Mammary glands and lactation Flashcards
What is mammogenesis?
How mammary glands are formed
What is isometric growth?
growth that occurs at the same rate for all tissues so that the shape is consistent
When does isometric growth occur for mammary glands?
From birth to puberty
What is allometric growth?
growth that is faster than the growth rate of other tissues
When is the fastest stage of mammary gland proliferation?
From conception to parturition
What is milk secretion?
synthesis of milk by the alveolar cell and its transfer from the alveolar cell into the alveolar lamina.
What two things does progesterone block?
Parturition and lactation
What is the function of oestrogen (in terms of lactation)?
High levels can prevent lactation
What does cortisol induce growth of?
Rough endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus
Why do we need golgi apparatus and RER in the epithelial cells?
allows prolactin to initiate lactation
What is the main function of prolactin?
Removes the progesterone block so that parturition can be initiated
What is galactopoiesis?
The maintenance of milk production
What two factors play a role in milk production?
Both hormonal and local
Where is prolactin produced from?
The anterior pituitary gland
What is prolactin inhibited by?
What does suckling do to dopamine?
It has an inhibitory effect
What hormone stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cells?