Lower Limb Nerves Flashcards
Lumbar plexus Ventral rami consists of which ones?
Lumbar plexus contained within?
psoas major
Lateral border of Lumbar plexus, what 3 branches?
lateral cuaneous nerve of thigh
femoral nerve
which nerve roots for:
lateral cuaneous nerve of thigh
femoral nerve
(L1) Ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric
(L2,3) lateral cuaneous nerve of thigh
(L2,3,4)femoral nerve
Anterior surface of Lumbar plexus has which nerve?
genitofemoral nerve (L1,2)
Medial border of Lumbar plexus has which nerve?
Obturator nerve
why more likely to have herniation post-appendectomy?
ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric could be cut
Lateral cutaneous nerve innervates? tucks near? problem when?
innervates skin down lateral thigh
tucks near ASIS: problem in obese/pregnancy
what does femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve innervate?
triangle of skin above inguinal ligament
femoral nerve runs where through groin?
in the gutter between iliacus and psoas underneath inguinal ligament
sacral plexus is which roots? where do they come on to?
lumbosacral (L4,5)
joins on piriformis
when does femoral nerve divide?
just distal (2.5cm) to ligament
Femoral nerve motor?
Femoral nerve sensory?
medial thigh, knee and ankle
Femoral nerve articular branches?
hip and knee
Femoral nerve inside or outside of vascular bundle?
outside of sheath
Obturator nerve comes from which roots?
L2,3,4 anterior divisions
Obturator nerve does which compartment of thigh?
Obturator nerve motor to?
pectineus adductor magnus (hamstring part)
Obturator nerve sensory to?
inferomedial thigh
Obturator nerve articular branches?
to hip
Sciatic nerve comprises of which nerve roots?
L4,5 S1,2,3 anterior and posterior divisions
what in leg is not innervated by sciatic nerve?
skin at back of thigh via posterior cutaneous nerve
sciatic nerve exits pelvis via?
Greater Sciatic Foramen
sciatic motor?
All hamstrings except short head of biceps
which nerve innervates Glut Max? Glut Med/Min?
Max: inferior gluteal nerve
MedMin: superior gluteal nerve
after sciatic nerve exits pelvis, where does it emerge?
beneath piriformis and runs posterior to hip joint so post-dislocation will take out sciatic
sciatic nerve divides where?
apex of popliteal fossa
how can you get part of sciatic nerve going through piriformis?
if it divides early into tibial and fibular components, fibularis could go through or overtop of piriformis
Tibial nerve path?
through popliteal fossa>beneath fibrous soleus arch>follows tib post>post to medial malleolus>sole of foot>planter nerves
Tibial nerve motor?
muscles of posterior leg and sole of foot
Tibial nerve sensory?
post leg via sural nerve and sole of foot
Fibularis longus innervated by?
common fibular nerve
Which nerve winds around head of fibula?
common fibular nerve
common fibular nerve comes from which nerve roots?
L4,5 S1,2
Deep Fibular nerve motor to?
anterior compartment
Deep Fibular nerve sensory?
1st toe cleft
superficial fibular nerve motor?
lateral compartment
Fibularis longus and brevis then comes out sensory
superficial fibular nerve sensory?
lower lateral leg, dorsum of foot