Lesson 6 New Material Flashcards
Quid Romae fáciam?
What should I do in Rome?
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to climb up
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
to drink
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
to strive, hasten, contend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
to defend
emo émere ēmi emptus
to buy
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
to set fire to, burn
lego légere lēgi lectus
to read
occido occídere occidi occisus
to cut down, kill
pando pándere pandi passus
to spread, expand
verto vértere verti versus
to turn
What should I do in Rome?
Quid Romae fáciam?
to climb up
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to drink
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
to strive, hasten, contend
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
to defend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
to buy
emo émere ēmi emptus
to set fire to, burn
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
to read
lego légere lēgi lectus
to cut down, kill
occido occídere occidi occisus
to spread, expand
pando pándere pandi passus
to turn
verto vértere verti versus
The place or location of something is in the ___ case.
Give the Locative Rule.
For cities and small islands, the locative is identical to the ablative except in the 1st and 2nd declension singular, where it is identical to the gentiive. It is translated by in or at.
What two words are not cities or small islands, but have a locative? What are their locatives?
domus, rus; domi ruri
fácio with iter
march (literally, make a journey)
Mílites iter faciebant.
The soldiers were marching.
cápio with consílium
make a plan (literally captutre a plan).
Galli consílium cápiunt.
The Gauls are making a plan.
Marcus castra in silvis pósuit.
Mark pitched camp in the woords.
pono with castra
pitch camp (literally, put camp)
Which occurs more commonly with pono - in w/abl. or in w/acc.
in w/abl.
Puella in mensā litteras pósuit.
The girl put the letter on the table.