Lesson 27 New Material Flashcards
áffero afferre áttuli allatus w/ad
to bring to, report
cónfero conferre cóntuli collatus
to bring together, collect
díffero differre dístuli dilatus
to disperse, separate, scatter
ínfero inferre íntuli illatus w/ad or in (both w/acc.)
to bring into, bring against
réfero referre réttuli relatus
to bring back, report
fero ferre tuli latus
to bear, carry
crocum in Cilíciam ferre
to carry saffron to Cilicia
refero + pedem (acc. sing.)
to retreat
What is the Latin word for to bear? Give the full dictionary entry.
fero ferre tuli latus
With few exceptions, fero has regular ___ conjugation endings.
All irregular forms of fero occur in the ___ tenses of the indicative and verbals.
to bring to, report
áffero afferre áttuli allatus w/ad
to bring together, collect
cónfero conferre cóntuli collatus
to disperse, separate, scatter
díffero differre dístuli dilatus
to bring into, bring against
ínfero inferre íntuli illatus w/ad or in (both w/acc.)
to bring back, report
réfero referre réttuli relatus
to bear, carry
fero ferre tuli latus
to carry saffron to Cilicia
crocum in Cilíciam ferre
to retreat
refero + pedem (acc. sing.)