Mediastinum, blood vessels and nerves Flashcards
What is the inferior border of the mediastinum
What is the superior border of the mediastinum
superior thoracic aperture
What is the posterior border of the mediastinum
the bodies of the thoracic vertebra
What is the anterior border of the mediastinum
manubrium and sternum
What are the 2 halves of the mediastinum
inferior and superior half
What are the 3 compartments of the inferior half of the mediastinum
anterior, middle and posterior
What are the boundaries of the superior mediastinum
Anterior: manubrium
Posterior: T1-T4
Superior: Thoracic inlet and first rib
Inferior: sternal angle
Where is the oesphagus in relation to the trachea
posterior to the trachea
Which nerve innervates the diaphragm
the phrenic nerve
What is the mnemonic to remember the contents of the mediastinum
What does the BATS & TENTS mnemonic stand for
Brachiocephalic vein
Arch of aorta branches
Thymus (children)
Superior vena cava
Thoracic duct
Nerves (vagus, phrenic, recurrent laryngeal)
What are the parts of the thoracic aorta
ascending aorta, arch of aorta and descending aorta
What is to the left and right of the aorta
left - pulmonary trunk. Right - superior vena cava
What are the aorta’s branches
the coronary arteries - arise where it starts
What is beneath the aortic arch
pulmonary trunk, left main bronchus and left pulmonary veins
What does the pulmonary trunk divide in to
2 pulmonary arteries
What is to the right of the aortic arch
the trachea
What are the 3 arteries that arise from the aortic arch
brachiocephalic trunk, common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery
What does the brachiocephalic trunk bifuricate in to
the right subclavian and the right common carotid artery
What forms the superior vena cava
the right and left brachiocephalic veins
What branches does the subclavian artery give off
the thyrocervical, the vertebral and the internal thoracic artery
Where does the subclavian artery give off its branches
before passing behind the anterior scalene muscle
What is the route of the subclavian artery
it arches over the upper surface of the first rib, passing behind the anterior scalene muscle
Where does the internal thoracic artery run
It runs runs down and forward over the dome of the pleura and passes behind the first costal cartilage
Where does each thoracic artery run
Each thoracic artery passes behind the first rib and runs down the chest wall, just lateral to the sternum, in front of the transversus thoracis muscle
What does the thoracic arteries branches supply
the anterior chest wall
What is the thoracic artery’s distal continuation known as
the superior epigastric artery
what does the superior epigastric artery supply
the upper part of the anterior abdominal wall
What is the relation of the esophagus to the descending aorta
The esophagus lies medial to it in the upper half and then in front of it in the lower half.
What branches does the descending aorta give off
series of posterior intercostal arteries (one for each intercostal space, except the first 2)
What does each posterior intercostal artery pass
along the deep aspect of an internal intercostal muscle (by the groove)
What are the azygous veins
the veins found in the wall of the thorax. It joins the vena cava from behind, just before the vena cava enters the pericardium.
What are the major contributors to the superior vena cava
the subclavian and internal jugular veins
How is the superior vena cava formed
On each side, the subclavian vein joins with the internal jugular behind the medial end of the clavicle forming the brachiocephalic vein. The 2 brachiocephalic veins enter the thorax and unite, forming the superior vena cava.
What is the subclavian vein
the principle vein of the upper extremity
What is the internal jugular vein
the principle vein of the head and neck
Where does the subclavian vein run
The subclavian vein comes up from beneath the pectoralis minor and passes beneath the clavicle. The subclavian vein passes over the flat anterior part of the first rib. The dome of the pleura is just behind and beneath the subclavian vein.
Where is the omohyoid muscle
in front of the jugular vein
What separates the subclavian vein from the subclavian artery
the anterior scalene muscle
Where does the internal jugular vein lie
in front of the common carotid artery and lateral to it
Where does the superior vena cava lie
to the right of the mid-line. It passes straight downwards and enters the pericardial sac
Where do the brachiocephalic veins run
pass downward into the thorax behind the manubrium
Compare the length of the left and right brachiocephalic vein
To the right is short and runs straight downward (due to superior vena cava being to the right) and the left is longer and runs obliquely.
What is to the left and behind the superior vena cava
left - ascending aorta
behind - trachea
Where do the azygous veins begin
below the diaphragm and run up along the right side of the vertebral column
Where do the azygous veins receive blood from
from the posterior and lateral parts of the chest wall
On the right which veins enter into the azygous veins
the posterior intercostal veins
On the left side where do the posterior intercostal veins empty into it
the 2 hemiazygous veins which in turn empty into the azygous
What does the vagus nerve supply
the parasympathetic supply for all the organs of the abdomen
How does the phrenic nerve run on the left side
The phrenic nerve runs down on the front of the anterior scalene muscle and passes in front of the subclavian artery and behind the subclavian vein. On the left side, it then runs downward in the mediastinum (just beneath the pleura) in front of the root of the lung, close to the superior vena cava and right atrium. It then passes through the diaphragm
How does the phrenic nerve run on the right side
Same as left but it passes over the aorta, pulmonary trunk and left ventricle
Where dies the vagus nerve run
lies behind and between the internal jugular vein and the common carotid artery. It passes in front of the subclavian artery.
What branch does the vagus nerve give off on the right
the right recurrent laryngeal
Where does the right recurrent laryngeal run
curls round the subclavian artery and passes upwards to the larynx
Where does the right vagus nerve run
it passes downwards and backwards, close to the trachea to reach the oesophagus. It breaks up into several branches as it runs down the oesophagus
Where does the left vagus nerve run
, it crosses the arch of the aorta and passes backward to run down alongside the oesophagus and through the diaphragm
Where does the left recurrent laryngeal branch run
it curls around the arch of the aorta to return to the neck.
What are the intercostal nerves a direct continuation of
the anterior rami of the thoracic spinal nerves
What do the intercostal nerves innervate
give motor innervation to the intercostal muscles and sensory innervation to the chest wall.
Where does the sympathetic trunk run
alongside the vertebral column, from T1 to sacrum
What is the thickening in the sympathetic trunk
What are the rami communicants
The fine connections between the sympathetic trunk and the anterior rami of the spinal nerves
What are the splanchnic nerves
The nerves passing medially from the sympathetic trunk on their way to the celiac and mesenteric ganglia