Lesson 34: Units 1, 2, and 5 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
accuso (1)
to accuse
adoro -are
to adore
always faithful
semper fidelis
ámbulo -are
to walk
amo -are
to love, like
appello (1)
to address
aro -are
to plow
celo (1)
to hide
Civis Romanus sum.
I am a Roman citizen.
clamo -are
to shout
creo (1)
to create
culpo (1)
to blame
delecto (1)
to delight, please
demonstro (1)
to show, point out
do dare dedi datus
to give
to doubt
Errare est humanum.
To err is human.
erro -are
to err, wander
exploro (1)
to explore
exspecto (1)
to wait for, expect
Fortes fortuna juvat.
Fortune aids the brave.
Fortune aids the brave.
Fortes fortuna juvat.
hábito -are
to live in, dwell
I am a Roman citizen.
Civis Romanus sum.
In choro recitémus.
Let us recite together
In umbra, igitur, pugnábimus.
Then we will fight in the shade.
júdico -are
to judge, consider
juvo juvare juvi jutus
to help
laboro -are
to work
laudo -are
to praise
lavo lavare lavi lautus
to wash
Let us recite together
In choro recitémus.
líbero -are
to set free
muto (1)
to change
narro -are
to tell
nato -are
to swim
návigo -are
to sail
nego (1)
to deny
now or never
nunc aut numquam
nunc aut numquam
now or never
núntio (1)
to report
óccupo -are
to seize
oppugno (1)
to attack
opto -are
to desire, wish
Ora et labora.
Pray and work.
oro -are
to speak, pray
paro -aro
to prepare
perturbo (1)
to disturb
porto -are
to carry
Pray and work.
Ora et labora.
pugno -are
to fight
puto (1)
to think
rogo (1)
to ask
saluto -are
to greet
semper fidelis
always faithful
servo -are
to guard, keep
specto -are
to look at
spero (1)
to hope
Stabat Mater
The Mother was standing
sto stare steti status
to stand
sum esse fui futurus
to be
súpero -are
to overcome, surpass
tempto -are
to tempt
The Mother was standing
Stabat Mater
Then we will fight in the shade.
In umbra, igitur, pugnábimus.
then, at that time
to accuse
accuso (1)
to address
appello (1)
to adore
adoro -are
to ask
rogo (1)
to attack
oppugno (1)
to be
sum esse fui futurus
to blame
culpo (1)
to call
voco -are
to carry
porto -are
to change
muto (1)
to create
creo (1)
to delight, please
delecto (1)
to deny
nego (1)
to desire, wish
opto -are
to disturb
pertubo (1)
to doubt
To err is human.
Errare est humanum.
to err, wander
erro -are
to explore
exploro (1)
to fight
pugno -are
to fly
volo (1)
to give
do dare dedi datus
to greet
saluto -are
to guard, keep
servo -are
to help
juvo juvare juvi jutus
to hide
celo (1)
to hope
spero (1)
to judge, consider
júdico -are
to live in, dwell
hábito -are
to look at
specto -are
to love, like
amo -are
to overcome, surpass
súpero -are
to plow
aro -are
to praise
laudo -are
to prepare
paro -aro
to report
núntio (1)
to sail
návigo -are
to seize
óccupo -are
to set free
líbero -are
to shout
clamo -are
to show, point out
demonstro (1)
to speak, pray
oro -are
to stand
sto stare steti status
to swim
nato -are
to tell
narro -are
to tempt
tempto -are
to think
puto (1)
to wait for, expect
exspecto (1)
to walk
ámbulo -are
to wash
lavo lavare lavi lautus
to wash
lavo -are
to work
laboro -are
to wound
vúlnero (1)
then, at that time
voco -are
to call
volo (1)
to fly
vúlnero (1)
to wound
táceo -ēre
to be silent
to burn, be on fire
árdeo -ēre
to sit
sédeo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb gáudeo?
gáudeo gaudēre
to remain, stay
máneo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb váleo?
váleo valére válui
to be aware of, guard against
cáveo, -ēre
to respond, answer
respóndeo -ēre
to rejoice
gáudeo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb cáveo?
cáveo cavēre cavi cautus
To teach, to delight, to move
Docēre, delectare, movēre
Docēre, delectare, movēre
To teach, to delight, to move
to be silent
táceo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb sédeo?
sédeo sedēre sedi sessus
sédeo -ēre
to sit
to owe, ought
débeo -ēre
appáreo -ēre
to appear
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb dóceo?
dóceo docēre dócui doctus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb video
video vidēre vidi visus
móveo -ēre
to move
váleo -ēre
to be strong, be well
tímeo -ēre
to fear, be afraid of
to warn
móneo -ēre
débeo -ēre
to owe, ought
Vídeo et táceo.
I see and am silent.
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb timeo?
timeo timēre timui
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb móveo?
móveo movēre movi motus
to prevent
prohíbeo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb respóndeo?
respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb júbeo?
júbeo jubēre jussi jussus
vídeo -ēre
to see
júbeo -ēre
to order, command
to order, command
júbeo -ēre
téneo -ēre
to hold
to move
móveo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb árdeo?
árdeo ardēre arsi arsus
cáveo, -ēre
to be aware of, guard against
móneo -ēre
to warn
térreo -ēre
to frighten
to fear, be afraid of
tímeo -ēre
I see and am silent.
Vídeo et táceo.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Veni, vidi, vici.
to teach
dóceo -ēre
to appear
appáreo -ēre
respóndeo -ēre
to respond, answer
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb máneo?
máneo manēre mansi mansus
to have
hábeo -ēre
to frighten
térreo -ēre
gáudeo -ēre
to rejoice
Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
What are the principal parts of moneo?
moneo monēre mónui mónitus
prohíbeo -ēre
to prevent
hábeo -ēre
to have
máneo -ēre
to remain, stay
árdeo -ēre
to burn, be on fire
dóceo -ēre
to teach
to be strong, be well
váleo -ēre
to see
vídeo -ēre
to hold
téneo -ēre
What are the principal parts for the irregular verb téneo?
téneo tenēre ténui tentus
váleo valēre válui
to be strong, be well
to be strong, be well
váleo valēre válui
Cave canem.
Beware the dog.
Beware the dog.
Cave canem.