Lesson 32: New Material Flashcards
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb gáudeo?
gáudeo gaudēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb cáveo?
cáveo cavēre cavi cautus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb sédeo?
sédeo sedēre sedi sessus
sédeo sedēre sedi sessus
to sit
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb video
video vidēre vidi visus
móveo movēre movi motus
to move
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb móveo?
móveo movēre movi motus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb respóndeo?
respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus
cáveo cavēre cavi cautus
to be aware of, guard against
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Veni, vidi, vici.
respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus
to respond, answer
gáudeo guadēre
to rejoice
Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
to be aware of, guard against
cáveo cavēre cavi cautus
to rejoice
gáudeo guadēre
to move
móveo movēre movi motus
to respond, answer
respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus
to sit
sédeo sedēre sedi sessus
video vidēre vidi visus
to see
to see
video vidēre vidi visus