Lesson 8: Vocabulary Review Flashcards
do dare dedi datus
to give
Errare est humanum.
To err is human.
In umbra, igitur, pugnábimus.
Then we will fight in the shade.
juvo juvare juvi jutus
to help
laboro -are
to work
laudo -are
to praise
lavo lavare lavi lautus
to wash
óccupo -are
to seize
opto -are
to desire, wish
oro -are
to speak, pray
porto -are
to carry
saluto -are
to greet
sto stare steti status
to stand
The Mother was standing
Stabat Mater
To err is human.
Errare est humanum.
to err, wander
erro -are
to fight
pugno -are
to give
do dare dedi datus
to help
juvo juvare juvi jutus
to judge, consider
júdico -are
to overcome, surpass
súpero -are
to plow
aro -are
to sail
návigo -are
to shout
clamo -are
to speak, pray
oro -are
to stand
sto stare steti status
to tempt
tempto -are
to wash
lavo -are
to wash
lavo lavare lavi lautus
to work
laboro -are
What are the principal parts of do
do, dare, dedi, datus
What are the principal parts of juvo?
juvo, juvare, juvi, jutus
What are the principal parts of lavo?
lavo, lavare, lavi, lautus
What are the principal parts of sto?
sto, stare, steti, status