MACTAC Flashcards
What does MACTAC stand for?
Multi Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities
What is a MACTAC incident?
Extraordinary incident by law enforcement standards, unusual occurrences that exceed conventional law enforcement tactics and resources
- Active shooter
- Hostage siege
- Terrorist attack
What are the MACTAC objectives (4)
- Immediately switch from community policing/patrolling to a rapid response in minutes, not hours
- Provide seamless coordination between all responding agencies
- Effectively deal with simultaneous events
- To save lives
What two stations are always considered “In the box” squads?
- Airport
Officers assigned to “In the box” squads that do not arrive at the rally point prior to the squad leaving WILL or WILL NOT attempt to catch up or follow their squads, but will be assigned to the “Stay at home squad.”
Can units self dispatch to a MACTAC incident?
What two squads can augment “Stay at home” squads in protecting department assets?
What are the three responsibilities of the ‘Stay at home” squads during a MACTAC incident?
- Respond to critical calls in their area commands as directed by communications or chain of command
- Protect key department infrastructure
- Supervisors must ensure units do not respond to the incident without authorization
Once “In the box” squads leave their rally points they are considered MACTAC squads and can be broken down further into ___________ or buddy teams.
-Strike teams
“In the box” squads should be annotated on the daily line up and reminded when?
-During normal pre-shift briefing
The MACTAC squad is comprised of two or more _____________ and a ___________.
- Strike teams
- Squad leader
The squad leader has two or more ___________ to lead their respective teams, freeing the sergeant to control the entire squad and to make critical decisions at the direct point the incident is occurring.
-Team leaders
During a MACTAC incident on scene __________ and _____________ should assume initial overall Incident Command and tactical control as soon as practical.
-Sergeants and Lieutenants
When practical, squads should form and operate as _______________ to maximize effectiveness.
-Strike teams
MACTAC strike teams consist of who?
-4-5 commissioned officers
- The strike team is designed to fight as a team, and is a tactical element of a MACTAC squad
- Is a self contained team, which can act independently from the MACTAC squad
- Lead by a team leader who is a senior officer or designated by the supervisor
- May be broken down into two officer buddy teams
What are the missions of an assault team?
- First responders on scene moving to neutralize the immediate threat to save lives
- Assist teams already in contact with suspects
- SWAT teams will assume primary responsibilities upon arrival unless otherwise directed by the incident or tactical commander
What are the missions of a rescue team?
- Downed officer rescue
- Casualty collection point set up or evacuation as directed by the incident commander
What are the missions of a MACTAC containment team?
- Teams assigned to prevent the threat from expanding/retreating from an area of the initial threat or contained area
- These teams should be no smaller than a buddy team
What is the mission of a MACTAC force protection team?
-Protective details for incident command location, staging area, fire and medical teams, or for additional detail as dictated by incident commander
What is the mission of a MACTAC reconnaissance team?
Reconnaissance operations are undertaken to obtain information about the activities and resources of a suspect or potential suspect
- Monitor security cameras
- Provide over-watch to the area of operation of IC
What are the five different teams of a MACTAC incident?
- Assault
- Rescue
- Containment
- Force protection
- Reconnaissance
What are the phases of a MACTAC incident?
- MACTAC incident
- MACTAC activation/Operational phase
- Control Phase
- Investigative phase
All area command uniformed and non-uniformed personnel within an area under attack in a MACTAC type of incident will immediately respond to the primary incident scene to __________, ______________, and ________ the incident as quickly as possible.
- Assess
- Contain
- End
During a MACTAC incident, consideration should be made to request in the minimum amount of resources needed to end or contain an incident. Using ________ area command “In the box” squads first will ensure a more timely response and prevent ______________.
- Adjoining
- Over convergence
During a MACTAC notification what will area command personnel do?
- All area command units will clear from non-life threatening calls as soon as practical
- “In the box” squads will begin to head toward their rally points and start rally point procedures
- “Stay at home” supervisor SHOULD send units to infrastructure protection
During a MACTAC alert or activation what will area command personnel do?
- All area command units will clear from non-life threatening calls as soon as practical
- “In the box” squads will begin to head toward their rally points and start rally point procedures unless specifically ordered by the incident commander
- “Stay at home” supervisor WILL send units to infrastructure protection
- If on ALERT status will continue to monitor the situation and await further instructions
- If on ACTIVATION status squads will respond to the incident as instructed
On a MACTAC incident what may responding traffic units be utilized for?
- Perimeter units
- Escort duty
- Control of ingress and egress routes
- Coordination with other jurisdiction for additional resources
MACTAC salute report
Size Activity Location Uniform Time Equipment
Mactac Mission
To Save Lives
Develop a domestic police force which can continue to perform its day-to-day duties in a way that is acceptable within a free society but which can adapt
Quickly to an emerging new paradigm that assumes degraded communications emphasizes small team leadership and embraces decentralized command and control
Mactac Objective
Immediately switch from community policing/patrolling to a rapid response team in minutes not hours
Provide seamless coordination between all agencies
Effectively deal with simultaneous incidents
Save lives
Team Mission
Assault Rescue Containment Force protection Reconnaissance
First Officer Will
Sarge/LT Will Establish Incident Command to:
Contain The incident to a small area
Control and Identify resources entering
Salute Report
Size Activity Location Uniform Time Equipment
What is MACTAC
Multi Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities
The control phase of a mactac incident includes:
Ics formation Medical triage Neutralize devices Rescue Security
The investigative phase of a mactac incident includes:
Investigation Evidence gathering Debriefing Deactivation Grief counseling Litigation
The mactac activation phase of a mactac incident includes:
4 a's 4 c's Deployment Planning Intelligence