Lesson 20 New Material Flashcards
Delenda est Carthago!
Carthage must be destroyed!
fremo frémere frémui frémitus
to roar, murmur
gemo gémere gémui –
to groan
incolo incólere incólui –
to inhabit, dwell in
ruo rúere rui –
to overthrow, rush
Carthage must be destroyed!
Delenda est Carthago!
to roar, murmur
fremo frémere frémui frémitus
to groan
gemo gémere gémui –
to inhabit, dwell in
incolo incólere incólui –
to overthrow, rush
ruo rúere rui –
The gerundive is a particple, a/an ___.
verbal adjective
Specifically, it (the gerundive) is the ___ and is declined like a regular ___ declension adjective.
future passive participle; 1st/2nd
To form the gerundive, add ___ to the present stem of 1st/2nd conjugation verbs, or ___ to the present stem of 3rd/3rd io/4th conjugation verbs.
-ndus; -endus
What is the basic translation of the gerundive, using amo as an example?
to be loved
What word shows obligation in English?
The Romans showed obligation by using a ___ verb consisting of the ___ and a form of ___. This construction is called the ___.
compound; gerundive; sum; gerundive of obligation
In the gerundive of obligation, the gerundive will agree with the subject in ___.
gender, number, and case
An active English sentence that shows obligation must be rewritten in the ___ before translating.
In the gerundive of obligation, the person who performs the action of the verb is expressed by the ___ case. This construction is called the ___.
dative; dative of agent
Instead of quam, the ___ without a preposition may be used to express a comparison.
The ablative can only be used instead of quam when the word being compared is in the __ or ___ case, and when the ablative would not be ___.
nominative; accusative; ambiguous