Lumber Light Frame Construction Flashcards
Light Frame Construction =
2x for stud walls and floor/ceiling joists.
Light Frame Construction beams may be:
built up 2x/heavy timber/steel
platform framing is also known as
western framing
framing floor by floor
platform framing
continuous studs, floor plate hung in middle.
balloon framing
platform framing advantage:
each floor can be used to construct next,
shorter studs are cheaper.
balloon framing advantage:
less shrinkage,
bc most construction
is parallel to
direction of grain.
when floors framed into masonry walls, 2 options:
hangers w ledger,
or firecut.
angled cut from bottom corner up joist to inside face of brick
why use a firecut:
prevents masonry from being pushed up and out, if wood member should collapse during a fire.
transferring loads from one cut member to other members
framed openings
extra rigidity.
intersections of wall/ceiling framing for extra GWB nailer.
bracing between joists,
prevents buckling under load.
bridging installed intervals:
≤ 8’
barriers installed in concealed spaces of combustible construction,
to prevent spread of fire by drafts.
firestops: materials
mineral wool.
firestops are generally req’d at:
concealed spaces between floors,
vertical openings around vents, chimneys, ducts.