meiosis Flashcards
asexual reproduction
Produces clones (genetically identical)
Single parent
Little variation in population, only through mutations
Fast and energy efficient
sexual reproduction
Meiosis produces gametes (sex cells)
2 parents: male/female
Lots of variation/diversity
Slower and energy consumptive
segments of DNA that code for basic units of heredity
how do offspring acquire genes from parents?
inheriting chromosomes
Somatic (body) cell
2n = 46 chromosomes
Each pair of homologous chromosomes includes 1 chromosome from each parent
22 pairs of chromosomes that do not determine sex
sex chromosomes
X and Y
female chromosome pair
male chromosome pair
gametes chromosomes (and egg and sperm)
(n=23): 22 autosomes + 1 sex chromosome
Egg: 22 + X
Sperm: 22 + X or 22 + Y
meiosis =
reduction division
how many times do cells divide during meiosis
result of meiosis
4 daughter cells, each with half as many chromosomes as parent cell
meiosis basic phases
meiosis I (1st division)
prophase I
metaphase I
anaphase I
telophase I and cytokinesis
meiosis II (2nd division)
prophase II
metaphase II
anaphase II
telophase II
what is the purpose of meiosis I
1st division
what is the purpose of meiosis II
creates gametes
chromosomes replicate
prophase I
Synapsis: homologous chromosomes pair up
Tetrad = 4 sister chromatids
Crossing over at the chiasmata
metaphase I
tetrads line up
anaphase I
pairs of homologous chromosomes separate
(Sister chromatids still attached by centromere)
Telophase I & Cytokinesis:
Haploid set of chromosomes in each cell
Each chromosome = 2 sister chromatids
Some species: chromatin & nucleus reforms
prophase II
No interphase
No crossing over
Spindle forms
metaphase II
Chromosomes line up
anaphase II
sister chromatids seprate
telophase II
4 haploid cells
Nuclei reappear
Each daughter cell genetically unique
events unique to meiosis I
Prophase I: Synapsis and crossing over
Metaphase I: pairs of homologous chromosomes line up on metaphase plate
Anaphase I: homologous pairs separate 🡪 sister chromatids still attached at centromere
crossing over
Exchange genetic material
Recombinant chromosomes
sources of genetic information
independent assortment of chromosomes
crossing over
random fertilization
Independent Assortment of Chromosomes
Random orientation of homologous pairs in Metaphase I
number of possible combinations when chromosomes assort independently = 2n
223= 8.4 million possible
combinations to
create a gamete
Random Fertilization
Any sperm + Any egg
2^23 x 2^23 = 70 trillion combinations!
similarity between mitosis and meiosis
both are divisions of cell nucleus
Somatic cells
1 division
2 diploid daughter cells
From zygote to death
Purpose: growth and repair
No synapsis, crossing over
2 divisions
4 haploid daughter cells
Genetically different-less than 1 in 8 million alike
Females before birth follicles are formed. Mature ova released beginning puberty
Purpose: Reproduction
a picture of an organism’s complete set of chromosomes
how are karyotype’s arranged
from largest 🡪 smallest pair
purpose of karyotypes
used to determine genetic abnormalities
can cancer cells have abnormal chromosomes?
yes, abnormal NUMBER of chromosomes
HeLa Cells
Oldest and most commonly used human cell line
Cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks
HeLa Cells are an active version of
do HeLa Cells die
no, not even after a few divisions
what are HeLa Cells used in research for
Develop vaccine for polio, cancer, AIDS, virus, radiation research
in HeLa Cells, it was estimated that
cells produced in culture exceeded # cells in Henrietta’s body
ethical concerns about HeLa Cells
Controversy: Cells harvested without patient consent
“Discarded tissues can be commercialized” – sold for profit
Genome published in 2013 without family’s consent
“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot
life cycle
reproductive history of organism, from conception 🡪 production of own offspring
what processes alternate in sexual life cycles?
fertilization and meiosis
combine gametes (sperm + egg)
Fertilized egg = zygote (2n)
Zygote divides by mitosis to make multicellular diploid organism