- supplies the: Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, parts of Left Ventricle (posterior side, by the posterior interventricular artery)
Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
Left Ventricle and a small portion of the Right Ventricle (via the Left Anterior Descending Artery), LA auricle
Left Coronary Artery (LCA )
non muscular extension of the atria, adds volume to chambers of heart
LA auricle
- Passes along the IV groove to the apex of the heart
- Supplies adjacent part of the ventricles; gives rise to a lateral branch that descend on the anterior surface of the heart
Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD)
- Runs through the left border of the heart to its posterior surface
- Left marginal branch: follows the left margin of the
heart; supplies the left ventricle - Terminates in the coronary sulcus in the posterior
aspect of the heart
Circumflex artery
- Venous drainage of most of the coronary circulation
- Empties into the RA, via the
Coronary sinus
Drains the areas of the heart supplied by the LCA
Great cardiac vein
Accompanies posterior IV artery
Middle cardiac vein
Accompanies right marginal artery
Small cardiac vein
Drains directly into the right atrium
Anterior cardiac vein
Major veins draining into the coronary sinus:
a.) Great cardiac vein
b.) Middle cardiac vein
c.) Small cardiac vein
d.) Anterior cardiac vein
Main branches of the arch of the aorta:
- Brachiocephalic trunk
- Left common carotid
- Left subclavian
- Arises posterior to the manubrium
- Anterior to the trachea and posterior to the left of the brachiocephalic vein
- Branches into right subclavian and right common carotid arteries
Brachiocephalic trunk
- Arises posterior to the manubrium, slightly posterior and to the left of the brachiocephalic trunk
- Enters the neck by passing posterior to the left SC joint
Left common carotid
Arises from the posterior part of the arch, just posterior to the left common carotid artery
Left subclavian
- Begins on the left side of the inferior border of the body of the T4 vertebra
- Descends in the posterior mediastinum on the left sides of T5- T12 vertebrae
- Branches of descending aorta
Thoracic Aorta
First branch of abdominal aorta; supplies inferior portion of diaphragm
Inferior phrenic artery
Supplies stomach and liver, first half
of duodenum
Coeliac artery
- Last half of duodenum, small intestine, parts of large intestine, pancreas
- Supplies part of the gastrointestinal tract derived from midgut
Superior mesenteric artery
- Large intestine: distal third of transverse colon up to the rectum
- Supplies part of gastrointestinal tract derived from the hindgut
Inferior mesenteric artery
- Kidney
- Arise at the level of the IV disc between L1 and L2
Renal artery
Supply blood to gonads
Gonadal artery
testicular artery; transverses inguinal canal and
enters scrotum; supplies abdominal ureter, and
Gonadal artery Male
ovarian artery; supplies abdominal and /or
pelvic ureter, ovary, and ampullary end of uterine tube
Gonadal artery Female
supplies blood to posterior abdominal wall
(Four to five) Lumbar arteries
branches off into internal and
external iliac arteries
Common iliac arteries
Drains blood from the liver into the IVC just inferior the diaphragm
Right, middle, and left hepatic veins
- Drains each kidneys into the IVC
- Lie anterior to the right and left renal arteries
Renal veins
empties directly into IVC
Right gonadal vein
empties into renal vein; testicular /
ovarian vein
Left gonadal vein
worm-like structure found more commonly
in the veins of the left scrotum, because of higher pressure in the left renal vein
2.) Right, middle, and left hepatic veins
4.) Right gonadal vein
5.) Left gonadal vein
6.) Varicosyl
7.) Common internal and external iliac veins
3 Concentric Layers of Blood Vessels:
- Tunica Intima
- Tunica Media
- Tunica Adventitia
- includes the endothelium,
connective tissue, and an internal elastic lamina
Tunica Intima
contains alternating layers of
smooth muscle and collagen or elastic lamellae
Tunica Media
contains connective tissue, small vessels and nerves and vasa vasorum
Tunica Adventitia
- Arteioles
- Capillaries
- Venules
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- aka Conducting Arteries
- with fenestrated elastic laminae in the thick tunica media
- Contains Vasa Vasorum
Large Elastic Arteries
-less elastic material than Elastic Artery
- Distribute blood to all organs and maintain steady blood
pressure and flow with vasodilation and constriction
Muscular Arteries
- no vasa vasourm
- Distribute blood to arterioles, adjusting flow
with vasodilation and constriction
Small Arteries
- Arterioles
- Capillaries
- Venules
-Endothelium; no connective tissue / smooth
- Resist and control blood flow to capillaries;
major determinant of systemic blood pressure
- Endothelium only
- No Tunica Adventitia
- Exchange metabolites by diffusion to and
from cells
tight junctions; allow cellular
Continuous Capillaries
small pores (fenestrations)
Fenestrated Capillaries
- AKA Sinusoids
- Large Lumen
- Discontinued Basal Lamina
Discontinuous Capillaries
- Endothelium; no valves
- No Tunica Adventitia
- Drain capillary beds; site of leukocyte exit
from vasculature
- Connective tissue, thicker than media
- Collect blood from venules
Small Veins
- Thicker than media; longitudinal smooth muscle
may be present - Carry blood to larger veins, with no backflow
Medium Veins
- Thickest layer, with bundled longitudinal
smooth muscle - Return blood to heart
Large Veins