living standards under the Nazis Flashcards
for conformists, did living standards improve?
unemployment dropped
real wages rose
what was the main Nazi trade union?
led by Robert Ley
how many DAF members by 1939?
22 million
what powers did the DAF hold?
set working hours and wages
dealt harshly with strikes
Beauty of Labour
Strength through Joy
what did the Beauty of Labour do?
provide cleaner working environments
recreational facilities
meals and exercise for workers
how did the Strength Through Joy programme improve living standards?
provided extras such as:
- loans
- medial care
- extra food
how many were going on the free holidays provided by the Strength through Joy scheme by 1938?
10 million
in what ways did working conditions decrease under the Nazis
longer working hours
increased pay was restricted to rearmament industries
workers still paid high taxes and insurances
in 1939 how much was the average working weak increased to?
increased from 43 hours a week to 47 hours a week
what were Nazi views on social welfare?
they believed it was unnecessary in a Nazi society
economic hardships led to the Nazis providing forms of social welfare
what was the NSV?
the Nationalist Socialist People’s Welfare
when was the NSV set up?
what did the NSV get involved in?
NSV and childcare
ran creches and kindergartens as a part of the Mother and Child programme
how many kindergartens run by NSV by 1938?
NSV and housing
ran volunteer work schemes for housing
had block wardens
how many block wardens by 1939?
NSV and aid
ran the yearly Winter Aid programme which distributed food and clothing at emergency centres
how much was Nazi investment in civilian industry?
RM 8 billion
what had Goering said about the consumer industry?
he said that Germans had to get used to Guns not butter
showed a shift away from consumer goods markets
was there any large scale construction of housing under the Nazis?
despite wanting to increase it’s population through pro-natalism, it failed to provide any housing
what was the impact of the Nazis banning mortgages?
the working class could not afford to buy new homes
how did the Nazis hope to increase space for housing?
the establishment of Lebensraum was a major factor of Nazi foreign policy
the Nazis hoped that by expanding to the East the German people would have more land to farm and more homes to live in
what was a major consequence of increasing tariffs on importing food to promote autarky?
food prices massively increased
what were the main agricultural reforms introduced by Darre?
Reich Entailed Farm Law
concessions for farmers
Reich Entailed Farm Law
gave security to farm owners
forbade the division of farmland to maximise agricultural production
concessions for farmers
farm debts were written off
small farmers were given low interest rates and tax concessions
controlled prices and distribution of farm produce
ensured farmers were paid properly
impact of Darre’s agricultural reforms
increased prices had benefitted farmers initially
many reasons made life difficult for farmers
Reich Entailed Farm Law
as farmers could only pass on land to one of their children, they could not secure the futures of the rest of their family
were farmers paid well comparatively to workers in the city?
factory workers in the city continued to earn way more than farmers did
reason why RUM was still happening