Lesson 5: Vocabulary Review Flashcards
adoro -are
to adore
ámbulo -are
to walk
amo -are
to love, like
aro -are
to plow
clamo -are
to shout
do dare
to give
erro -are
to err, wander
hábito -are
to live in, dwell
In choro recitémus.
Let us recite together
In umbra, igitur, pugnábimus.
Then we will fight in the shade.
júdico -are
to judge, consider
juvo -are
to help
laboro -are
to work
laudo -are
to praise
lavo -are
to wash
Let us recite together
In choro recitémus.
líbero -are
to set free
narro -are
to tell
nato -are
to swim
návigo -are
to sail
óccupo -are
to seize
opto -are
to desire, wish
oro -are
to speak, pray
paro -aro
to prepare
porto -are
to carry
pugno -are
to fight
saluto -are
to greet
servo -are
to guard, keep
specto -are
to look at
Stabat Mater
The Mother was standing
sto -are
to stand
súpero -are
to overcome, surpass
tempto -are
to tempt
The Mother was standing
Stabat Mater
Then we will fight in the shade.
In umbra, igitur, pugnábimus.
to adore
adoro -are
to call
voco -are
to carry
porto -are
to desire, wish
opto -are
to err, wander
erro -are
to fight
pugno -are
to give
do dare
to greet
saluto -are
to guard, keep
servo -are
to help
juvo -are
to judge, consider
júdico -are
to live in, dwell
hábito -are
to look at
specto -are
to love, like
amo -are
to overcome, surpass
súpero -are
to plow
aro -are
to praise
laudo -are
to prepare
paro -aro
to sail
návigo -are
to seize
óccupo -are
to set free
líbero -are
to shout
clamo -are
to speak, pray
oro -are
to stand
sto -are
to swim
nato -are
to tell
narro -are
to tempt
tempto -are
to walk
ámbulo -are
to wash
lavo -are
to work
laboro -are
voco -are
to call