Lesson 13 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
a fronte
in/from the front
a tergo
in/from the rear
a, ab (prefix)
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
to be away, be absent
atque (ac) (conj.)
at dawn
primā luce
atque (ac) (conj.)
Ave atque vale.
Hail and farewell.
a, ab (prefix)
back, again
re- (prefix)
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
to alarm, arouse
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
to fill (with)
contíneo continēre continui contentus
to restrain, hold in
do + inter w/reflexive
do + inter w/reflexive
nam (conj.)
forever, world without end
in saécula saeculorum
from/on all sides
úndique (adv.)
greatly, violently
vehementer (adv.)
Hail and farewell.
Ave atque vale.
id est (i.e.)
that is
in princípio
in the beginning
in saécula saeculorum
forever, world without end
in the beginning
in princípio
in/from the front
a fronte
in/from the rear
a tergo
messenger, message
núntius -i m.
military tribune
tribunus + mílitum
nam (conj.)
neither … nor
neque … neque
neque (conj.)
nor, and … not
neque … neque
neither … nor
nor, and … not
neque (conj.)
núntius -i m.
messenger, message
ob (prefix)
towards, against (prefix)
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
to hold, occupy
per (prefix)
through (prefix)
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
to pertain to, stretch to
primā luce
at dawn
Principes obsides inter se dabant.
The chiefs were exchanging hostages.
re- (prefix)
back, again
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
to hold back, keep
sub, sus (prefix)
under, up from under (prefix)
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
to sustain, withstand
téneo + memória
to remember
that is
id est (i.e.)
The military tribunes are in the fortification.
Tribuni mílitum in munitione sunt.
through (prefix)
per (prefix)
to alarm, arouse
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
to be away, be absent
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
to fill (with)
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
to hold back, keep
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
to hold, occupy
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
to pertain to, stretch to
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
to remember
téneo + memória
to restrain, hold in
contíneo continēre continui contentus
to sustain, withstand
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
towards, against (prefix)
ob (prefix)
tríbunus -i m.
Tribuni mílitum in munitione sunt.
The military tribunes are in the fortification.
tríbunus -i m.
tribunus + mílitum
military tribune
under, up from under (prefix)
sub, sus (prefix)
úndique (adv.)
from/on all sides
vehementer (adv.)
greatly, violently
Virtutem mílitum memóriā tenebo.
I will remember the courage of the soldiers.
at (conj.)
clam (adv.)
omnino (adv.)
altogether, at all (w/non), in all (w/numerals)
praetérea (adv.)
besides, furthermore
primum (adv.)
rursus (adv.)
satis (adv.)
enough, sufficient
statim (adv.)
at once, immediate
usque (adv.)
all the way
vero (postpostive adv.)
in truth, but
qui quae quod
who, which, that
at (conj.)
clam (adv.)
altogether, at all (w/non), in all (w/numerals)
omnino (adv.)
besides, furthermore
praetérea (adv.)
primum (adv.)
rursus (adv.)
enough, sufficient
satis (adv.)
at once, immediate
statim (adv.)
all the way
usque (adv.)
in truth, but
vero (postpostive adv.)
who, which, that
qui quae quod
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
which was to be shown
which was to be shown
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
expugno (1)
to storm, take by storm
incito (1)
to incite, arouse
paco (1)
to pacify
probo (1)
to approve, prove
vasto (1)
to lay waste, ravage
cerno cérnere crevi –
to distinguish, see
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
to learn, find out
peto pétere petivi petitus
to seek, beg, request
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
to seek, ask
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
to arrive
quis quid
who? what?
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards themselves?
expects a “no” answer
expects a “yes” answer
to storm, take by storm
expugno (1)
to incite, arouse
incito (1)
to pacify
paco (1)
to approve, prove
probo (1)
to lay waste, ravage
vasto (1)
to distinguish, see
cerno cérnere crevi –
to learn, find out
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
to seek, beg, request
peto pétere petivi petitus
to seek, ask
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
to arrive
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
who? what?
quis quid
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
expects a “no” answer
expects a “yes” answer
Credo in unum Deum.
I believe in one God
Arma Virúmque cano.
I sing of arms and a man.
angústiae -arum f.
narrow place, difficulties
arma -orum n.
arms, weapons
catra -orum n.
arms, weapons
arma -orum n.
catra -orum n.
baggage, baggage train
impedimenta -orum n.
caedes caedis f.
slaughter (i-stem)
ácies aciei f.
battle line
chief, leading man
princeps príncipis m.
courage, virtue
vitus, virtutis f.
death (i-stem)
mors mortis f.
battle line
ácies aciei f.
Bella gerant álii!
Let others wage war!
cópia -ae f.
abundance, supply
cópia -arum f.
troops, forces
auxilium -i n.
help, aid
auxília -orum n.
abundance, supply
cópia -ae f.
équites équitum m.
boundary, end
finis finis m.
adversus -a -um w/dat.
unfavorable, facing (towards)
amplus -a -um
spacious, spendid
cavus -a -um
cómmodus -a -um
convenient, comfortable
convenient, comfortable
cómmodus -a -um
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to climb up
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
to drink
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
to strive, hasten, contend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
to defend
ádjuvo adjuvare adjuvi adjutus
to help, aid
cómparo (1)
to get ready, prepare
conservo (1)
to preserve, spare
convénio convenire convēni conventus
to come together, assemble
accómmodo (1)
to adapt to
administro (1)
to govern, manage, attend to
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
to approach, draw near to
cólloco (1)
to place, station
confirmo (1)
to encourage, strengthen
bonus -a -um, mélior mélius, óptimus -a -um
good, better, best
bad, worse, worst
malus -a -um, prejor pejus, péssimus -a -um
bene, mélius, óptimē
well, better, best
bene, mélius, óptimē
well, better, best
badly, worse, worst
male, perjus, péssimē
badly, worse, worst
male, perjus, péssimē
cápio + consílium
to make a plan
(on) top of
adversus + res (pl.)
adversus + res (pl.)
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
together (prefix)