Medical And Applied Science Terms Flashcards
cardiology (kar de-ol’o-je)
Branch of medical science dealing with the heart and heart diseases.
cytology (sitol’o-je)
Study of the structure
dermatology (der”mah-tol’o-je)
Study of the skin and its diseases.
endocrinology (en”do-kri-nolo-je)
Study of hormones
epidemiology (ep”I-de me-olo-je)
Study of the factors determining the distribution and frequency of health-related conditions in a defined human population.
gastroenterology (gas tro-en’ter-ol’o-je)
Study of the stomach and intestines and their diseases.
geriatrics (jer’e-at’riks)
Branch of medicine dealing with older individuals and their medical problems.
gerontology (jer’on-tol’o-je)
Study of the aging process.
gynecology (gin-kolo-je)
Study of the female reproductive system and its diseases.
hematology (hem’ah-tolo-je)
Study of the blood and blood diseases.
histology (his-tolo-je)
Study of the structure and function of tissues. Histology and cytology are subdivisions of microscopic anatomy. immunology (im’u-nolo-je)
nephrology (ni-frol’o-je)
Study of the structure, function, and diseases of the kidneys.
neurology (nu-rol’o-je)
Study of the nervous system and its disorders.
obstetrics (ob-stetriks)
Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy and childbirth.
oncology (ong-kolo-je)
Study of cancers.