Lesson 7 Flashcards
In this deck, you will learn vocabulary terms dealing with clothes, weather, and professions. You will also learn about possessive pronouns and disjunctive (or stressed) pronouns.
Translate to French:
Yesterday I found twenty euros in the living room
Hier j’ai trouvé vingt euros dans le salon
to find - trouver
Translate to French:
Today I met a cool professor
Aujourd’hui j’ai rencontré un professeur sympa
to meet, to run into - rencontrer
Translate to French:
He cannot find a good job
Il ne peut pas trouver un bon emploi
a job - un emploi, un métier. Note that métier applies more to a “career.” In conversation, French speakers commonly use an informal term for “job” – le boulot.
Translate to French:
I’m going to work
Je vais au bureau
(place of) work, the office - le travail, le bureau. Note that un bureau can also refer to “an office (room)” in a house, as well as “a desk.”
Translate to French:
What do you do for a living?
Quel métier faites-vous?
What do you do for a living? - Quel métier faites-vous? An alternative would be: Que faites-vous dans la vie?
Translate to French:
How’s the weather?
Quel temps fait-il?
How’s the weather? - Quel temps fait-il? Literally, this translates to “What weather does it do?” Recall that temps refers to “(the) weather” as well as “time.”
Translate to French:
My father is a doctor
Mon père est docteur
a doctor - un docteur, un médecin. Recall that when declaring someone’s profession, articles can be omitted. In this case, un is not used.
Translate to French:
I need a lawyer
J’ai besoin d’un avocat
a lawyer - un avocat
Translate to French:
The most famous businessman is Bill Gates
L’homme d’affaires le plus connu est Bill Gates
a businessman - un homme d’affaires. A businesswoman is a femme d’affaires. Note how the past participle of connaître, connu (“known”), is used as an adjective to mean “famous.” Célèbre is another way of saying “famous.”
Translate to French:
I do not like politicians
Je n’aime pas les hommes politiques
a politician - un homme politique. The female equivalent of homme politique: femme politique. Note that politique must be made plural if you are talking about more than one politician.
Translate to French:
Mr. Dupont is an engineer
M. Dupont est ingénieur
an engineer - un ingénieur. Note that you can also use the more general term technicien.
Translate to French:
- me
- you
- him/her
- oneself
- us
- you
- them
- moi
- toi
- lui/elle
- soi
- nous
- vous
- eux/elles
These are disjunctive, or stressed, pronouns. They are used for emphasis when referring to people.
Translate to French:
I don’t want to leave
Moi, je ne veux pas partir
Stressed pronouns often come at either the beginning or end of sentences to emphasize pronouns or nouns. The literal translation here would be “Me, I don’t want to leave.”
Translate to French:
You are thinking about him. Is he thinking about you?
Tu penses à lui. Pense-t-il à toi?
Note the use of disjunctive pronouns after prepositions.
Translate to French:
Are you going to their house without us?
Vas-tu chez eux sans nous?
English translations of French phrases containing stressed pronouns often end up being quite different. In this case, the English does not employ “them,” the counterpart of eux, because of the term chez.
Translate to French:
Who wants some sugar? Him
Qui veut du sucre? Lui
Note how disjunctive pronouns can be used to answer questions. They can also be used in asking questions: Elle veut aller. Et toi? – “She wants to go. And you?”
Translate to French:
I like only him
Je n’aime que lui
The negative construction ne… que, which means “only,” is commonly used with disjunctive pronouns.
Translate to French:
You are a lot stronger than he/him
Tu es beaucoup plus fort que lui
Note how stressed pronouns are used after que in a comparison.
Translate to French:
You’re the one who wants to go hiking
C’est toi qui veux faire de la randonnée
Stressed pronouns can be used after c’est. Also note how the verb veux agrees with the subject; in this case, it is conjugated in the second-person singular to match toi.
Translate to French:
It’s they who are eating
Ce sont eux qui mangent
All disjunctive pronouns can follow c’est, with the exception of eux and elles, which must use ce sont instead.
Translate to French:
You’re going to make food yourself?
Tu vas faire à manger toi-même?
Note the use of the stressed pronoun with même, which is done for emphasis.
Translate to French:
- myself
- yourself
- himself
- herself
- oneself
- ourselves
- yourself/yourselves
- themselves
- moi-même
- toi-même
- lui-même
- elle-même
- soi-même
- nous-mêmes
- vous-même(s)
- eux-mêmes/elles-mêmes
Translate to French:
I will find the cat myself
Je trouverai le chat moi-même
Translate to French:
This pencil is mine
Ce crayon est à moi
Note how possession can be conveyed by using être à with a disjunctive pronoun. An alternative would be to use the adjective propre, which can mean “own”: C’est mon propre crayon – “This is my own pencil.”
Translate to French:
You and I are arriving
Toi et moi, nous arrivons
Note how disjunctive pronouns are used when there is more than one subject in a sentence. The same is true when there is more than one object.
Translate to French:
Every man/Each one for himself
Chacun pour soi
The disjunctive pronoun soi is used when the subject is general or consists of unspecified persons.
Translate to French:
When one is tired, one stays home
Quand on est fatigué, on reste chez soi
Because the indefinite pronoun on is used, the indefinite disjunctive pronoun soi is employed after the preposition chez. Here you’re really saying “When people are tired, they stay home” (at their respective homes). An alternative is Quand nous sommes fatigués, nous restons chez nous, but the meaning there changes slightly: “When we’re tired, we stay home” (at our single house).
Translate to French:
I want to be a fireman
Je veux être pompier
a fireman - un pompier
Translate to French:
My sister is going to be a nurse
Ma soeur va être infirmière
a nurse - un infirmier. Note the feminine form in the example.
Translate to French:
Pablo Picasso is a very well known painter
Pablo Picasso est un peintre très connu
a painter - un peintre. Note that “a painting” is une peinture.
Translate to French:
I do not see anyone over there
Je ne vois personne là-bas
nobody, no one, not anyone - ne… personne. Note the use of ne together with personne. Personne is the negative pronoun when it comes to people.
Translate to French:
I don’t know these people
Je ne connais pas ces gens
people - des gens. Note that gens is used in a general sense, while personne(s) is used to describe a specific person or group of people.
Translate to French:
Are there any people over at your house?
Est-ce qu’il y a du monde chez toi?
people - du monde. Du monde is often used to refer to a few people or a crowd of people. Des gens can also be used, literally meaning “some people.”
Translate to French:
Have you called the plumber?
As-tu appelé le plombier?
a plumber - un plombier. Note how appeler can mean “to call.” “To call oneself,” on the other hand, would be the reflexive form of the verb, s’appeler: je m’appelle Jean.
Translate to French:
The policeman is coming now
Le policier arrive maintenant
a policeman - un policier. Note that when referring to the police generally, la police is used.
Translate to French:
My boss is mean
Mon patron est méchant
a boss, a manager - un patron. An alternative is chef, which also means “cook” or “chef.”
Translate to French:
There are five employees eating
Il y a cinq employés en train de manger
an employee, a worker - un employé
Translate to French:
It’s a small business
C’est une petite entreprise
a company, a business - une société, une entreprise. To refer to business in general, use le commerce.
Translate to French:
In the company of his classmates and friends, Luc is very happy
En compagnie de ses camarades et ses amis, Luc est très heureux
company (social) - la compagnie. This word does not correspond to a company or business.
Translate to French:
Are you going to become a member of the club soon?
Vas-tu bientôt devenir membre du club?
a member - un membre. Note that the word for a social or athletic organization (club) is the same in French as in English.
Translate to French:
The members of the government are not motivated to act
Les membres du gouvernement ne sont pas motivés à agir
government - le gouvernement. Note that the adjective motivé is formed by the past participle of the verb motiver, “to motivate.”
Translate to French:
He works for the Department of Education
Il travaille pour le ministère de l’Éducation
a ministry, a department - un ministère. This noun applies to governmental departments (or ministries). To refer to administrative or academic departments, you can use département.
Translate to French:
- mine
- yours
- his/hers/its
- ours
- yours
- theirs
- le mien
- le tien
- le sien
- le nôtre
- le vôtre
- le leur
These are possessive pronouns. They replace a possessive adjective and a noun. The possessive pronoun must agree with the noun being replaced. Note that there are also feminine and plural forms of these pronouns.
Translate to French:
Here is my pen. Where is his?
Voici mon stylo. Où est le sien?
Here, instead of repeating the word stylo by asking Où est son stylo?, you can replace son stylo with the appropriate possessive pronoun, le sien.
Translate to French:
This house is mine
Cette maison est la mienne
Note the use of the possessive pronoun here, which allows you to avoid saying Cette maison est ma maison. Le mien becomes la mienne to agree with the noun, maison, which is feminine.
Translate to French:
Our kids are smart. His are dumb
Nos enfants sont intelligents. Les siens sont bêtes
Note the plural masculine form of the possessive pronoun le sien.
Translate to French:
My daughters are at school. Where are yours?
Mes filles sont à l’école. Où sont les tiennes?
Note the plural feminine form of the possessive pronoun le tien.
Translate to French:
Where is your car? Here is ours
Où est votre voiture? Voici la nôtre
Note that if there were more than one object in question, their genders wouldn’t matter, as the plural les nôtres is the same for nouns of both genders. The same is true for les vôtres.
Translate to French:
Here are our chairs. Have they found theirs?
Voici nos chaises. Ont-ils trouvé les leurs?
There is no difference between the masculine plural les leurs and the feminine plural les leurs. However, if there were only one chair to be found, the question would change to Ont-ils trouvé la leur? because chaise is feminine.
Translate to French:
He prefers his seat to yours
Il préfère son siège au tien
The rules of contraction apply as usual to possessive pronouns.
Translate to French:
Is this your drink or mine? I think it’s mine!
C’est ta boisson ou la mienne? Je pense que c’est la mienne!
Translate to French:
They need new clothes
Ils ont besoin de nouveaux vêtements
clothes - des vêtements. This is a masculine plural noun.
Translate to French:
I’m going to the store. Do you need anything?
Je vais au magasin. As-tu besoin de quelque chose?
a store - un magasin
Translate to French:
The red shirt costs thirty dollars
La chemise rouge coûte trente dollars
a shirt - une chemise
Translate to French:
What are you wearing to the party?
Que portes-tu à la fête?
to wear - porter
Translate to French:
It’s cold out, I’m going to wear my sweater
Il fait froid, je vais porter mon pull
a sweater - un pull
Translate to French:
I love this wool sweater!
J’adore ce pull en laine!
wool - la laine. Note that a “wool sweater” is literally a “sweater in wool” in French.
Translate to French:
Do you have your scarf?
As-tu ton écharpe?
a scarf - une écharpe. This word is feminine, but the possessive adjective ton is used instead of ta because écharpe starts with a vowel.
Translate to French:
Did you look at those pants over there?
As-tu regardé ce pantalon-là?
pants - un pantalon. Note how this word is singular, unlike in English. Also recall the use of the suffix -là to mean “(over) there.”
Translate to French:
You have to wear a tie tonight
Tu dois porter une cravate ce soir
a tie - une cravate
Translate to French:
Which (one) is your favorite t-shirt?
Lequel est ton tee-shirt préféré?
a t-shirt - un tee-shirt
Translate to French:
She wore a new pair of jeans
Elle a porté un nouveau jean
jeans - un jean. Unlike in English, jean is singular in French.
Translate to French:
Are you going to wear your boots?
Vas-tu porter tes bottes?
boots - des bottes. This is a feminine word.
Translate to French:
Which shoes do they want?
Quelles chaussures veulent-ils?
shoes - des chaussures. This is a feminine word.
Translate to French:
I love the summer because I can wear sandals
J’adore l’été parce que je peux porter des sandales
sandals - des sandales. This is a feminine word.
Translate to French:
I need new shorts
J’ai besoin d’un nouveau short
shorts - un short. Note that short, like jean and pantalon, is singular.
Translate to French:
Do you prefer short socks?
Tu préfères les chaussettes courtes?
socks - des chaussettes. This is a feminine word.
Translate to French:
This coat is too large
Ce manteau est trop grand
a coat - un manteau
Translate to French:
I wear my raincoat often in the spring
Je porte souvent mon imperméable au printemps
a raincoat - un imperméable. Note that the shortened imper is an informal alternative.
Translate to French:
We’re going on vacation in Los Angeles, but we still haven’t bought our bathing suits!
Nous partons en vacances à Los Angeles, mais nous n’avons pas encore acheté nos maillots de bain!
a bathing suit - un maillot de bain. Note how pas encore means “still (not)” here. It can also mean “(not) yet,” which is really the same thing.
Translate to French:
You guys have green jackets, right?
Vous avez des blousons verts, n’est-ce pas?
a jacket - un blouson, une veste
Translate to French:
There are numerous socks in the box
Il y a de nombreuses chaussettes dans la boîte
numerous, many - nombreux. Note the use of the feminine plural form here.
Translate to French:
Shoot! I lost my scarf!
Mince alors! J’ai perdu mon écharpe!
Shoot! - Mince alors! This is a relatively mild exclamation to express discontent. You could also just say Mince!
Translate to French:
You lost your coat? What a shame!
Tu as perdu ton manteau? Quel dommage!
What a shame! - Quel dommage!
Translate to French:
No one is wearing a tie
Personne ne porte une cravate
no one… - personne ne… In this construction, personne serves as the subject. The negative ne must still be used before the verb, however. The negative words rien and personne can stand alone, used often as answers (“nothing” and “no one”) to questions.
Translate to French:
It’s beautiful (outside) today!
Il fait beau aujourd’hui!
It is (weather) - il fait ___. Note that in French, the verb faire is used to describe weather instead of être.
Translate to French:
It’s going to be bad weather tomorrow
Il va faire mauvais demain
(to be) bad weather - (faire) mauvais
Translate to French:
Where is the sun?
Où est le soleil?
the sun - le soleil
Translate to French:
It’s a full moon tonight
C’est la pleine lune ce soir
the moon - la lune
Translate to French:
He fell to the earth (ground)
Il est tombé par terre
earth - la terre, le sol. These words can apply to both “the ground” and “soil.” Meanwhile, “the Earth” (the planet) is simply la terre. Finally, note the common expression tomber par terre.
Translate to French:
Nobody is at the park because it’s raining
Personne n’est au parc parce qu’il pleut
to rain - pleuvoir. Note that pleuvoir is an impersonal verb; it is only conjugated in the third-person singular with the impersonal il.
Translate to French:
I hear the rain
J’entends la pluie
rain - la pluie
Translate to French:
We don’t have school today because it’s snowing
On n’a pas école aujourd’hui parce qu’il neige
to snow - neiger. This is an impersonal verb that is only conjugated with il.
Translate to French:
It will be windy later today
Il va venter plus tard aujourd’hui
to be windy - venter. Note that le vent is the word for “wind.” Two alternatives to il vente are il y a du vent and le vent souffle.
Translate to French:
It’s foggy today
Il y a du brouillard aujourd’hui
to be foggy - avoir du brouillard. Brouillard is the word for “fog.”
Translate to French:
The storm will be dangerous
La tempête va être dangereuse
a storm - un orage, une tempête. A tempête is a more serious storm. Note the adjective dangereux, “dangerous.”
Translate to French:
These clouds are depressing
Ces nuages sont déprimants
a cloud - un nuage. To say “it’s cloudy,” use il y a des nuages.
Translate to French:
He won’t be happy, that’s for sure
Il ne va pas être content, c’est certain
certain (for sure) - certain. Note that c’est sûr would also work here.
Translate to French:
Are you sure?
Tu es sûr?
sure - sûr. The feminine form is sûre.
Translate to French:
He is sad because of the rain
Il est triste à cause de la pluie
because of - à cause de. Cause is also a feminine noun: la cause de… means “the cause of…”
Translate to French:
Here is my car and there is yours
Voici ma voiture et voilà la tienne
Voici relates to things that are closeby, whereas voilà relates to things that are farther away. That said, voilà is typically used in both cases, except for when there needs to be a clear distinction between two things, as in the above.
Translate to French:
That’s exciting news
C’est une grande nouvelle
news - nouvelle(s). This noun is normally plural; “the news,” for example, would be les nouvelles. It’s singular above because it’s a single piece of info. Also note the use of grand to mean “exciting,” which doesn’t have a direct translation in French.
Translate to French:
The president is here? What a surprise!
Le président est là? Quelle surprise!
a surprise - une surprise. The verb “to surprise” is surprendre and the adjective “surprising” is surprenant. Meanwhile, “surprised” would be surpris or étonné.
Translate to French:
The shock of our cat’s death is horrible
Le choc de la mort de notre chat est horrible
a shock - un choc. Note that “to shock” is choquer, while “shocking” is choquant and “shocked” is choqué.
Translate to French:
I am going to be nervous when I meet my new boss
Je vais être mal à l’aise quand je vais rencontrer mon nouveau chef
nervous, anxious - nerveux, anxieux, mal à l’aise. Note that the opposite expression would be être à l’aise, “to be at ease.”
Translate to French:
List the basic French titles, including their abbreviations.
- Monsieur (M.)
- Messieurs (MM.)
- Madame (Mme)
- Mesdames (Mmes)
- Mademoiselle (Mlle)
- Mesdemoiselles (Mlles)
Translate to French:
Is he afraid of the rain?
A-t-il peur de la pluie?
to be afraid of - avoir peur de. Note that the noun la peur means “fear.” Faire peur is “to scare.”
Translate to French:
You guys are in the habit of playing sports every day
Vous avez l’habitude de faire du sport tous les jours
to be in the habit of, to be used to - avoir l’habitude de
Translate to French:
I trust what you guys are saying
J’ai confiance en ce que vous dites
to trust - avoir confiance en. Note that you could use croire, “to believe,” here: Je crois ce que vous dites.
Translate to French:
The tennis match took place in Paris
La partie de tennis a eu lieu à Paris
to take place - avoir lieu
Translate to French:
The games take place throughout the day
Les matchs ont lieu tout au long de la journée
throughout - tout au long de. Note that you could also say Les matchs ont lieu pendant toute la journée.
Translate to French:
I am ashamed of him
J’ai honte de lui
to be embarrassed, to be ashamed - avoir honte. Note the use of de to mean “about” or “of.” The verb “to embarrass” is embarrasser or gêner.
Translate to French:
I am delighted to meet your uncle
Je suis enchanté de faire la connaissance de votre oncle
to meet (for the first time) - faire la connaissance de. When meeting someone, enchanté, “delighted,” is a common greeting in its own right. Also note that connaissance can mean “knowledge.”
Translate to French:
Not bad for a child
Pas mal pour un enfant
not bad - pas mal. Depending on context, this expression can sometimes even mean “pretty well.”
Translate to French:
There are quite a few people at the train station
Il y a pas mal de gens à la gare
quite a few - pas mal de. Note the feminine noun gare, “train station.”
Translate to French:
This year, I am going to save up
Cette année, je vais faire des économies
to save up (money) - faire des économies
Translate to French:
In the novel, he deals with a lot of problems
Dans le roman, il fait face à beaucoup de problèmes
to contend with, to deal with - faire face à
Translate to French:
I don’t like this kind of coat
Je n’aime pas ce genre de manteau
a kind, a type, a sort - un genre, un type, une sorte. The masculine style is yet another alternative.
Translate to French:
It’s a kind of weird yellow
C’est une espèce de jaune bizarre
(a) kind of - (une) espèce de. The noun espèce means “variety” or “species.” You can also use this expression in a negative exclamation: for example, Espèce d’idiot! means “Damn fool!”
Translate to French:
How beautiful she is!/ She’s so beautiful!
Comme elle est belle!
Note how comme is used as an adverb in this exclamation. When used like this, it means “so” or “how.”
List the French disjunctive (or stressed) pronouns.
- moi (me)
- toi (you)
- lui (him)/elle (her)
- soi (oneself)
- nous (us)
- vous (you)
- eux/elles (them)
Recall that you can add -même(s) to these pronouns for emphasis, whereby même translates to “self/selves.” For example, moi-même is “myself.”
List the French possessive pronouns.
- le mien (mine)
- le tien (yours)
- le sien (his/hers/its)
- le nôtre (ours)
- le vôtre (yours)
- le leur (theirs)
Recall that there are feminine and plural variations of these pronouns. For example, le sien can change to la sienne, les siens, or les siennes.