Lesson 21 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
mília mílium w/gen n.
catra -orum n.
baggage, baggage train
impedimenta -orum n.
téneo + memória
to remember
extremus-a -um
outermost, extreme, last
relinquo relínquere reliqui relictus
to leave, leave behind
to inhabit, dwell in
incolo incólere incólui –
a, ab (prefix)
úndique (adv.)
from/on all sides
greatly, more, most
magnópere, magis, máximē
diu, diútius, ditíssimē
long (of time), longer, longest
letter (alphabet)
líttera -ae f.
Virtutem mílitum memóriā tenebo.
I will remember the courage of the soldiers.
to think
aéstimo (1) or exístimo (1)
badly, worse, worst
male, perjus, péssimē
what? which?
qui quae quod (interrogative adj.)
little, not enough, less, least
parum, minus, mínimē
to roar, murmur
fremo frémere frémui frémitus
into the middle of things
in médias res
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
to learn, find out
safety, wellfare, salvation
salus salutis f.
greatly, violently
vehementer (adv.)
from/on all sides
úndique (adv.)
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
to be away, be absent
vero (postpostive adv.)
in truth, but
fremo frémere frémui frémitus
to roar, murmur
together (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
remaining, the rest of
réliquus-a -um
spacious, spendid
amplus -a -um
médius-a -um
middle (of)
Quid Romae fáciam?
What should I do in Rome?
neque … neque
neither … nor
mille + passūs (pl.)
a mile
to leave, leave behind
relinquo relínquere reliqui relictus
expects a “yes” answer
Bella gerant álii!
Let others wage war!
to make a plan
cápio + consílium
to preserve, spare
conservo (1)
salus salutis f.
safety, wellfare, salvation
to hand over
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
to hand over
fácio + impetum
to make an attack
adduco addúcere adduxi adductus
to lead to, lead on
to seek, ask
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
arms, weapons
arma -orum n.
conjício conjícere conjeci conjectus
to finish, wear out
abundance, supply
cópia -ae f.
to kill
interfício interfícere interfeci interfectus
(on) top of
aéstimo (1)
to think
interfício interfícere interfeci interfectus
to kill
in saécula saeculorum
forever, world without end
quis quid
who? what?
to restrain, hold in
contíneo continēre continui contentus
confirmo (1)
to encourage, strengthen
slaughter (i-stem)
caedes caedis f.
to get ready, prepare
cómparo (1)
dimitto dimittere dimisi dimissus
to send away, dismiss
erípio erípere erípui ereptus w/e (ex)
to take away, save (from)
exístimo (1)
to think
ádjuvo adjuvare adjuvi adjutus
to help, aid
male, perjus, péssimē
badly, worse, worst
coepi coepisse coeptus w/infin
to have begun
highest, greatest, very great
summus-a -um
primum (adv.)
to receive, accept, recover
recípio recípere recepi receptus
E pluribus unum
One out of many
to alarm, arouse
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
amplus -a -um
spacious, spendid
júvenis júvenis, júnior június, mínium natu
young, younger, youngest
cápio + consílium
to make a plan
núntius -i m.
messenger, message
through (prefix)
per (prefix)
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
to set fire to, burn
to halt, take a position
consisto consístere cónstiti –
lego légere lēgi lectus
to read
in truth, but
vero (postpostive adv.)
traduco tradúcere traduxi traductus
to lead across
at dawn
primā luce
to have (become) accustomed, be accustomed
consuevi consuetus w/infin
consuevi consuetus w/infin
to have (become) accustomed, be accustomed
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
to pertain to, stretch to
boundary, end
finis finis m.
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
to be present
adversus + res (pl.)
caedes caedis f.
slaughter (i-stem)
repério reperire répperi repertus
to find (out)
cum, com, con (prefix)
together (prefix)
letter (epistle), dispatch
lítterae -arum f.
fame, glory
glória -ae
to incite, arouse
incito (1)
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
to defend
to show
ostendo osténdere ostendi ostentus
vasto (1)
to lay waste, ravage
to overthrow, rush
ruo rúere rui –
young, younger, youngest
júvenis júvenis, júnior június, mínium natu
well, better, best
bene, mélius, óptimē
incolo incólere incólui –
to inhabit, dwell in
to be lacking
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
parvus -a -um, minor minus, mínimus -a -um
small, smaller, smallest
mília mílium w/gen n.
altogether, at all (w/non), in all (w/numerals)
omnino (adv.)
lítterae -arum f.
letter (epistle), dispatch
consisto consístere cónstiti –
to halt, take a position
to love
díligo dilígere dilexi dilectus
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
to persuade
to arrive
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
much in little
multum in parvo
to pertain to, stretch to
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
líttera -ae f.
letter (alphabet)
hora -ae f.
conficio confícere confeci confectus
to finish, wear out
accípio accípere accepi acceptus
to receive, accept
death (i-stem)
mors mortis f.
to encourage, strengthen
confirmo (1)
mille (indeclineable) n
one thousand
narrow place, difficulties
angústiae -arum f.
to hold back, keep
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
vitus, virtutis f.
courage, virtue
multus -a -um, plus pluris n. (noun), plúrimus -a -um
much, more, most
deduco dedúcere deduxi deductus
to lead, lead away
long (of time), longer, longest
diu, diútius, ditíssimē
to adapt to
accómmodo (1)
pando pándere pandi passus
to spread, expand
to hate, dislike
odi odisse –
idóneus -a -um, magis idóneus -a -um, máximē idóneus -a -um
suitable, more suitable, most suitable
it grows as it goes
crescit eundo
peto pétere petivi petitus
to seek, beg, request
to give up, surrender
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
to sustain, withstand
nemo néminis m.
no one
a fronte
in/from the front
qui quae quod
who, which, that
crescit eundo
it grows as it goes
verto vértere verti versus
to turn
unfavorable, facing (towards)
adversus -a -um w/dat.
neque (conj.)
nor, and … not
size, greatness
magnitudo magnitúdinis f.
fines finium (i-stem)
to hinder
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
contíneo continēre continui contentus
to restrain, hold in
malus -a -um, prejor pejus, péssimus -a -um
bad, worse, worst
summus-a -um
highest, greatest, very great
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
diu, diútius, ditíssimē
long (of time), longer, longest
to hold, occupy
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
eques équitis m.
to, towards (prefix)
ad (prefix)
to set fire to, burn
incendo incéndere incendi encensus
finis finis m.
boundary, end
at (conj.)
to learn, find out
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
vigília -ae f.
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
to approach, draw near to
to seek, beg, request
peto pétere petivi petitus
to approve, prove
probo (1)
usque (adv.)
all the way
númerus -i m.
to receive, accept
accípio accípere accepi acceptus
a, ab (prefix)
to remember
téneo + memória
good, better, best
bonus -a -um, mélior mélius, óptimus -a -um
nor, and … not
neque (conj.)
to read
lego légere lēgi lectus
murus -i m.
id est (i.e.)
that is
magnus -a -um, major majus, máximus -a -um
great, greater, greatest
much, more, most
multus -a -um, plus pluris n. (noun), plúrimus -a -um
outermost, extreme, last
extremus-a -um
glória -ae
fame, glory
to come together, assemble
convénio convenire convēni conventus
Credo in unum Deum.
I believe in one God
egrégius -a -um
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to do harm to, injure
omnino (adv.)
altogether, at all (w/non), in all (w/numerals)
númerus -i m.
to approach, draw near to
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
saepe, saépius, saepíssimē
often, more often, most often
to groan
gemo gémere gémui –
pono + castra
to pitch camp
to draw up, equip
instruo instrúere instruxi instructus
angústiae -arum f.
narrow place, difficulties
to place, set up, decide, determine
constítuo constitúere constítui constítutus w/infin.
badly, worse, worst
male, perjus, péssimē
bonus -a -um, mélior mélius, óptimus -a -um
good, better, best
múnio + via
to build a road
no one
nemo néminis m.
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
to give up, surrender
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
to drink
satis (adv.)
enough, sufficient
to distinguish, see
cerno cérnere crevi –
to find (out)
repério reperire répperi repertus
to pacify
paco (1)
cópia -ae f.
abundance, supply
tribunus + mílitum
military tribune
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
to hold back, keep
expects a “no” answer
emo émere ēmi emptus
to buy
possum posse pótui – w/infin.
to be able, can
to drive, repulse, rout
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to drive, repulse, rout
bene, mélius, óptimē
well, better, best
to defend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
ruo rúere rui –
to overthrow, rush
conspício conspícere conspexi conspectus
to see, catch sight of
constítuo constitúere constítui constítutus w/infin.
to place, set up, decide, determine
it rains
pluit plúere pluvit –
in/from the rear
a tergo
Now you dismiss
Nunc Dimittis
Delenda est Carthago!
Carthage must be destroyed!
Principes obsides inter se dabant.
The chiefs were exchanging hostages.
plot, ambush
insídiae -arum f.
Arma Virúmque cano.
I sing of arms and a man.
in/from the front
a fronte
instruo instrúere instruxi instructus
to draw up, equip
in médias res
into the middle of things
catra -orum n.
magnópere, magis, máximē
greatly, more, most
vehementer (adv.)
greatly, violently
What should I do in Rome?
Quid Romae fáciam?
díligo dilígere dilexi dilectus
to love
multum in parvo
much in little
pluit plúere pluvit –
it rains
atque (ac) (conj.)
courage, virtue
vitus, virtutis f.
one thousand
mille (indeclineable) n
I hate and I love.
Odi et amo.
messenger, message
núntius -i m.
Ave atque vale.
Hail and farewell.
ostendo osténdere ostendi ostentus
to show
I sing of arms and a man.
Arma Virúmque cano.
re- (prefix)
back, again
occido occídere occidi occisus
to cut down, kill
to place, station
cólloco (1)
to put to flight
do + in fugam
paco (1)
to pacify
to be present
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
sub, sus (prefix)
under, up from under (prefix)
cado cádere cécidi casus
to fall
to build a road
múnio + via
impedimenta -orum n.
baggage, baggage train
murus -i m.
which was to be shown
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
who, which, that
qui quae quod
to finish, wear out
conjício conjícere conjeci conjectus
forever, world without end
in saécula saeculorum
to send away, dismiss
dimitto dimittere dimisi dimissus
to be able, can
possum posse pótui – w/infin.
a tergo
in/from the rear
chief, leading man
princeps príncipis m.
prope, própius, próximē
near, nearer, next
neither … nor
neque … neque
incito (1)
to incite, arouse
Hail and farewell.
Ave atque vale.
praetérea (adv.)
besides, furthermore
to fall
cado cádere cécidi casus
cómmodus -a -um
convenient, comfortable
Si vis amari, ama.
If you wish to be loved, love.
multum, plus, plúrimum
much, more, most
próximus-a -um w/dat.
nearest, next (to)
willing and able
volens et potens
tríbunus -i m.
troops, forces
cópia -arum f.
(on) top of
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
in princípio
in the beginning
to buy
emo émere ēmi emptus
to do harm to, injure
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to remember
mémini memínisse – w/gen.
egrégius -a -um
many, more, very many, most
multi -ae -a, plures plura, plūrimi -ae -a
recípio recípere recepi receptus
to receive, accept, recover
to be away, be absent
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
The military tribunes are in the fortification.
Tribuni mílitum in munitione sunt.
help, aid
auxilium -i n.
accómmodo (1)
to adapt to
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
to strive, hasten, contend
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
which was to be shown
Carthage must be destroyed!
Delenda est Carthago!
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
to be lacking
princeps príncipis m.
chief, leading man
battle line
ácies aciei f.
to be in command of, in charge of
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
often, more often, most often
saepe, saépius, saepíssimē
conjício + in fugam
to throw into flight
Nunc Dimittis
Now you dismiss
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
to seek, ask
convenient, comfortable
cómmodus -a -um
vigília -ae f.
bene, mélius, óptimē
well, better, best
Non oratorem, non senatorem, sed piscatorem
Not an orator, nor a senator, but a fisherman
to sustain, withstand
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
to strive, hasten, contend
contendo conténdere contendi – w/infin.
clam (adv.)
tríbunus -i m.
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
to hold, occupy
dúbius -a -um, magis dúbius -a -um, máximē dúbius -a -um
doubtful, more doubtful, most doubtful
do + inter w/reflexive
a mile
mille + passūs (pl.)
small, smaller, smallest
parvus -a -um, minor minus, mínimus -a -um
Not an orator, nor a senator, but a fisherman
Non oratorem, non senatorem, sed piscatorem
últimus-a -um
farthest, most remote, last
senex senis, sénior sénius, máximus natu
old, older, oldest
cerno cérnere crevi –
to distinguish, see
to climb up
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
mémini memínisse – w/gen.
to remember
auxilium -i n.
help, aid
enough, sufficient
satis (adv.)
to drink
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
ob (prefix)
towards, against (prefix)
farthest, most remote, last
últimus-a -um
conservo (1)
to preserve, spare
do + inter w/reflexive
to throw into flight
conjício + in fugam
Honor vitutis praémium.
Esteem is the reward of virtue.
expugno (1)
to storm, take by storm
probo (1)
to approve, prove
primum (adv.)
to pitch camp
pono + castra
parum, minus, mínimē
little, not enough, less, least
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
to fill (with)
to lead to, lead on
adduco addúcere adduxi adductus
to lead, lead away
deduco dedúcere deduxi deductus
to depart, withdraw
discedo discédere discessi –
in the beginning
in princípio
eques équitis m.
towards, against (prefix)
ob (prefix)
to finish, wear out
conficio confícere confeci confectus
arma -orum n.
arms, weapons
expects a “no” answer
gemo gémere gémui –
to groan
fines finium (i-stem)
middle (of)
médius-a -um
Let others wage war!
Bella gerant álii!
to fill (with)
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
to help, aid
ádjuvo adjuvare adjuvi adjutus
how large? how great?
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
to arrive
If you wish to be loved, love.
Si vis amari, ama.
primā luce
at dawn
to take away, save (from)
erípio erípere erípui ereptus w/e (ex)
bad, worse, worst
malus -a -um, prejor pejus, péssimus -a -um
insídiae -arum f.
plot, ambush
old, older, oldest
senex senis, sénior sénius, máximus natu
nearest, next (to)
próximus-a -um w/dat.
to storm, take by storm
expugno (1)
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
to alarm, arouse
to make an attack
fácio + impetus
fácio + iter
to march
under, up from under (prefix)
sub, sus (prefix)
all the way
usque (adv.)
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
cavus -a -um
ácies aciei f.
battle line
to march
fácio + iter
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
to turn
verto vértere verti versus
to see, catch sight of
conspício conspícere conspexi conspectus
discedo discédere discessi –
to depart, withdraw
besides, furthermore
praetérea (adv.)
to cut down, kill
occido occídere occidi occisus
back, again
re- (prefix)
to govern, manage, attend to
administro (1)
Hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutamus!
cólloco (1)
to place, station
I believe in one God
Credo in unum Deum.
multi -ae -a, plures plura, plūrimi -ae -a
many, more, very many, most
expects a “yes” answer
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.
how large? how great?
per (prefix)
through (prefix)
at (conj.)
rursus (adv.)
nam (conj.)
military tribune
tribunus + mílitum
magnitudo magnitúdinis f.
size, greatness
greatly, more, most
magnópere, magis, máximē
Tribuni mílitum in munitione sunt.
The military tribunes are in the fortification.
statim (adv.)
at once, immediate
administro (1)
to govern, manage, attend to
how? (to what degree)
quam (question word)
to persuade
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
doubtful, more doubtful, most doubtful
dúbius -a -um, magis dúbius -a -um, máximē dúbius -a -um
rursus (adv.)
hora -ae f.
to have begun
coepi coepisse coeptus w/infin
mors mortis f.
death (i-stem)
to spread, expand
pando pándere pandi passus
auxília -orum n.
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
to hinder
équites équitum m.
vigorous, solid, steadfast
firmus-a -um
recípio + a reflexive
to surrender
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
to be in command of, in charge of
cómparo (1)
to get ready, prepare
auxília -orum n.
adversus -a -um w/dat.
unfavorable, facing (towards)
to lead across
traduco tradúcere traduxi traductus
nam (conj.)
to lay waste, ravage
vasto (1)
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards themselves?
adversus + res (pl.)
cavus -a -um
One out of many
E pluribus unum
réliquus-a -um
remaining, the rest of
cópia -arum f.
troops, forces
that is
id est (i.e.)
winter quarters
hiberna -orum n.
atque (ac) (conj.)
do + in fugam
to put to flight
at once, immediate
statim (adv.)
Odi et amo.
I hate and I love.
suitable, more suitable, most suitable
idóneus -a -um, magis idóneus -a -um, máximē idóneus -a -um
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutamus!
Hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!
great, greater, greatest
magnus -a -um, major majus, máximus -a -um
qui quae quod (interrogative adj.)
what? which?
to surrender
recípio + a reflexive
volens et potens
willing and able
parum, minus, mínimē
little, not enough, less, least
firmus-a -um
vigorous, solid, steadfast
odi odisse –
to hate, dislike
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to climb up
hiberna -orum n.
winter quarters
convénio convenire convēni conventus
to come together, assemble
équites équitum m.
clam (adv.)
Esteem is the reward of virtue.
Honor vitutis praémium.
who? what?
quis quid
quam (question word)
how? (to what degree)
near, nearer, next
prope, própius, próximē