6/002.02 Authorized Force Tools Description, Requirements, Uses and Considerations Flashcards
With minimal exception, only ___________________ weapons and training techniques shall be used
Officers should note that less lethal tool may result in a ________ outcome, or be ineffective when used appropriately.
Non-uniformed commissioned personnel the rank of lieutenant or below are required to carry at least one ___________________ on their person when on-duty.
Intermediate force option
-baton, OC spray or ECD
The requirement can be waived by their division commander
_______________ will carry all issued tools and equipment required by the policies of this agency.
Uniformed officers
After a new officer graduates the academy, when is the first time they are required to perform defensive tactics proficiency?
The quarter following the graduation
Officers will, when and to the extent reasonably possible, attempt to use _____________________ to control subjects before resorting to physical control methods.
-Verbal communication skills
What is the annual training requirements for empty hand tactics?
- Two hour DT training per quarter
- Lieutenants and below
Officers should only use empty hand tactics appropriate to the situation, which have been taught by who?
-Department defensive tactic instructors
What is the Nevada POST requirement for defensive tactic training?
- 8 hours per year
- Demonstrate proficiency with each tactic/tool they are authorized to use
In an attempt to minimize risk of injury to officers during arrest situations, when should subjects arrested be handcuffed?
-As soon as possible
When can a person be handcuffed?
-Investigative detention where one or more of the following exists
1. Articulable facts the subject is physically uncooperative
2. Articulable facts that a subjects actions on scene may present physical danger to themselves or others
3. Reasonable possibility of flight based on subject’s action’s
4. Information the subject is currently armed
5. The stop closely follows a violent crime and the subject matches specific parts of the description
6. Articulable facts that a crime of violence is about to occur
*Care and discretion should be used with extreme of ages during investigative detention
*The authority to handcuff only applies as long as the listed circumstances exist
-Suicidal persons
-During the service of a search warrant
-As is reasonably necessary in private property and commercial businesses
-Persons being transported to detox
-Detention personnel moving in-custody subjects
When responding to a security office, where a subject has already been placed in handcuffs prior to officer arrival, LVMPD handcuffs shall not place be placed on the subject until what has occurred?
-The officer conducts an independent investigation and has developed RAS or PC a crime has occurred
When will officers check for tightness and double lock handcuffs?
- As soon as it is safe to do so, prior to transport
- When a handcuffed subject first complains the handcuffs are too tight and/or hurting the subject
What are the approved uses of a baton or impact weapon?
- Striking
- Blocking
- Jabbing
- To apply control holds
- Passive/active escort techniques (ex. stirring the pot)
What are the disapproved uses of a baton or impact weapon? (5)
- A subject who poses no immediate threat will not be struck with a baton/impact tool
- Officers are discouraged from using their firearm as an impact tool
- due to the possibility of an unintentional discharge - Officers will use reasonable care to avoid striking
- head, neck, sternum, spine, groin or kidneys
- during non-deadly force situations - The use of instruments as weapons for the purpose of striking or jabbing is strongly discouraged (flashlight, radio)
- is only acceptable when other authorized force responses have been exhausted and are either ineffective or unavailable - Officer must articulate a compelling need to use any other object as an impact weapon
Is the use of the baton as an escort or control, or stirring the pot, reportable force?
OC spray is a non-lethal agent which causes inflammation of the skin and mucus membrane of a subject. Does OC spray have a natural base or a chemical base?
-Natural base
Who can authorize the use of OC spray during a protest or demonstration?
- An incident commander
- In response to an imminent threat of harm
Can OC spray be used on vicious or aggressive animals?
- Yes
- When the animals interfere with the safety of officers or citizens
What is the dis-approved use of OC spray?
- Shall not be used on a subject in a closed vehicle
- unless officer is attempting to secure an aggressive resistant subject in the patrol vehicle
- not intended to be used to force extraction from an enclosed area, unless utilized in a detention facility - Passive resistant protestors
- Other than aerosol/stream
- On a handcuffed subject
- unless subject is displaying aggressive resistance
If a civilian department member uses OC spray, who will respond to the scene to assist in enforcement actions?
-Patrol officer and supervisor
Why do you have to inform the detention facility staff that a subject has been exposed to OC spray, ECD, canine bites?
-To ensure they have been screened by detention facility medical staff
How many levels of LVNR are there?
- LVNR level 1 - minimum restraint
- LVNR level 2 - medium restraint
- LVNR level 3 - maximum restraint
If an officer is exempt from the 4 hour LVNR recertification through quarterly defensive tactics, what must they provide? And who must the exemption be forwarded to?
- If exemption is due to medical reasons they must obtain a medical exemption from a physician
- This exemption must be obtained immediately upon requesting the exemption and at the beginning of each calendar year thereafter
- must be forwarded to director of risk management
What is the disapproved use of the LVNR?
- Will not be used on subjects who have been exposed to OC spray or who are experiencing difficulty breathing
- Officers will not use any other arm-bar technique that involves a neck restraint
According to the LVNR policy, when must a supervisor be notified?
When the LVNR has been attempted or used
____________ and below, who are issued an ECD, must carry the device when in an approved LVMPD uniform (including overtime assignments).
-excluding NYE, 9/11 or any other special events as stated in the IAP
Any and all images or audio generated by the ECD camera is the property of the LVMPD, and cannot be disseminated without authorization from who?
-The sheriff or his designee
When an officer leaves the patrol division, who does he turn his EDC camera into?
The supply section
Once certified in the use of the ECD, officers must attend annual training which is how long, and taught by who?
-4 hours taught by AOST staff
If an employee fails to demonstrate proficiency with an ECD at any time, the employee and/or the employees supervisor will contact who for assistance in formulating a remedial training plan?
-The training section
Can ECD’s be stored in a vehicle when a department member is off duty?
- No
- must be in a climate controlled environment (ex. locker)
When must officers conduct a spark check of their ECD?
- At the beginning of each shift
- Outside of public view
- Does not require a UOF report
Where on the duty belt is the ECD required to be carried?
Opposite side of the firearm
-cross draw is optional
Plain clothes officers will carry ECD on their weak side
True or false
Officers should be aware of the higher risk of sudden death which may exist in subjects under the influence of illicit drugs and/or exhibiting symptoms associated with excited delirium.
When will the ECD not be used? (9)
- When the officer knows a subject has come in contact with flammable liquids, or is in a flammable environment
- When a subject is in a position where a fall may result in serious bodily harm or death
- Punitively for purposes of coercion or in an unjustified manner
- To escort or jab individuals
- To awaken unconscious or intoxicated individuals
- When the subject is visibly pregnant, unless deadly force is the only other option
- When a subject displays solely passive or active resistance
- When a subject is fleeing as the sole justification for use of the ECD
The ECD should not be used in the following circumstances, unless there is compelling reasons to do so. (4)
- When the subject is operating a motor vehicle
- When the subject is holding a firearm
- When the subject is at the extremes of age (elderly or young children) or physically disabled
- In a situation where deadly force is clearly justifiable unless another officer is present and capable of providing deadly force
Is the ECD as a pain compliance tool recommended?
No. It is discouraged
-Touch stun mode
What is the preferred target area for application of the ECD in probe mode?
The back when practical
Does each application of the ECD require separate justification?
Yes, based on the objectively reasonable standard of Graham v Connor
The intentional use of more than one ECD simultaneously on the same subject is __________.
What are the three types of reportable ECD applications?
- Spark display
- Touch stun
- Probe mode
Once a subject has been subject to _____ ECD cycles, the ECD shall be deemed ineffective and another use of force option will be considered, unless exigent circumstances exist.
The ECD touch stun requires the same justification as ____________.
Probe mode
Any accidental discharge of an ECD, other than at a subject, shall be documented on what?
-An officer’s report
Since the use of police dogs may inflame an already volatile situation, it is the policy of this department to place limitations on the use of police dogs in what three circumstances?
- Crowd control
- Civil disorders
- Riot situations
-Canine teams may be dispatched to the problem area in standby status
In the occurrence of crowd control, civil disorders, or riot situations who can authorize the use of a canine team, and in what circumstances?
- The field lieutenant
- In a dire emergency
- crowd control in conjunction with an all out police effort to rescue isolated officers or citizens in danger of being injured or killed
What are the approved uses of canine?
- PC exists a subject has committed a crime
- Is a danger to themselves
- Actively evading efforts to take the subject into custody
- And the use of canine would reduce the risk to officers or the public
- Used only ion accordance of department policy, training, and Graham v Connor
When searching for a subject with a canine, who will let the cover officer know when it is safe to pass the canine, and apprehend the subject?
The canine handler
What report will be completed when a canine bites a person who was not the subject of the search?
An officer’s report
When is PIT considered deadly force?
- Speeds more than 40 mph
- Used on motorcycles
- Used on high center of gravity vehicles likely to roll over (Jeeps, vans, SUV’s)
- In circumstances creating substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury
What level of force is required for ramming with a vehicle?
- Deadly force
- Regardless of speed
What is blocking and when is it used?
The positioning of a police vehicle in the path of an occupied subject where contact between the vehicles is not anticipated or is anticipated to be minimal
- In the use of blocking, the potential for injuries and vehicle damages are low
- Used when the officer has reasonable belief the subject has committed a crime and will use a vehicle to flee
How is use of blocking documented?
- In circumstances where the officer initiates contact blocking is a reportable use of force
- If the subject initiates contact the supervisor investigates as an incident
May patrol officers use a blocking technique?
What is pinching, and when is it used?
- Used by a specialized unit
- Pre-planned containment tactic
- Uses low speed, intentional contact with a subjects vehicle
- The officer has reasonable belief the suspect has committed a crime and has been attempting to evade
- Or is a threat to themselves or others
What is PIT, and when will it be used?
A specific manner of intentional contact using a police vehicle against a fleeing vehicle
-to cause the fleeing vehicle to stop
Prior to initiating a PIT, the officer will utilize red lights and siren
-will give the operator of the subject vehicle a reasonable opportunity to stop
-If circumstances permit the intent to PIT will be broadcast, otherwise notification will be made after the fact
What is ramming, and when is it used?
- The use of a vehicle to intentionally hit another vehicle
- The officer has reasonable imminent belief death or serious bodily harm exists
Is pinching approved for patrol?
What are the circumstances that would warrant the use of PIT as deadly force?
- Continued movement of the pursued vehicle would place others in danger of serious bodily injury or death
- Apparent risk of harm, to other than the occupants, is so great to outweigh the risk of harm in making the forcible stop
- Other means of apprehension have been considered and rejected as impractical (i.e. continue to follow, stop sticks, air unit)
When are officers not permitted to PIT a suspect vehicle?
- PIT will not be used unless the subject demonstrates he/she is attempting to evade police and the elements necessary for an approved vehicular pursuit are present
- Officers driving department truck or SUV type vehicles are not authorized to PIT
- exception COP or tourist safety division marked ford explorer SUV
Blocking that makes contact with an unoccupied vehicle, or a subject’s vehicle unintentionally touches a patrol vehicle will be reported how?
As a traffic accident
-documented on a vehicle incident report
How many officers must be present if a low lethal shotgun is deployed?
-Two officers must be present
When deploying a rifle the deploying officer will:
- Announce intent to deploy the rifle via radio and receive acknowledgement
- Whenever possible, deploy using a 2 man team
- single rifle carrier
- cover officer to ensure scene security - Advise dispatch of deployment location and update whenever deployment location changes
- Advise dispatch via radio whether or not deploying officer is accompanied by a cover officer
The low lethality shotgun will not be used in civil unrest unless authorized by a ___________ or above.
Officers WILL or WILL NOT discharge their firearms at a fleeing vehicle or its driver?
Will not