lymphoproliferative disorders Flashcards
what cancer is divided into acute or chronic
most commonly diagnosed
only in adults over 60
almost always B cells during bone marrow maturation
associated familial risk - autosomal dominant genes
most common childhood cancer
what causes lymphomas
either B or T cells in SECONDARY LYMPHOID organs
hodgkins lymphoma
early age cancer
high cure rate
reed sternberg cells- large non functional B cells from GC
non hodgkins lymphoma
older ppl- 50
Mostly b cells, some t and nk cells
no known cause
cancer of plasma cell
cancer of plasma cell and produces lots of paraprotein - ig or igl
how are lymphomas staged
1- in one lymph node or lymph organ
2- two or more lymph nodes above or below the diaphragm
3- two or more lymph nodes above AND below the diaphragm
4- spread outside lymph nodes and other organs
how is CML staged
by % of abnormal blood cells
how is CLL staged
0- no symptoms
1- lymph node swollen
2- spleen swollen
3- loss of RBC
4- loss of platelet
enviromental causes of LD cancers
chemical agents tranform cells
ionizing radiation daamges DNA
diet and excersixe good
what pathogens cause cancers
epstein barr virus
cancer associated genes
pro onco genes- promote cell growth and restric cell death
tumor supressors- p53- restrict cell growth- activate repair,cause cell cycle arrest, or initiate apoptosis
what is hit one of colon cancer
loss of apc- tumor supressor gene
hit two of colon cancer
DNA hypermethylation- turns on inactive genes
hit three of colon cancer
activation of RAS- pro oncogene promotes cell growth
hit 4 of colon cancer
loss of DCC- changes pro survival vs pro death signalling
hit 5 of colon cancer
loss of p53- tumor supressor gene
what is c-myc
proto oncogene that is a TF ASSOCIATED W INC GROWTH AND PRO SURVIVAL AND differentiation of cells
c-myc and burkitts lymphoma
involves B cells
c-myc translocates next to strong B cell promoter in ig HEAVY CHAIN that is hgily active producing lots of c-myc
CML explanation
chromosome 9- BCR and Chromosome 22- Abl1 that controls cell cycle
abl normally has a regulating domain but making the philadelphia gene in the fusion protein, the control domain is lost so abl is always on
what drug helps w philedelphia chromosome
retrovirus that infects CD4+ T cells and produces tax transcription factor
induces expression of pro-survival and pro proliferation genes
-upregulates IL2 and IL2R
-C-myc-growth factor B
treatment for burkitts lymphoma
ritixumab- anti CD20 induces B cell apoptosis
human herpres virus 4
second hit in multiple hit hypothesis
first being c-myc translocation
what proteins does EBV encode for
LMP1- mimicks CD40 gives B cells second signal
protect healthy B cells from apoptosis
what enviromental factor linked to leukemia
ionizing radiation
hydrocarbons and solvents
and pesticides lead to parental exposre- specificall father inc risk in cancer
what cancer does prenatal alcohol consumption lead to
what inc non hodgkins lymphoma
Higher animal protein than veg
fruit and exercise dec risk
what treatment for CML
chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation
donor lymphocyte transfusion
vaccination w BCL-Abl ologopeptides
treatment for CML
inactive BCL Abl using tyrosine kinase inhibitors