Lesson 33: Unit 5 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
appáreo -ēre
to appear
árdeo -ēre
to burn, be on fire
Beware the dog.
Cave canem.
Cave canem.
Beware the dog.
cáveo, -ēre
to be aware of, guard against
débeo -ēre
to owe, ought
dóceo -ēre
to teach
Docēre, delectare, movēre
To teach, to delight, to move
gáudeo -ēre
to rejoice
hábeo -ēre
to have
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Veni, vidi, vici.
I see and am silent.
Vídeo et táceo.
júbeo -ēre
to order, command
máneo -ēre
to remain, stay
móneo -ēre
to warn
móveo -ēre
to move
prohíbeo -ēre
to prevent
respóndeo -ēre
to respond, answer
sédeo -ēre
to sit
táceo -ēre
to be silent
téneo -ēre
to hold
térreo -ēre
to frighten
tímeo -ēre
to fear, be afraid of
to appear
appáreo -ēre
to be aware of, guard against
cáveo, -ēre
to be silent
táceo -ēre
to be strong, be well
váleo valēre válui
to be strong, be well
váleo -ēre
to burn, be on fire
árdeo -ēre
to fear, be afraid of
tímeo -ēre
to frighten
térreo -ēre
to have
hábeo -ēre
to hold
téneo -ēre
to move
móveo -ēre
to order, command
júbeo -ēre
to owe, ought
débeo -ēre
to prevent
prohíbeo -ēre
to rejoice
gáudeo -ēre
to remain, stay
máneo -ēre
to respond, answer
respóndeo -ēre
to see
vídeo -ēre
to sit
sédeo -ēre
to teach
dóceo -ēre
To teach, to delight, to move
Docēre, delectare, movēre
to warn
móneo -ēre
váleo -ēre
to be strong, be well
váleo valēre válui
to be strong, be well
Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
vídeo -ēre
to see
Vídeo et táceo.
I see and am silent.
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb árdeo?
árdeo ardēre arsi arsus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb cáveo?
cáveo cavēre cavi cautus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb dóceo?
dóceo docēre dócui doctus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb gáudeo?
gáudeo gaudēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb júbeo?
júbeo jubēre jussi jussus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb máneo?
máneo manēre mansi mansus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb móveo?
móveo movēre movi motus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb respóndeo?
respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb sédeo?
sédeo sedēre sedi sessus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb téneo?
téneo tenēre ténui tentus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb timeo?
timeo timēre timui
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb váleo?
váleo valére válui
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb video
video vidēre vidi visus
What are the principal parts of moneo?
moneo monēre mónui mónitus