Microbial Growth Flashcards
Describe the difference between the four major temperature preferences for a living organism
Psychrophiles : icy waters 10-20
Mesophiles: body temp 37-45
Thermophiles: hot springs 60-80
Hyperthermophiles: ocean vents above boiling 90-95
Which group of organisms are typically human pathogens
Which class of organisms is the most dangerous for food spoilage
Cold tolerant mesophiles
Explain the pH requirements for growth of micro organisms:
Acidophiles: below ph 2.0
Neutrophiles: 6.5-7.5 ph
Alkaliphiles: 8.5-11 ph
How does osmotic pressure of them at growth of the micro organism
HiGh salt causes sell to lose water and inhibit the growth
What is plasmolysis? And why might this reduce cellular growth?
Concentration of the plasma membrane of a cell due to water loss
What is a halophile?
Loves salt
Explain the oxygen requirements of the following types of organisms
Obligate aerobes
Obligate anaerobes
Facultative anaerobes
Aerotolerant anaerobes
Obligate aerobes:
Must use oxygen cellular respiration
Obligate anaerobes: Must live without oxygen fermentation
Facultative anaerobes: Optional without oxygen
Aerotolerant anaerobes: Without oxygen but tolerant
Microaerphiles: Small amount of oxygen
If you ate some thing and got salmonella what type of organism would it be present
Acid tolerant neutrophiles
Predict the metabolic and oxygen tolerant characteristics of the following organisms
For an obligate Aerobe
Would it have an electron transport chain
would it have catalase
will it have a super oxide dismutase
what is the final electron acceptor during cellular respiration
does it need to use the citric acid cycle to generate energy or wouldn’t rely mostly on glycolysis
citric acid cycle
For an obligate anaerobes
Electron transport chain
if it has an electron transport chain or the final electron except or B oxygen no and no
if it has an electron transport chain what is the general pathway it would use to generate energy
does it have catalase no no does it have super oxide dismutase
For facultative anaerobes
Prefers oxygen
Does it have an electron transport chain if so what is the electron transport chain spinal electron acceptor
Yes oxygen (cellular respiration 38 ATP / 1 glucose)
Can it carry out fermentation (2 atp /1 glucose)
Does it have catalase and does it have super oxide dismutase
Yes and yes
Aerotolerant anaerobes
Does it have an electron transport chain
does it use the citric acid cycle
what pathway is most likely to provide the most energy
does it have catalase are super oxide dismutase
Yes because it tolerates air
Does it have an electron transport chain
does it use the citric acid cycle
does it have catalase/super oxide dismutase
Yes but week possibly or lack of enzymes
Explain why the atmosphere of earth has oxygen in it and why our atmosphere does not resemble that of Mars or Venus
The development of photosynthesis oxygenated earths atmosphere cyanobacteria involved photosynthesis
Describe the difference between selective and differential media
Selective media inhibits or kills bacteria you don’t want
differential media mix cultures of bacteria look different on plates and has a pH indicator