introduction to interpretations Flashcards
how could an interpretation hold an intentionalist view?
Hitler drove for a war of expansion
he had a masterplan from the start outlined by Mein Kampf
Hitler had a detailed plan on either:
- conquest in Eastern Europe
- conquest in Europe then the Middle East, British colonies and then the rest of the world
how could an interpretation hold a structuralist view?
outside influences were significant in shaping Nazi foreign policy
German rulers had always followed a plan of expansionism
the actions of other nations and events in the world had a significant impact on the world going to war
internal influences such as from the party, key support groups and the world economy were reasons for war
what were the causes of WW2?
the TofV
nazi foreign policy
the foreign policy of other nations
the world depression of the early 1930s led to the rise of dictators
there was an expectation for expansion from industrialists, Nazis and ordinary Germans
the TofV
created a feeling of German resentment
set up smaller states which were more tolerant to German expansionism
Russia becoming communist created a democracy vs communism divide
the USA’s policy of no involvement made it easier to expand without consequence
the rise of dictatorships in Germany, Japan and Italy created a sense of militarism
nazi foreign policy
fuelled by the need for worldwide racial purity
the need for expansion to establish lebensraum
foreign policy of other nations
British maintained a policy of appeasement
US policy of no involvement
Russian, Italian and Japanese foreign policy tied in with Germany’s