Abdominal cavity: greater and lesser sacs and viscera Flashcards
What is an intraperitoneal organ
it is going to be suspended within the peritoneal cavity - suspended by a mesentery
What forms is a mesentery
a layer of parietal peritoneum (lining the body wall) that is reflected from the posterior abdominal wall
What is a mesentery called if it descend part of the colon
a mesocolon according to the part of the colon (e.g., transverse mesocolon)
What are the mesenteries that suspend the stomach called
What is the peritoneum called when it is contact with the organ
visceral peritoneum
What is the peritoneum called when its in contact with the abdominal wall
parietal peritoneum
What is a retroperitoneal organ
organ that is partially covered with peritoneum
How was the colon created as a secondary retroperitoneal organ
The whole of the gastrointestinal tract was suspended by the dorsal mesentery, but when the small intestine elongated and got bigger they pushed parts of the GI tract to the sides. So ascending and descending colon and the duodenum were pushed against the posterior abdominal wall. As they got pushed to the posterior abdominal wall, the mesentery laid along side the parietal peritoneum of the posterior abdominal wall
Where does the layer of parietal peritoneum on the abdomen wall run
over the superior surface of the bladder then forms a pouch between bladder and rectum (in male) and a pouch between the bladder and the uterus and the rectum (in female).
Where is there a layer of peritoneum that runs along the posterior abdominal wall
runs along the posterior abdominal wall that lies anterior to the duodenum and then anterior to the pancreas (essentially lines the abdominal pelvic cavity).
Where is the visceral peritoneum in relation to the liver
It lines the underside of the diaphragm, then runs towards the liver, we have visceral peritoneum running on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver and going under, onto this visceral surface
What is the anterior coronary ligament
reflection of the peritoneum from the liver towards the lesser curvature of the stomach.
What does the anterior coronary ligament form
forms one of the layers of the lesser omentum, this layer then runs over the stomach and goes and forms the greater omentum
Describe the greater omentum
has an anterior layer that doubles back on itself to form a posterior layer that runs over the surface of the transverse colon, then heads towards the pancreas and reflects back to form the transverse mesocolon
What creates the posterior coronary ligament
a layer of peritoneum on the surface of the liver, is reflected to the diaphragm and then runs back along the diaphragm
Where does the posterior coronary ligament run
This layer of peritoneum runs over the pancreas and joins to a layer of peritoneum coming from the greater omentum towards the posterior abdominal wall
Where does the inferior recess of the lesser sac run
passes down in between the layers of the greater omentum
What is the lesser omentum split into
the hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments
Where does the lesser omentum run
Runs from the liver to the first part of the duodenum and the liver to the lesser curvature
Where does the greater omentum run
from the greater curvature of the stomach and is then doubled back on itself to run over the transverse colon
How many layers of peritoneum are there superior to the transverse colon
6, which fuse together
Inferior to the transverse colon how many layers of peritoneum are there
What organs are in the foregut
stomach, spleen and liver
What supplies the organs of the foregut
the coealiac trunk
What is the coeliac trunk
a short unpaired artery that has come off the abdominal aorta
Where does the coeliac trunk branch off the aorta
at approximately T12
Where does the gastric artery run
towards and down the lesser curvature of the stomach, small branch that goes up the top of esophagus
What does the splenic artery supply
the spleen
Where does the splenic artery run
runs posterior to the stomach and once it emerges from behind the stomach it extends to the spleen where it gives off numerous branches to give arterial blood to the spleen
When the splenic artery arrives at the spleen, before it enters the hilum, what does it do
gives off a series of short gastric arteries which are responsible for supplying the fundus and posterior aspects of the stomach
What artery does the gastric artery give off
the left gastroepiploic artery
What does the left gastroepiploic artery supply
The greater curvature
Where does the left gastroepiploic artery run
along the greater curvature
What does the common hepatic artery divide into
the hepatic artery proper and the gastro duodenal artery
Where does the hepatic artery proper extend to
the liver
What does the hepatic artery proper divide into
left hepatic and right hepatic artery and the right gastric artery
What branch does the right hepatic artery give off
the cystic artery which goes to the gall bladder
Where does the right gastric artery run
to the lesser curvature of the stomach
What artery does the right gastric artery anastomose with
left gastic artery
Where does the gastroduodenal artery run
passes posterior to the right gastric, and continues posterior towards the duodenum and passes under it
Before the gastroduodenal passes underneath the duodenum what branch does it give off
supraduodenal artery
What does the supraduodenal artery supply
the superior aspect of the duodenum
What branches does the gastroduodenal artery give off after it has passed underneath the duodenum
the right gastroepiploic artery and superior pancreatico duodenal artery
Where does the right gastroepiploic artery run
runs around the greater curvature then anastomoses with the left gastroepiploic artery
Where does the superior pancreatico duodenal artery run
runs to both the duodenum and the pancreas, can split into posterior and anterior parts
What is the periotneum
a thin serous membrane
What does the peritoneum provide
a continuous lining for the abdominopelvic cavity
What does the pelvic brim mark
the arbitrary boundary between the abdominal and pelvic cavities
What is between the visceral and parietal peritoneum
serous fluid
Where is the greater omentum attached
to the whole length of the greater curve
Where is the lesser omentum attached
along the lesser curve, to the underside of the liver and underside of the diaphragm. It extends to thee duodenum where it has a free lower border
What is behind the lesser omentum
the omental bursa (lesser sac) that continues behind the stomach
What is between the layers of the greater omentum
Where does the greater omentum hang free
in front of the coils of the small intetsine
On the back, where is the greater omentum attached
to the front of the transverse colon
What is the gastrocolic ligament
The part of the greater omentum between the stomach and the transverse colon
If you divide the gastrocolic ligament what is below
the lesser sac
What are the 2 attachments of the foregut
the dorsal mesogastrium (behind) and the ventral mesogastrium (in front)
What does the liver develop in
the ventral mesogastrium
What does the spleen develop in
the dorsal mesogastrium
How is the lesser sac formed
The liver grows rapidly and presses against the wall, obliterating these layers of peritoneum, producing a pocket (the lesser sac)
What are the borders of the epiploic foramen
Anteriorly – hepatoduodenal ligament (free edge of the lesser omentum), posteriorly – IVC, superiorly – liver, Inferiroly – 1st part of duodenum
What is the epiploic foramen
The only opening into the lesser sac
Where does the dorsal mesogastrium hang
in front of the transverse colon
Where does the lesser sac lie behind
the lesser omentum, stomach and behind the gastrocolic ligament
What is the midgut continuous with in the embryo
vitelline duct or yolk stalk which later becomes obliterated
Which artery supplies the mid gut
the superior mesenteric artery
Which artery supplies the hindgut
the inferior mesenteric artery
Where does the falciform ligament run
runs from the highest part of the liver, down to the hepatic notch
What are the anterior attachments of the falciform ligament
attached to the anterior abdominal wall
What are the posterior border attachments of the falciform ligament
it hangs free to the umbilicus
What structure is in the free border of the falciform ligament
ligamentum teres
What is ligamentum teres a remnant of
the umbilical vein
What does ligamentum teres run
runs through the hepatic notch onto the underside of the liver
What are the attachments of ligamentum teres
attached to the underside of the diaphragm, attachment ends where right and left of the falciform ligament diverge
What is the coronary ligament
continuous with right side of falciform ligament, is a fold of periotneal attachment
What does the line of attachment of the falciform ligament to the hepatic notch divide the liver inti externally
small left lobe and large right lobe
Where is the coronary ligament on the back of the liver
surrounds an irregular bare area of the liver which lies directly lies on the underside of the diaphragm and the posterior abdominal wall
Where are the 2 triangular ligaments
they pass to the right and left near the top of the liver
Where does the left triangular ligament extend
up onto the diaphragm, a little beyond the tip of the left lobe
Where does the lower part of the lesser omentum arise from
the porta hepatis
What makes up the portal triad
Bile duct (anterior, right), Hepatic artery (anterior, left), portal vein (posterior)
What is the esophagogastric junction
the way into the stomach
What is the way out of the stomach called
the pylorus which leads to the duodenum
What is the narrow part of the stomach that leads to the pylous called
the pyloric antrum
Where is the fundus of the stomach
an upward and backward bulge, that sits right below the diaphragm
Describe the smooth muscle in the fundus
its smooth
What forms the stomach wall
outer smooth muscle layer and an inner layer of mucosa
Describe the smooth muscle layer in the pyloric antrum
is in longitudinal folds
What does the muscle form of the esophagogastric junction
a sphincter to prevent contents of stomach passing upwards
What does the muscle form at the pylorus
a sphincter that relaxes intermittently to let the contents of the stomach into the duodenum
What forms the common hepatic duct
right and left hepatic ducts
What joins the common hepatic duct
the cystic duct
How does the cystic duct run and what is its function
runs in a spiral and fills and empties the gall bladder
What is the common bile duct
passage for the bile from the cystic duct to the duodenum
What is the gall bladder
a resevoir for bile
Where does the lower part of the gall baldder hang
down below the free border of the liver
Where is the upper part of the gall baldder
Held against the underside of the liver by a sheet of peritoneum
What is the hepato-duodenal ligament
the thickened lower part of the lesser omentum (between liver and first part of duodenum)
What lies within the hepato-duodenal ligament, close to the epiploic foramen
the common bile duct
Where does the common bile duct pass down
behind the first part of the duodenum, as it nears the duodenum it is almost embedded in the back head of the pancreas
On the inside of the duodenum where does the bile duct pass
downward beneath the duodenal mucosa, creating a bulge
Where does the bile duct and main pancreatic duct open
at the duodenal papilla
Where is the spleen located
behind the 9th, 10th and 11th ribs. lying between the stomach and the ribcage
What is the function of the spleen
filters blood cells. Important to the immune system
What is the spleen covered in
peritoneum, except at the hilum
Where does the gastrosplenic ligament extend
to the greater curve of the stomach, is an upward continuation of the greater omentum
What are the 2 double fold that meet at the hilum of the spleen
one in front (the gastrosplenic ligament) and one behind (the lienorenal ligament)
What does the lienorenal ligament go
gives the spleen a loos connection to the left kidney
Where is the splenic flexure
the left flexure of the colon
What forms the foregut
Oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver biliary ducts and upper parts (1st and 2nd part) of the duodenum
What forms the midgut
The rest of the small intestine, cecum, appendix, ascending colon and proximal 2/3 of transverse colon
What forms the hindgut
distal 1/3 of the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum