Microbiology Of Milk, Water And Air Flashcards
What are the milk proteins
Whey protein
Casein and pH relation
As the pH falls casein falls and milk curdles as it sours
What is whey protein
It is a group of proteins
Main protein that used in the cheese making
Forms a complex with K-casein when milk is heated
Milk carbohydrates
Mastitis Reduce Lactose Secretion
What is Mastitis Reduces Lactose Secretion
Causes lactose to combine irreversibly with the milk proteins—> reduces the nutritional value
Why temperature of the milk is important
Yeasts, moulds and a broad spectrum of bacteria can grow in milk particularly at temperatures above 16 Celsius
Bacterial types commonly associated with milk
Brucella— Brucelliasis— Pathogenic
Staphylococcus aureus— Oppurtunistic pathogen
S.agalactiae— pathogenic
Mycobacterium tuberculosis— pathogenic
How microbial growth can be controlled
By cooling the milk
Milk pasteurization
Milk is heated to a temperature sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, but well below its boiling point
This also kills many non-pathogenic organisms and thereby extends the storage stability of the milk
Little effect on the nutritive value of milk
Why it is important to control the use of antibiotics in cows
Long term useage of antibiotics can cause inducing the growth hormone of the animal
Which causes selective pressure on the vulnerable microorganisms which end up being killed
Resistant ones will live — Grow and pass to our body—untreatable patients due to antibiotics resistance
Which pathogenic microorganisms found in the mastitis of the cow
Staphylococcus Aureus
Which pathogenic microorganisms in cow contaminated fecally
Campylobacter Jejuni
Human originated milk infections
Salmonella Typhi
Shigella Spp.
Streptococcus Pyogenes
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Animal originated milk infections
Brucella spp.
Bovine tuberculosis
Campylobacter spp.
The main bacterial disease transmitted through drinking water
Sewage bacteria
-from feces of man and animals
Salmonella Typhi
Vibrio Cholera
E. Coli
Most important bacterial GIS disease transmitted via water is