Mokuna 8 Ka Papaʻōlelo Flashcards
lid (anything used to securely close something)
ke pani [kikino]
to hear
ka lohe [hamani]
cow, beef
ka pipi [kikino]
to mix individually identifiable things together
ka hoʻohuihui [hamani]
your (2 persons)
kā ʻolua [kaʻi nonoʻa]
your (more than 2)
kā ʻoukou [kaʻi nonoʻa]
cool after being hot
ka maʻalili [ʻaʻano]
- to forcefully knock over; 2. to take down in wrestling, to tackle in football
ke kūlaʻi [hamani]
indicates an action or condition that will be completed
e - ana (1) [māka painu]
coconut tree
ke kumu niu [kikino]
indicates an action or condition in the process of reaching completion now
ke - nei/ala [māka painu]
to salt (sprinkle with fingers as in salting fish with Hawaiian salt), to sprinkle something other than salt in this way
ke kāpī [hamani]
evening meal
ka ʻaina ahiahi [kikino]
indicates an action or condition as completed
ua [māka painu]
- poi; 2. taro; 3. starch food
ka ʻai [kikino]
to fall down from something off the ground
ka hāʻule [hehele]
two hundred twenty-two
ʻelua haneli iwakāluakūmālua
ʻo nehinei [iʻoa paku]
to converse, talk
ke kamaʻilio [hamani]
to love
ke aloha [hamani]
your (1 person)
kāu [kaʻi nonoʻa]
ke kuke
ka hoʻomoʻa [hamani]
food, eaten with starch, e.g., fish, chicken, etc.
ka iʻa [kikino]
indicates an action or condition predicted to occur
e [māka painu]
one hundred ten, one hundred and ten
hoʻokahi haneli ʻumi
indicates a constant truth, a habit
Ø [māka painu]
pork (pig flesh)
ka ʻiʻo puaʻa [kikino]
ke pola [kikino]
he ʻano iʻa
ke āholehole [kikino]
to take care of
ka mālama [hamani]
- house lot; 2. yard
ka pā hale [kikino]
to speak
ka ʻōlelo [hamani]
flesh of people, animals, fruit, tubers
ka ʻiʻo [kikino]
to cause to topple
ka hoʻohina [hamani]
cooked and ready to serve
ka moʻa [ʻaʻano]
- fence, (rock) wall; 2. enclosed outside area
ka pā [kikino]
- wharf; 2. bridge
ka uapo [kikino]
to mix fine particles with liquid to form a semi-liquid as done with poi
ka hoʻowali [hamani]
to have been toppled over, knocked over
ka hina [ʻaʻano]
salt - NaCl
ka paʻakai [kikino]
to specifically sprinkle salt on something
ke kāpī paʻakai [hamani]
to fall down while walking or running
ka palahuli [hehele]
a [ʻami nonoʻa iki]
ka lumi kuke [kikino]
to buy, sell
ke kūʻai [hamani]
- animal; 2. “meat” (not chicken or fish)
ka holoholona [kikino]
penetrated by salt to produce a good taste
ka miko [ʻaʻano]
for fine particles to be mixed with a liquid to a smooth consistency
ka wali [ʻaʻano]
indicates an action or condition in the process of reaching completion either in the present, past or future
e - ana (2) [māka painu]
to depart, leave, abandon
ka haʻalele [hamani]
ke pā [kikino]
ka hale kaʻa [kikino]
ka niu [kikino]
one hundred one, one hundred and one
hoʻokahi haneli me ʻekahi
ka hāʻawi [hamani]
one hundred eight, one hundred and eight
hoʻokahi haneli me ʻewalu
full (of food)
ka māʻona [ʻaʻano]
to go home
ka hoʻi [hehele]