Lesson 8 Vocab Review Flashcards
I believe in one God
Credo in unum Deum.
cavus -a -um
middle (of)
médius-a -um
boundary, end
finis finis m.
adversus -a -um w/dat.
unfavorable, facing (towards)
réliquus-a -um
remaining, the rest of
cólloco (1)
to place, station
Quid Romae fáciam?
What should I do in Rome?
accómmodo (1)
to adapt to
confirmo (1)
to encourage, strengthen
to drink
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
help, aid
auxilium -i n.
verto vértere verti versus
to turn
to preserve, spare
conservo (1)
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to climb up
ille illa illud
that, those
chief, leading man
princeps príncipis m.
auxília -orum n.
abundance, supply
cópia -ae f.
catra -orum n.
letter (alphabet)
líttera -ae f.
Arma Virúmque cano.
I sing of arms and a man.
I, me
ego mei
équites équitum m.
auxília -orum n.
últimus-a -um
farthest, most remote, last
Nunc Dimittis
Now you dismiss
firmus-a -um
vigorous, solid, steadfast
summus-a -um
highest, greatest, very great
to climb up
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
arms, weapons
arma -orum n.
insídiae -arum f.
plot, ambush
impedimenta -orum n.
baggage, baggage train
to defend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
narrow place, difficulties
angústiae -arum f.
cópia -ae f.
abundance, supply
to approach, draw near to
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
murus -i m.
tu tui
is ea id
he, she, it, they; that, those
nearest, next (to)
próximus-a -um w/dat.
sui sibi se se
-self (reflexive)
líttera -ae f.
letter (alphabet)
safety, wellfare, salvation
salus salutis f.
murus -i m.
fines finium (i-stem)
iste ista istud
that, those (of yours)
spacious, spendid
amplus -a -um
together (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
próximus-a -um w/dat.
nearest, next (to)
in médias res
into the middle of things
glória -ae
fame, glory
Honor vitutis praémium.
Esteem is the reward of virtue.
eques équitis m.
arma -orum n.
arms, weapons
I sing of arms and a man.
Arma Virúmque cano.
to spread, expand
pando pándere pandi passus
baggage, baggage train
impedimenta -orum n.
eques équitis m.
fines finium (i-stem)
amplus -a -um
spacious, spendid
highest, greatest, very great
summus-a -um
finis finis m.
boundary, end
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
to drink
convénio convenire convēni conventus
to come together, assemble
to send away, dismiss
dimitto dimittere dimisi dimissus
tu tui
this, these
hic haec hoc
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
to defend
équites équitum m.
ego mei
I, me
administro (1)
to govern, manage, attend to
winter quarters
hiberna -orum n.
egrégius -a -um
mília mílium w/gen n.
What should I do in Rome?
Quid Romae fáciam?
occido occídere occidi occisus
to cut down, kill
catra -orum n.
to encourage, strengthen
confirmo (1)
to place, station
cólloco (1)
hic haec hoc
this, these
to read
lego légere lēgi lectus
vigorous, solid, steadfast
firmus-a -um
to buy
emo émere ēmi emptus
extremus-a -um
outermost, extreme, last
death (i-stem)
mors mortis f.
mília mílium w/gen n.
caedes caedis f.
slaughter (i-stem)
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
to set fire to, burn
that, those (of yours)
iste ista istud
númerus -i m.
plot, ambush
insídiae -arum f.
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
to approach, draw near to
Credo in unum Deum.
I believe in one God
Now you dismiss
Nunc Dimittis
slaughter (i-stem)
caedes caedis f.
princeps príncipis m.
chief, leading man
conservo (1)
to preserve, spare
salus salutis f.
safety, wellfare, salvation
farthest, most remote, last
últimus-a -um
vitus, virtutis f.
courage, virtue
fame, glory
glória -ae
remaining, the rest of
réliquus-a -um
lego légere lēgi lectus
to read
to help, aid
ádjuvo adjuvare adjuvi adjutus
cópia -arum f.
troops, forces
egrégius -a -um
to get ready, prepare
cómparo (1)
dimitto dimittere dimisi dimissus
to send away, dismiss
pando pándere pandi passus
to spread, expand
to govern, manage, attend to
administro (1)
to turn
verto vértere verti versus
cavus -a -um
médius-a -um
middle (of)
one thousand
mille (indeclineable) n
Esteem is the reward of virtue.
Honor vitutis praémium.
outermost, extreme, last
extremus-a -um
battle line
ácies aciei f.
cómparo (1)
to get ready, prepare
angústiae -arum f.
narrow place, difficulties
letter (epistle), dispatch
lítterae -arum f.
courage, virtue
vitus, virtutis f.
ácies aciei f.
battle line
unfavorable, facing (towards)
adversus -a -um w/dat.
auxilium -i n.
help, aid
númerus -i m.
-self (reflexive)
sui sibi se se
emo émere ēmi emptus
to buy
lítterae -arum f.
letter (epistle), dispatch
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
to strive, hasten, contend
to adapt to
accómmodo (1)
cómmodus -a -um
convenient, comfortable
Bella gerant álii!
Let others wage war!
to, towards (prefix)
ad (prefix)
to come together, assemble
convénio convenire convēni conventus
to strive, hasten, contend
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
troops, forces
cópia -arum f.
mors mortis f.
death (i-stem)
to set fire to, burn
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
ádjuvo adjuvare adjuvi adjutus
to help, aid
to cut down, kill
occido occídere occidi occisus
hiberna -orum n.
winter quarters
ipse ipsa ipsum
-self (intensive)
Let others wage war!
Bella gerant álii!
that, those
ille illa illud
he, she, it, they; that, those
is ea id
-self (intensive)
ipse ipsa ipsum
mille (indeclineable) n
one thousand
convenient, comfortable
cómmodus -a -um
cum, com, con (prefix)
together (prefix)
into the middle of things
in médias res