Managing and Monitoring of reproduction Flashcards
What are the benefits of altering the breeding season?
allows sheep to lamb earlier (economical benefit)
What is the function of progesterone sponges?
can synchronise sheep to come into oestrus earlier on in the year
What are some advantages of using an artificial vagina?
Quick, Simple, gets a natural good quality ejaculate which is useful for artificial insemination
What are some disadvantages of using an artificial vagina?
It requires pheromones for teasing, it requires equipment and training and a skilled handler
What are the advantages of electroejaculation?
Requires no training or teaser and is safer
What are the disadvantages of electroejaculation?
Variable ejaculate quality, there are welfare concerns and it requires restraints
How can you sex semen?
X sperm contains more DNA, and this shows up on fluorescent testing (brighter sperm)
Whyw ould you intervene with breeding?
allows you to capitalize on genetics
Mazimise the output of breeding animals
and maximise economic efficiency
What are some ways you can detect heat?
Using aids such as tail paint
standing and watching
Testing for hormones
Making sure every animal is in synch
In what animals would you AI into the cervix?
Horse and cattle
In what animals would you AI directly into the vagina?
Pigs and dogs
How can you check in a mare that the cervix is ‘soft’ enough for AI?
Evaluate/ check the stages of the oestrus cycle
When could you inject prostaglandin to induce oestrus?
Only if the CL is more than 5 days old
What does HcG do?
Stimulates an LH surge
What hormone will stimulate a GNRH surge?
What is one way of correcting fertility issues in sub-fertile animals?
Breed them earlier
Around what day should you give pgf2 alpha?
around day 7- causes the progesterone to drop (oestrus occurs)
What is ovsynch?
Inducing ovulation (LH surge) by giving GnRH
then getting rid of the CL on day 7
What are some more advanced ways of insemination?
Embryo transfer, Cloning, IVF