Migration: British Control of India Flashcards
What did the European countries realise in the early stages of the trade that helped them gain land?
By helping certain Hindu princes (through providing weapons and soldiers), they could affect the outcomes of the war and the Princes could defeat their enemies. They could then demand rewards from the Princes, such as land and goods
Why did the European countries want to trade with India?
India is rich in natural resources:
- iron ore
- silk
- copper
- silver
Any country who would trade with them could potentially become rich and powerful
Which company ran the British trading posts?
East India Company
Who was Robert Clive and what did he do?
- joined EIC army and proved himself to be ruthless and effective leader
- Won the Battle of Plassey whilst he was the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bengal 1764-67
- greed and mismanagement led to the Bengal Famine in which 10 million dead
- criticised in Parliament for corruption in 1772
Who was Warren Hastings and what did he do?
- First Governor General of India
- strengthened British control in India, helping establish it as a part of the British Empire
- Reorganised its tax systems, tightened corruption laws, dealt with theiving gangs
- faced accusations of corruption, mismanagement and poor military judgement
When did the EIC’s monopoly on India end?
Who were the sepoys?
Local Indian soldiers hired by the EIC
Why were the sepoys discontent?
- many felt mistreated
- little hope of promotion
- often the first sent to dangerous placed to fight
- felt pressured to convert to Christianity
Why did the Sepoys decide to rebel?
- in 1857, a new rifle was introduced, which the Sepoys had to bite to load it off
- but the grease used to lubricate the cartridge was a mix of pig and beef fat, which Muslims and Indians found disrespectful to their religion
Describe the events of the Indian rebellion of 1857?
- sepoys objected to cartridges but were ignored
- 9 may 1857: Meerut, 85 sepoys refused to use the cartridges } 10 years jail
- 10 May 1857: Other sepoys rose up in support of the prisoners and broke them out of jail
- British officers killed and British horses set on fire
- situation escalated rapidly and many others rebelled
What was the aftermath of the rebellion?
- B gov. took over the rule of India from the EIC
- new gov. department set up and Viceroy ran it
- limited Indians given government jobs
- Unis established in Mumbai, Calcutta and Madras
What were the events of 1857 called in Britain?
Indian Mutiny
What were the events of 1857 called in India?
War of Independence
How did the Indian rebellion of 1857 improve the lives of the Indians?
British stopped tryin gto interfere in their religion and way of life + gave a voice in Politics
What was the economic impact of the British control of India?
- B made a fortune from trading India’s raw materials
–> created jobs for both B and I in shipping, transportation and sales - B introduced an irrigation system for Indian countryside - increased land available for farming
- introduced coal mining
What was the health impact of the British control of India?
- B introduced a vaccine + treatments to combat killer diseases such as malaria and smallpox
- improve sewage systems + water supplies
- life expectancy increased
- BUT devastating famines hit Indians, which was blamed on the B who replaced food crops with cash crops farming
How many km of railways did the B build?
30,000km +
Why were the railways built?
To access goods and so people can travel more efficiently across the country
Describe the legal system built by the B
- Based on Britain, but parts of muslim and hindu law were built into the system
- Hindu and Muslim judges ensured that the British didn’t forget about Indian customs and traditions whilst dealing with legal matters
Where were the three high courts of the Indian Legal system?
Madras, Calcutta and Bombay
What was the impact of the British raj of India?
- raw materials from India converted into goods in Britain and sold back into the Empire
- created many jobs + B made vast fortunes
- Indian army fought in both wars
- Indian words became more commonly used and architectural style was used widely
How did the education system lead to more liberal views of Indians?
- learning of English Language spread
- which meant Indians had more access to knowledge in science, humanities and literature
- allowing them access to more liberal views