Lymphatics Chap 24 Bio Flashcards
Lymphatic system
Many tubes that collect and deliver H20 and solutes from the interstitial fluid to the circulatory system ducts.
Only moves towards the heart. No pump, fluid movement is due to contraction of the surrounding skeletal muscles. Immune system surveillance.
Lymphatic vessels are found all throughout the body except
CNS, bone, cartilage, and epidermis.
Open system
Lymphatic vessels are similar to veins
3 layers and have valves to prevent backflow
Lymph Nodes
Specialized structures filled with WBC. T and B lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
Peyer’s Patches
Lymphoid aggregates found in the small intestine ileum and monitor and defend against intestinal bacteria. Gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT).
Moving antibodies are called
B lymphocytes
Humoral Immune system which functions to produce antibodies. They mature in the bone marrow
T lymphocytes
Cell mediated immune system which functions to kill foreign or intracellular infected cells. Mature in the thymus.
Primary immune organs
Bone marrow and Thymus
Secondary immune organs
Lymph nodes, spleen, and certain respiratory and gastrointestinal tract
Primary lymph organ where T cells mature
Undernearth the breastbone at the level of the heart. After puberty it shrinks, removal of this organ in adult has little effect. Vital for making immune cells in newborns.
Thymus hormone
Thymosin which helps T Lymphocytes develop. Thymopoietin and thymulin. This gland turns to fatty tissue by 75+.
If T cell can’t be made
Cell mediate immune system is nonfunctional and death results early in life. Di George’s syndrome?
Stores a reserve of blood. Largest accumulation of lymph tissue in the body. Produces B and T lymphocytes. Captures RBCs to recycle the iron and protein.
If you lose your spleen
The liver, lymph nodes, and bone marrow can complete its function.
Similar to Peyer’s Patches (GALT), we have BALT.
Bronchus associated lymphatic tissue located in the walls of the bronchi.
Aggregates lymphoid tissue (lingual, pharyngeal, and palatine) that help guard against pathogens.