contemp world of region review Flashcards
A regional concertation of economic flows and it is a process and must be treated as an “emergent, socially constituted phenomenon”.
It is examine in relation to identities, ethics, religion, ecological sustainability and health.
Are “a group of countries located in the geographically
specified are” or “an amalgamation of two regions or a combination
of more than two regions” organized to regulated and “oversee flows
and policy choices”
They said that “a group of countries located in the geographically
specified are” or “an amalgamation of two regions or a combination
of more than two regions”
Edward D. Mansfield & Helen V. Milner.
Formed during the cold war when several western European countries
his the united states agreed to protect Europe against the treat of the
soviets union.
Military Defense North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Some are large enough and have a lot of resources to dictate
how they participate in process of global integration.
Economic And Political Respond Of Countries To Globalization
Other countries make up for their small size by taking advantage
of their strategies location.
Economic And Political Respond Of Countries To Globalization
A regional alliance created by soviet union
Warwas Pak
imploded in December 1991 but NATO remains in place.
Soviet union
- Miliraty Defense North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato)
- Pool their resources get better return For Their Explorts And Expact Their Leverage Againts Trading Partners.
- Protect Their Independence The Pressure If Super Pons Politics.
- Economic Creasis Compels Countries To Come Together
It was established in 1960 by Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabic to regulate and
Oraganization of the Petrolenm Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Created by Egypt, China, India, Indonesia and Yu-Goslavia in 1961 to pursue
world peace and international cooperation, human rights, national
government, racial and national equality, non-intervention and peaceful
conflict resolution.
With 120 member countries.
Non- Aligned Movement (NAM)
Because this association repulsed to side with either first world countries
capitalist democracy in western Europe and north American or communist
states in easter Europe.
Non- Aligned Movement (NAM)
developed in 1980s as a way of showing how the world was
geographically split into relatively richer and poorer nations.
Brandt line
When did the North-South Divide?
Cold War of the mid 20th century.
What line divide the north and south divide?
The Equator
Who has suffered from the north south divide?
The idea of the South was placed firmly on the table by the famous Italian
Antonio Gramsci
forged a “world-system
approach” that made the “modern/traditional” binary.
Immanuel Wallerstein
originally coined in times of the Cold War to
distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO)
nor with the East, the Communist bloc.
Third World
the product of economic interaction, not political planning.
As a result of successful, outward-oriented growth strategies, Asian economist
have grown not only richer but also closer together.
Asian Regionalism
Trans Pacific Partnership
in 1968, the association of Southeast Asian Nations was born with five
original members:
Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.
in what year does the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting was institutionalized with the goal of monitoring and analyzing regional markets and institutions as well as governing rules and norms for facilitating
transparent and efficient business transactions in the region.
The year when the ASEAN plus Three (Japan, Korea, and China) was instituted
The year when the East Asian Summit decided to add two more members, the
United States and Russia.
-The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) grew in this year.
-also marked by the vigorous and deep advances into the region by two
giants, China and the United States
is the process of international integration arising from the
interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects, such as
technology, etc.
globalization promotes the integration of economics
across state borders all around the world but regionalization is precisely
the opposite because it is dividing an area into smaller segments.
as to nature
globalization allows many companies to trade on
international level so it allows free market but in’ regionalized system,
monopolies are likely to develop.
As to market
globalization accelerate to
multiculturalism by free and inexpensive movement of people but,
regionalization does not support this.
As to cultural ‘and societal relations,
globalized international community is also more willing to come to
the aid of a country stricken by a natural disaster but, a regionalized system
does not involved in the affairs of other areas.
As to aid
globalization has driven great advances in technology but advanced technology is rarely available in one country or
The center of gravity of the global economy is shifting to Asia.
As to technological advances,
is now so important to the world economy that it must also play a
larger role in global economic leadership.
rise is unprecedented. The region is home to over half the
world’s population, produces three tenths of global output , and
consistently records the world’s highest economic growth rates.
Asia’s economic
is primarily motivated by the desire to advance
welfare in the region, it would not do so by detracting from
development elsewhere.
Asian regionalism
How regionalism can benefit Asia
- link the competitive strengths of its diverse economies
- connect the region’s capital markets
- cooperate in setting exchange rate and macroeconomic policies
- pool the region’s foreign exchange reserves
- exercise leadership in global decision making
- build connected infrastructure and collaborate on inclusive
development - create regional mechanisms
countries created the Non-Aligned Movement
Egypt, China, India, Indonesia and Yu-Goslavia