Chap 11 Bio - B Diversity Flashcards
Evolutionary history of a species of even a group of related species. In taxonomy, organisms are put into categories based on similarities and differences.
Hierarchical classification.
Domain (Bactera, Eukarya, Arachae) Bac and Arch contain prokaryotes.
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus Species
C. Lninaeus
Binomial nomenclature developed by
Animals named by
Genus, Species
Group of organisms that will include an ancestor and the descendants of that ancestor.
Analogous Structure
Species use these biological structures for the same purpose and yet these species are from unrelated evolutionary lines (no homology).
Homologous Structure
Share common ancestor, structures may resemble one another. Function varies widely, morphological divergence.
Molecular clocks
Measure of evolutionary change. It is based on the idea that some genes and regions of genomes appear to evolve at constant rates.
Nucleus, cytosol, ribosomes, typical human organelle (Golgi, E.R, Lyso,Vac,Mitcho), cytoskeleton.
No nucleus, DNA floats in the cytosol, ribosomes, no cell organelle, Flagellum, rudimentary cytoskeleton, lacks membrane organelles, no nucleolus, no chloroplasts.
Single celled, bacteria and archae
Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses
Anaerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes were the first to inhabit the earth.
- 5 billion years: Earth age
- 5 billion years: Prokaryotes came about
- 5 billiion years is when Eukaryotes came
Early Earth atmosphere
Reducing atmosphere that lacked O2. Contained CH4, H20 vapor, H2, CO, and HCN.
How did Earth gain O2?
Partly because of Cyanobacteria, through photosynthesis and gave off O2.
Mostly unicellular.
Coccus: diplo, strept,staphylo,Bacilli: Rod shaped, Spiral.
Kingdom Monera. Divison by binary fission (asexual).
Prokaryotes may use flagella and exhibit taxis
+ Chemotaxis move towards food
- Chemostaxis moves away
No 9 +2 structure
is noted for prokaryotic flagella
Prokaryotic Pilli
protein filaments used to attach to cell surfaces or during conjugation.
Small, self replicating circular piece of DNA in prokaryotes. Carries accesssory genes separate from bacterial chromosomes. Think drug resistance.
Contain genes that allow for conjugation
Genes for resistances against poisons or antibiotics
Mutualism example with Bacteria
Bacteria in the human large intestine, Ecoli can help form Vitamin K.
Bacterial Diseases
Anthrax, Sepsis, Salmonellosis, Leprosy, Syphilis, Gonorrhea
Classified with the Prokaryotes are the Archaebacteria or Archaea. 3 Major groups:
Thermophils, Methanogens, Extreme halophiles.
Love heat and sulfur, almost are obligate anaerobes. They die if exposed to O2, S is the electron donor or acceptor.
Make CH4 gas, live in the stomach of ruminants (cows). Ruminants can digest cellulose (beta 1,4 linkages for gluecose). Cocci and rod shaped.
They are chemoautotrophs: Use H2 an electron source for reducing CO2 to CH4 gas.
Extreme Halophiles
Love salty habitats such as the Dead Sea. Produce ATP aerobically but can use photosynthesis when O2 is low.
How is energy produced in Archea?
Glycolysis (Anaerobic process) and ETC to make ATP. Anaerobic bacteria use different e- acceptors such as NO3- or SO42-.
Methanogens and Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle
Produce CH4 which eventually can be oxidized to CO2. Fix atmospheric N2. Nitrogen fixation is essential for plants. Root nodules are where nitrogen fixing bacteria are found.
Gram (-)
Thin peptidoglycan layer that poorly stains red or pink. Alcohol solution does not retain it. No teichoic acids. Has an outer membrane and high lipid and lipoproteins. More resistant to antibiotics due to outer membrane and can be pathogenic.
Gram (+)
Thick peptidoglycan that stains purple and retains alcohol solution. Present for teichoic acids. No outer membrane and low amount of lipid and lipoprotein. Can be pathogenic.
Viruses basics
No cells or organelles. Infectious agent can contain only DNA or RNA, never both.
Viruses consists of
Capsid: protein coat
Nucleic Acid Core: DNA or RNA ( called a retrovirus)
Sometimes a membranous envelope.
Virus size
Smaller than a ribosome
Bacteriophages / Phages
Viruses that infect a bacteria
Viruses have limited host range
Need a host to reproduce “obligate intracellular parasites”. Only infect specific target of the body.
Lytic Cycle
If virus enters the host cell and causes it to lyse. The phage is virulent.
Lysogenic Cycle
If virus becomes incorporates in the host cell and allows replication of more viral particles without killing the host.
The bacteriophage is called a prophage.
HIV is a retrovirus
An RNA virus that reproduces by transcribing its RNA into DNA using reverse transcriptase.
Reverse transcriptase other name
RNA directed DNA polymerase
Circular RNA molecules, without protein coat. Smallest infectious pathogen known. Rarely seen in humans <1%. Hepatitis D. 99% plants.
Infectious proteins involved in protein misfolding.
e.g. Mad Cow, Scrapie in sheep and goats, Kuru, and Creutzfel-Jakob Disease. Especially like to cause damage to proteins found in the brain.
Obligate Anaerobe, Obligate Aerobe, Facultative Anaerobe.
Obligate Anaerobe: Killed by O2
Obligate Aerobe: Needs O2 to grow
Facultative Anaerobe: Prefers O2 if available, can perform fermentation
Photo vs chemoautotroph
Photoautotroph: use light for photosynthesis. CO2 is used to make org. molecules. Cyano, plants, algae, purple non sulfer bacteria.
Chemoautotroph: Prokaryotes. CO2 is carbon source but in inorganic substance. H2S, NH3, or even Fe2+ are oxidized. No light needed.
Photo vs Chemoheterotroph
Photoheterotroph: Light is needed for ATP production but gets carbon from organic sources.
Chemoheterotroph: Energy is from organic compounds. Bacteria, Fungi, most protists, animals.
Decomposer classification. Decomposers like bacteria and fungi break down components of an organism. Eg Worms, slugs, lice.