localisation Flashcards
what is on either side of the central sulcus?
pre and post central gyri
what is the specialisation of the cortex?
it is highly folded, and heavily divided into layers of cells - six layers with different cells
what does the function of the cells depend on?
where in the brain they are found determines how they are specialised
where is the precentral gyrus?
primary motor cortex
what is in the primary motor cortex
large neurons that are specialised for efferent axons for motor control
what are cells in the primary sensory cortex specialised for?
to receive sensory information
what does ageing and degenerative conditions result in?
decrease in thickness
what is the result of sulci in the cerebral hemispheres?
divides it into lobes and gyri such as the central and lateral sulcus
what is in the cerebral cortex?
it varies in thickness from 2-4mm and is heavily folded to increase surface area - over half of surface area is hidden by walls of sulci and there is a laminar arrangement from I - VI
where is the pre and post central gyrus?
anterior and posterior to the central sulcus
what is the course of the frontal and temporal sucli and gyri?
there is superior and inferior sulci and superior, middle and inferior gyri
what is the cingulate sulcus?
surrounding gyrus above the corpus callosum - C shaped
what sulcus is in the temporal love?
the collateral sulcus
where is the parahippocampal gyrus?
hook around itself to form bump called uncus
what makes a T junction with the parito-occipital sulcus?
the calcarine sulcus
what is the structure of the cerebral hemispheres?
it is s dense core of white matter with an overlying thin layer of grey matter
what is the limbic lobe?
it is a C shaped area of grey matter that is known as the fifth lobe - it is part of the limbic system and is a rim surrounding the diencephalon for emotional and memory systems
what is at the underside of the frontal lobe and what is its function?
the olfactory bulb - is connects with the frontal tract which eventually brings information about smell to area surrounding the uncus - primary olfactory area that processes information about smell
what is special about smell?
it is the only sense that does not go through the thalamus to the cortex
how is the brain split?
Broadmanns areas - the anatomical subdivisions are based on cellular composition and function of areas
what are primary projection areas?
they are for receiving sensory information and are the first things to send motor command - the pre central gyrus will start the motor command and send signals to effector muscles
they are sensory areas where specific sensory pathways terminate - perceived sensation
what are the association secondary areas for?
they interpret information - they give meaning and understanding to information and will generate sequence to initiate movements
what does a cortical map divide the cortex into?
46 areas
what does the primary motor cortex control? (BA4)
voluntary control of specific muscles
how is the PMC organised?
what types of sensory sensation are there are what area in the primary projection areas are these found?
general sensory (somaesthetic) - post central gyrus
visual - either side of the calcarine sulcus in the striate cortex
auditory - Heschl’s gyrus in the superior temporal gyri
olfactory - uncus
gustatory - inferior post central gyrus
what sensation is there for motor areas in the primary projection areas?
there are specific motor pathways that originate in the PPAs
primary motor cortex - precentral gyrus
what is the function of the secondary sensory areas in the association areas?
the receive input from the primary sensory areas and are involved in interpretation and understanding