5/206.12 Crime Scene Investigations Flashcards
Who does the preliminary investigation of a crime scene normally lie with?
The patrol officer
When a ranking patrol officer arrives on a crime scene, in a supervisory capacity, what will he do?
- Assume responsibility for evaluating circumstances
- Directing and coordinating the efforts of those assigned
When should a detective be requested to a crime scene?
- Burglaries over $50,000
- Larcenies over $75,000
- Major robberies
- Kidnaps
- Extortions
- Sexual assaults
- Homicide
- Questionable deaths
- Elder or child abuse/neglect
- Crimes where investigators or detectives should assist with follow-up investigations
Violent crimes detectives will be requested for the preliminary investigation of what events?
- Homicides
- Fire deaths
The section conducting follow up to a crime will be notified when a suspect or victim meet what special criteria?
- Suspect or victim are considered high profile
- Suspect or victim are of media interest
- Suspect or victim are LVMPD employees
- Suspect or victim are law enforcement personnel from another jurisdiction
If a homicide is believed to be gang related, who will provide the briefing to homicide?
Detectives from the Gang Crime Section
Who provides the briefing to FIT after an officer involved shooting, in-custody death, or all uses of deadly force?
- Violent crimes section
- If violent crimes is unavailable, a patrol supervisor shall respond and provide the brief, or designate an officer to provide the brief
True or False
It is imperative that the first officers to arrive on a crime scene prevent the possibility of contamination or alteration of the crime and/or physical evidence present.
- True
- This responsibility includes the removal of all personnel, including officers, from within the perimeter of a crime scene area
At all crime scene that are a result of an OIS, in-custody death, or a use of deadly force, what color crime scene tape will be used for the inner perimeter?
Who is responsible for putting up that tape?
- Red
- Responding FIT detectives
Who must obtain authorization from the ranking FIT detective to enter the red crime scene taped area
All personnel, regardless of rank
Each officer regardless of rank must have an ________ _______ to enter a crime scene or the perimeter of a crime scene prior to it being processed by a CSA.
- Investigative need
- Mere curiosity, or for training purposes, will not suffice as a legitimate reason
A walk through of a crime scene can be done, only after a scene has been processed by a CSA, and with approval from who?
The ranking detective
When should a major incident log be completed by patrol?
All scenes where an investigative unit will be responding or conducting a follow-up investigation.
Who shall respond to the scene of all major incidents, and assume command from the ranking patrol officer at the scene?
The area sergeant or lieutenant
Who will be notified by the area sergeant with all of the details of all major incidents/scenes?
The watch commander
On a crime scene, personnel who are working in an acting supervisor capacity, are responsible for what?
-All the duties of the position they are acting in
If a CSA is requested to process the scene of a misdemeanor offense, who will properly book and seal any evidence?
-The investigating patrol officer
On all suicides, overdoses, natural or accidental deaths, who notifies the coroner?
The ranking patrol officer in charge of the scene
On all homicides and questionable deaths, who notifies the coroner?
-The ranking homicide detective in charge at the scene
On all FIT investigations involving a death, who notifies the coroner?
The ranking FIT detective in charge at the scene