
Render the 3D Viewport with EEVEE and an HDRI environment. This mode is particularly suited for previewing materials and painting textures.
Material Preview
Render the 3D Viewport using the scene’s Render Engine, for interactive rendering. This gives you a preview of the final result, including scene lighting effects.
Selection Modes in edit mode
In this mode vertices are shown as points. Selected vertices are displayed in orange,
unselected vertices in black, and the active or last selected vertex in white.
In this mode the vertices are not shown. Instead the selected ____ are displayed in orange,
unselected edges black, and the active or last selected edge in white.
In this mode the ____ are displayed with a selection point in the middle which is used for selecting a ___. Selected faces and their selection point are displayed in orange, unselected faces are displayed in black, and the active or last selected face is highlighted in