Lesson 3 Flashcards
This deck covers demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, as well as school and family words. You will also learn about telling time, comparatives and superlatives, the construction "il y a," and the expressions "avoir besoin de" and "avoir envie de."
Translate to French:
(formal) How old are you?
Quel âge avez-vous?
How old are you? - Quel âge avez-vous?. The literal translation here is “What age do you have?”
Translate to French:
(to a friend) How old are you?
T’as quel âge?
How old are you (informal)? - T’as quel âge? Note that this is an informal, shortened way of saying Tu as quel âge? Simply adding a question mark to an affirmative sentence is the informal way of asking a question.
Translate to French:
I am going to school today
Aujourd’hui je vais à l’école
today - aujourd’hui
Translate to French:
It’s a beautiful morning
C’est un beau matin
morning - le matin. Note that the more uncommon feminine alternative matinée also exists, but that it should be used in particular circumstances.
Translate to French:
Today is my birthday
Aujourd’hui c’est mon anniversaire
a birthday - un anniversaire. Note that anniversaire can also mean “anniversary,” though this usage is more uncommon.
Translate to French:
Happy birthday!
Joyeux anniversaire!
Happy birthday! - Joyeux anniversaire!
Translate to French:
Tomorrow is your birthday
Demain c’est ton anniversaire
tomorrow - demain
Translate to French:
What time is it?
Quelle heure est-il?
What time is it? - Quelle heure est-il?
Translate to French:
I am going to school in two days
Je vais à l’école dans deux jours
a day - un jour, une journée. When speaking of days as a division or length of time, use jour. When talking about the duration of a day, use journée. You will learn more about the different use cases of these words elsewhere.
Translate to French:
It is three o’clock
Il est trois heures
It is __ o’clock - Il est __ heures. Note that heure means “hour.” To say “It is one o’clock,” you would say Il est une heure.
Translate to French:
four hours
quatre heures
an hour - une heure
Translate to French:
I am on time
Je suis à l’heure
on time - à l’heure
Translate to French:
I am going back home at noon
Je rentre à la maison à midi
noon - midi
Translate to French:
It is midnight
Il est minuit
midnight - minuit
Translate to French:
ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
dix, vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante, soixante-dix, quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix
Translate to French:
forty-seven, fifty-one, eighty-one
quarante-sept, cinquante et un, quatre-vingt-un
Note that 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, and 71 use et, typically without a dash. However, 81, 91, and 101 don’t use et, with dashes used in 81 and 91.
Translate to French:
dozens of students
des douzaines d’étudiants
a dozen - une douzaine. Note that in French, dizaines, or “tens,” are actually more commonly used than “dozens.”
Translate to French:
The man is old
L’homme est vieux
old - vieux. Note that the feminine form is vieille, and that when vieux precedes a masculine noun starting with a vowel, it becomes vieil.
Translate to French:
The book is short
Le livre est court
short - court. Note that court is not used to describe a person’s physical height. To do that, use petit.
Translate to French:
It’s a fun day
C’est une journée amusante
fun - amusant
Translate to French:
My family is big
Ma famille est grande
a family - une famille
Translate to French:
My brother is tall
Mon frère est grand
a brother - un frère
Translate to French:
My sister is beautiful
Ma soeur est belle
a sister - une soeur
Translate to French:
His son is six years old
Son fils a six ans
a son - un fils
Translate to French:
Her daughter’s name is Anne
Sa fille s’appelle Anne
a daughter - une fille. Note that this is the same word for “girl.”
Translate to French:
My mother is intelligent
Ma mère est intelligente
a mother - une mère. Note that maman means “mom.”
Translate to French:
My father is forty-eight years old
Mon père a quarante-huit ans
a father - un père. Note that papa is used to say “dad.”
Translate to French:
My grandmother is old
Ma grand-mère est vieille
a grandmother - une grand-mère
Translate to French:
My grandfather is Italian
Mon grand-père est italien
a grandfather - un grand-père
Translate to French:
My grandfather is an octogenarian
Mon grand-père est octogénaire
an octogenarian - un octogénaire
Translate to French:
Today is my older brother’s birthday
Aujourd’hui c’est l’anniversaire de mon frère aîné
older - aîné. Aîné is a special adjective that applies only to the relative age of individuals. L’aîné can also be a noun, in which case it means “the oldest.”
Translate to French:
She’s my younger sister
C’est ma petite soeur
younger (sibling) - petit(e) (frère/soeur). Note that you can also refer to a younger sibling as a frère/soeur cadet(te).
Translate to French:
His grandson is very rich because he is always working
Son petit-fils est très riche parce qu’il travaille toujours
a grandson - un petit-fils. Note that “granddaughter” is petite-fille, while “grandchildren” is petits-enfants.
Translate to French:
My grandmother is content when(ever) she is at the retirement home
Ma grand-mère est contente quand elle est à la maison de retraite
a retirement home - une maison de retraite. Note how quand is used here to essentially mean “whenever” rather than simply “when.”
Translate to French:
Paul is a resident of the retirement home
Paul est habitant de la maison de retraite
an inhabitant, a resident - un habitant
Translate to French:
His parents are American
Ses parents sont américains
a parent - un parent
Translate to French:
My aunt is short
Ma tante est petite
an aunt - une tante. Recall that a physically short person should be described with petit, not court.
Translate to French:
Is his uncle smart?
Son oncle est-il intelligent?
an uncle - un oncle
Translate to French:
My cousin is fourteen years old
Mon cousin a quatorze ans
a cousin - un cousin
Translate to French:
My nephew is the son of my sister
Mon neveu est le fils de ma soeur
a nephew - un neveu
Translate to French:
His niece is the daughter of his sister
Sa nièce est la fille de sa soeur
a niece - une nièce
Translate to French:
My niece has short hair
Ma nièce a des cheveux courts
hair - les cheveux. Note how this is a plural noun. Note also that the partitive article des must be used when describing someone’s hair. This sentence literally translates as “My niece has some short hairs.”
Translate to French:
Can I speak now?
Est-ce que je peux parler maintenant?
now - maintenant
Translate to French:
I am coming at noon
Je viens à midi
to come - venir. Note that venir is an irregular verb. It’s often used to express one’s origin. For example, Je viens de Paris means “I am from (I come from) Paris.”
Translate to French:
I am in the mood to cook
J’ai envie de cuisiner
to want, to be in the mood for - avoir envie de. Note that this literally translates as “to have desire to.”
Translate to French:
I need to eat
J’ai besoin de manger
to need - avoir besoin de
Conjugate the verb venir in the present tense.
- je viens
- tu viens
- il/elle/on vient
- nous venons
- vous venez
- ils/elles viennent
Translate to French:
I am putting the money on the table
Je mets l’argent sur la table
to put - mettre. This is an irregular verb. Its conjugations in the present are: je mets, tu mets, il/elle/on met, nous mettons, vous mettez, ils/elles mettent.
Translate to French:
This middle school is gorgeous
Ce collège est magnifique
this/these - ce(tte)/ces. These are demonstrative adjectives. In the feminine form, ce becomes cette, but the plural form ces applies to both genders. The masculine singular ce becomes cet before a vowel sound: cet étudiant.
Translate to French:
This (here) is very important
Ceci est très important
this (here) - ceci
Translate to French:
I like that (over there)
J’aime cela
that (over there) - cela
Translate to French:
This is fantastic!
Ça, c’est fantastique!
this/that - ça. Note that ça can serve as an informal or abstract replacement for both ceci (“this”) and cela (“that”).
Translate to French:
What is that/it?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
What is that/it? - Qu’est-ce que c’est? Another way of saying “What is that?” is C’est quoi, ça?
Translate to French:
Do you see this house?
Est-ce que tu vois cette maison?
to see - voir. Note the feminine demonstrative adjective cette, since maison is feminine.
Conjugate the verb voir in the present tense.
- je vois
- tu vois
- il/elle/on voit
- nous voyons
- vous voyez
- ils/elles voient
Translate to French:
There are two high schools
Il y a deux lycées
there is, there are - il y a. Note that in French, there is no difference between “there is” and “there are.”
Translate to French:
There is a big dinner tonight
Il y a un grand dîner ce soir
tonight - ce soir. Note that this literally translates as “this evening.”
Translate to French:
What is happening?
Qu’est-ce qui se passe?
to happen, to take place - se passer. Note that this verb is reflexive and requires the se pronoun, which we will see a lot of elsewhere.
Translate to French:
What’s the matter?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
What’s the matter? - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? Note that this literally translates as “What is there?” You could also use Qu’est-ce qui se passe? – “What is going on/happening?”
Translate to French:
Nothing works
Rien ne marche
nothing… - rien ne… Note how in this construction, rien serves as the subject. The negative ne must still be used before the verb, however.
Translate to French:
This is a boring situation
Ça c’est une situation ennuyeuse
boring - ennuyeux. Note that situation is a feminine noun.
Translate to French:
There is a problem
Il y a un problème
a problem - un problème
Translate to French:
This side of the car is ugly
Ce côté de la voiture est moche
a side - un côté
Translate to French:
It’s my turn to cook
C’est à mon tour de cuisiner
a turn - un tour. Note that this only applies to one’s turn in a game or sequence of events. A turn while driving, as in “a change of direction,” is un virage.
Translate to French:
This pizza costs three euros
Cette pizza coûte trois euros
to cost - coûter
Translate to French:
How much does it cost?
Ça coûte combien?
How much does it cost? - Ça coûte combien? Note that you could also go with the inverse: Combien ça coûte?
Translate to French:
This guitar is very expensive
Cette guitare coûte très cher
expensive - cher. Note that cher also means “dear.” To say that something is expensive, you literally say “to cost dear” – coûter cher. The feminine form of cher is chère, but the masculine form is used here because the word is used as an adverb, not as an adjective.
Translate to French:
Who is he? A dear friend
Qui est-il? Un cher ami
dear - cher. Note how cher takes on this meaning when placed before a noun. Placed after a noun, it means “expensive”: une table chère means “an expensive table.”
Translate to French:
The book costs six dollars
Le livre coûte six dollars
a dollar - un dollar. Note that “a euro” is also masculine: un euro.
Translate to French:
My uncle is buying this boat
Mon oncle achète ce bateau
to buy - acheter. This verb is conjugated in the present as follows: j’achète, tu achètes, il/elle/on achète, nous achetons, vous achetez, ils/elles achètent.
Translate to French:
The boat costs more than the car
Le bateau coûte plus que la voiture
more than - plus que
Translate to French:
Julien is shorter than Marc
Julien est moins grand que Marc
less than - moins que. Note that there is no word for “shorter” in French. The construction moins que is used to denote inferiority in a comparative relationship. Most comparatives are constructed this way, with few exceptions.
Translate to French:
He is becoming (getting) big
Il devient grand
to become - devenir
Translate to French:
This book is written by my mother
Ce livre est écrit par ma mère
by - par. Here, the past participle of écrire is used as an adjective.
Translate to French:
These pizzas cost 10 euros each
Ces pizzas coûtent 10 euros chacune
each (one), every (one), all of the - chacun (de/des). Note the use here of the feminine form of chacun to agree with the feminine noun pizza. This pronoun can also mean “each person,” or chaque personne.
Translate to French:
The boys each eat in turn
Les garçons mangent chacun à leur tour
Note how the plural subject is modified by chacun here. The possessive adjective (leur) agrees with the subject.
Translate to French:
They each have their book
Ils ont chacun leur livre
Note the agreement between the possessive adjective and the subject.
Translate to French:
This ship is the largest
Ce bateau est le plus grand
superlative - le/la/les plus ___. Note the struture of superlatives in French: le/la/les plus + adjective.
Translate to French:
There are approximately 200 students inside the school
Il y a environ 200 élèves dans l’école
approximately - environ. The expression à peu près can work as an alternative to this adverb.
Translate to French:
It is a quarter past four
Il est quatre heures et quart
a quarter past - et quart. Note that to say “a quarter to four,” you would say Il est quatre heures moins le quart.
Translate to French:
It is ten to four
Il est quatre heures moins dix
___ to an hour (time) - moins ___. Note that you could also say Il est trois heures cinquante.
Translate to French:
Pierre is as intelligent as Paul
Pierre est aussi intelligent que Paul
as ___ as (comparison) - aussi ___ que. The construction aussi que is used to denote equality between things or people.
Translate to French:
Marie studies as much as Claire does
Marie étudie autant que Claire
as much/many as - autant que
Translate to French:
I am the best student in school
Je suis le meilleur élève de l’école
the best (adj.) - le meilleur. Le meilleur is the irregular superlative form of the adjective bon. Its spelling can change depending on the number and gender of the noun. Note that you could also say Je suis l’élève le plus intelligent de l’école.
Translate to French:
I am better than Alice
Je suis meilleur qu’Alice
better (than) (adj.) - meilleur (que). This is the irregular comparative form of the adjective bon.
Translate to French:
I play basketball better than Marc
Je joue au basket mieux que Marc
better (than) (adv.) - mieux (que). Mieux is the irregular comparative form of the adverb bien. Its spelling is invariable. Also recall that à le must be replaced with au.
Translate to French:
I write the best
J’écris le mieux
the best (adv.) - le mieux. This is the irregular superlative form of the adverb bien.
Explain the differences between meilleur and mieux.
They are irregular comparative/superlative forms. Meilleur applies to the adjective bon, while mieux applies to the adverb bien. When comparing nouns, use meilleur; when modifying verbs, use mieux.
In the comparative, both words are used by themselves, while in the superlative, they are preceded by the appropriate definite article.
The spelling of meilleur can change depending on the number and gender of the noun, while mieux is invariable.
Provide the comparative and superlative forms of the following: C’est une bonne pizza (It’s a good pizza)
Comparative: C’est une meilleure pizza (It’s a better pizza)
Superlative: C’est la meilleure pizza (It’s the best pizza)
Provide the comparative and superlative forms of the following: Tu chantes bien (You sing well)
Comparative: Tu chantes mieux (You sing better)
Superlative: Tu chantes le mieux (You sing the best)
Translate to French:
This book is worse than my book
Ce livre est pire que mon livre
worse (than) (adj.) - pire (que). This is the irregular comparative form of the adjective mauvais. You can also use the regular form plus mauvais (que).
Translate to French:
It’s the worst airplane
C’est le pire avion
the worst (adj.) - le pire. This is the irregular superlative form of the adjective mauvais. You can also use the regular form le plus mauvais.
Translate to French:
Jean-Luc sings worse than Anne
Jean-Luc chante plus mal qu’Anne
worse (than) (adv.) - plus mal (que), pis (que). These are the comparative forms of the adverb mal, the first of which is regular and the second of which is irregular.
Translate to French:
Jean-Luc sings the worst
Jean-Luc chante le plus mal
the worst (adv.) - le plus mal, le pis. These are the superlative forms of the adverb mal. Le plus mal is regular. Le pis, which is irregular, can only be used as a noun.
“pis” is old French for “pire”
Translate to French:
She is like my mother
Elle est comme ma mère
like, as - comme
Translate to French:
Like father, like son
Tel père, tel fils
such, like, such as - tel. Tel is frequently used to form similes in French. It must agree with the noun that it modifies. Its feminine singular form is telle.
Translate to French:
Any person can gain weight
Telle personne peut grossir
any, anyone, someone - tel (de). When followed by the preposition de, tel means “any of.”
As an indefinite adjective, tel indicates undesignated people or things. In this sense, tel is more or less equivalent to n’importe.
Translate to French:
Do you prefer pizza or ice cream?
Préférez-vous la pizza ou la glace?
to prefer - préférer. Note that you can also use the expression aimer mieux, which translates to “like better.”
Translate to French:
Basketball is my favorite sport
Le basket c’est mon sport préféré
preferred, favorite - préféré. It is possible to say favori as well as préféré, but the latter is much more common.
Translate to French:
I have several friends at school
J’ai plusieurs amis à l’école
several - plusieurs
Translate to French:
We have a few teachers at school
Nous avons quelques enseignants à l’école
some, a few - quelques
Translate to French:
There are many things in this house
Il y a beaucoup de choses dans cette maison
a thing - une chose. Note that an informal alternative is un truc.
Translate to French:
You want something?
Tu veux quelque chose?
something - quelque chose. Note that, as in English, quelque chose literally translates as “some thing.”
Translate to French:
You see something. Now you see nothing
Tu vois quelque chose. Maintenant tu ne vois rien
Note how ne… rien serves as the negative replacement for quelque chose.
Translate to French:
I have a few friends but not a lot
J’ai quelques amis mais pas beaucoup
not many, not a lot - pas beaucoup. Note that pas beaucoup can also be used with a verb, as in the sentence “He does not eat a lot.” Here, pas beaucoup would need to be used with ne in order to create a negative sentence – Il ne mange pas beaucoup.
Translate to French:
There are no books
Il n’y a pas de livres
Note the negative form of il y a, il n’y a pas.
Translate to French:
There aren’t enough snacks
Il n’y a pas assez d’encas
enough - assez. Note that suffisamment is an alternative for “enough.” Also note that if an adverb of quantity is followed by a noun, the preposition de must be placed between the adverb and the noun: assez + de + noun.
Translate to French:
His nephew is rather/quite cool
Son neveu est assez sympa
rather, quite - assez. On top of meaning “enough,” assez can also be used to mean “rather” or “quite,” or even “very” and “particularly.”
Translate to French:
I just want to succeed!
Je veux juste réussir!
just - juste. An alternative is seulement, meaning “only.” As in English, juste can be an adjective meaning “fair” or “equitable.” In this case, its opposite is injuste, “unfair” or “unjust.”
Translate to French:
That’s a large pen
Ça c’est un grand stylo
a pen - un stylo
Translate to French:
The student has a pencil
L’élève a un crayon
a pencil - un crayon
Translate to French:
He needs some glue
Il a besoin de la colle
glue - la colle
Translate to French:
Can you see the chalkboard?
Est-ce que tu peux voir le tableau?
a (chalk)board - un tableau. This noun can also mean “table” or “chart.”
Translate to French:
Where is the ugly armchair?
Où est le fauteuil moche?
an armchair - un fauteuil
Translate to French:
Do we have a stapler?
Avons-nous une agrafeuse?
a stapler - une agrafeuse
Translate to French:
The classroom is big
La salle est grande
a classroom - une salle (de classe)
Translate to French:
My favorite subject at school is history
Mon sujet préféré à l’école est l’histoire
history - l’histoire. This is a feminine word. Sujet, “subject,” is a masculine noun. French tends to add a definite article (le/la) before broad and generalized concepts, such as history, languages, virtues, and forms of government.
Translate to French:
English is easy!
L’anglais est facile!
English - l’anglais
Translate to French:
That’s a good story
C’est une bonne histoire
a story - une histoire. Recall that this word also means “history.” The verb “to tell,” as in “to tell a story,” is raconter: raconter une histoire.
Translate to French:
The story is complicated
L’histoire est compliquée
complicated - compliqué. Note the use of the feminine form here.
Translate to French:
Which pencil do you want? The one that is big
Quel crayon veux-tu? Celui qui est grand
the one(s) who/that - celui/celle/ceux/celles qui. Celui, celle, ceux, and celles are demonstrative pronouns.
Translate to French:
This one (here) is the most expensive
Celui-ci est le plus cher
this one (here) - celui-ci/celle-ci. Note that celui-là/celle-là can be used to say “that one (there).”
Translate to French:
Which of these books is his book?
Lequel de ces livres est son livre?
which (one/ones) - lequel/laquelle/lesquels. These are generally used to mean “which (of these)” when placed at the start of a question. Note that these are compound words that combine the definite articles with quel. Both parts of the compound word must agree with the gender and number of the noun being modified.
Translate to French:
The house in which I sleep is beautiful
La maison dans laquelle je dors est belle
which - lequel/laquelle/lesquels. These words are used whenever “which” follows a preposition in English. For example, the phrase “for which” would be translated as pour lequel.
Translate to French:
He is thinking about me
Il pense à moi
me - moi. Moi is a stressed (or disjunctive) pronoun. We will learn more about these elsewhere. Recall that penser à means “to think about.”
Translate to French:
Everyone wants to eat
Tout le monde veut manger
everyone, everybody - tout le monde. Note that this would literally translate as “all the world.”
Translate to French:
one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, etc.
cent, deux-cents, trois-cents, quatre-cents, cinq-cents, etc.
The use of dashes in hundreds is optional, but has recently become more common. When cent and vingt are multiplied, they become plural: 200 = deux cents. However, when followed by another number, they are singular: 213 = deux cent treize.
Translate to French:
That costs several hundred euros
Ça coûte plusieurs centaines d’euros
hundred(s) - centaine(s). This is a feminine term. The French here translates more directly to “That costs several hundreds of euros.”
Translate to French:
one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, etc.
mille, deux mille, trois mille, quatre mille, etc.
Note that mille is always singular. To express “(many) thousands of” something, you would typically use des milliers de.
Translate to French:
This car costs five hundred thousand dollars!
Cette voiture coûte cinq cent mille dollars!
Note that the formation of higher numbers is largely intuitive. As another example, 1500 would be mille cinq cents.
Translate to French:
one million, two million, three million, etc.
un million, deux millions, trois millions, etc.
Note that un million must take de before a noun: “one million cars” – un million de voitures. However: “two million cars” – deux millions voitures.
Translate to French:
one billion, two billion, three billion, etc.
un milliard, deux milliards, trois milliards, etc.
Note that un milliard must take de before a noun: “one billion houses” – un milliard de maisons. However: “two billion houses” – deux milliards maisons.
Translate to French:
Marc is a millionaire
Marc est millionnaire
a millionaire - un millionnaire. This is an invariable noun.
Translate to French:
Lucy is a billionaire
Lucy est milliardaire
a billionaire - un milliardaire. This is an invariable noun in that its spelling does not change, but it is feminine here because of Lucy’s gender.
Translate to French:
Some houses cost a million dollars
Certaines maisons coûtent un million de dollars
certain, some - certain(s). Note that certain can also mean “certain,” as in “inevitable” or “confident.”
Translate to French:
I am at Jordan’s house
Je suis chez Jordan
house (of someone) - chez. To refer to a specific person’s house or place of business, chez is used to indicate possession. Chez can also be used figuratively to mean “in someone’s work.” For instance, chez cet auteur means “in this author’s work.”
Translate to French:
Is she at Jean-Marc’s? Maybe
Est-elle chez Jean-Marc? Peut-être
maybe, perhaps - peut-être
Translate to French:
Is there someone at Paul’s house?
Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un chez Paul?
someone - quelqu’un. Note that quelqu’un can also be used to say “anyone.”
Translate to French:
First, I go to school
D’abord, je vais à l’école
(at) first - d’abord. D’abord is used to indicate the first in a series of events.
Translate to French:
Then, I go to history class
Ensuite, je vais en classe d’histoire
next, then - ensuite, puis. Both of these words are interchangeable, with the exception that ensuite can sometimes also mean “later.”
Translate to French:
They are taking a class
Ils suivent un cours
to take a class - suivre un cours. Note that suivre means “to follow.” To specify the kind of class, add de: Tu suis un cours d’anglais means “You’re taking an English class.”
Translate to French:
I want your pencil. I also want ten dollars
Je veux ton crayon. Je veux également dix dollars
also, equally - également
Translate to French:
Is this woman really bright?
Cette femme est-elle vraiment brillante?
really, truly - vraiment. Note that vraiment is formed from the adjective vrai, meaning “true.”
Translate to French:
Is it expensive? Probably
Ça coûte cher? Probablement
probably - probablement
Translate to French:
Her nephew is surely coming
Son neveu vient sûrement
surely - sûrement. Note that sûrement is a stronger synonym of probablement.
Translate to French:
My brother is possibly at Marie’s house
Mon frère est possiblement chez Marie
possibly - possiblement
Translate to French:
The professor is potentially coming
Le professeur vient éventuellement
potentially - éventuellement. Note that éventuellement is a false cognate and does not actually mean “eventually.” It is a synonym of possiblement and is used to suggest that something might happen depending on the circumstances.
Translate to French:
I think, therefore I am
Je pense, donc je suis
therefore, thus, so - donc. Keep in mind that donc can also mean “then” or “in that case.”
Translate to French:
I have money, so I can buy a snack
J’ai de l’argent, ainsi je peux acheter un encas
so, therefore, thus - ainsi. Note that you could use donc here. Note also that ainsi can be used to mean “like that” or “this way.” For example, c’est ainsi essentially translates to “that’s the way it is.”
Translate to French:
His classmates are mean, so he’s sad
Ses camarades de classe sont méchants, alors il est triste
so, then, in that case - alors
Translate to French:
Well, what’s happening?
Alors, qu’est-ce qui se passe?
so, well - alors. Alors is commonly used this way in spoken French, usually to begin sentences.
Translate to French:
Finally, I’m going home
Finalement, je rentre à la maison
finally - finalement. Recall that enfin could also work here.
Translate to French:
He is currently richer than Marie
Il est actuellement plus riche que Marie
currently - actuellement. Note that this word does not translate into English as “actually.” Actuellement is one of the most common false cognates that you will encounter in French.
Translate to French:
You think that he’s wrong, but actually, he’s right
Tu penses qu’il a tort, mais en fait il a raison
actually, in fact - en fait. You could also say en réalité.
Translate to French:
Today’s lesson is great!
La leçon d’aujourd’hui est géniale!
a lesson - une leçon
Translate to French:
I have a math exam today
J’ai un examen de mathématiques aujourd’hui
an exam - un examen
Translate to French:
Why does she not want to pass her exam?
Pourquoi ne veut-elle pas réussir son examen?
to pass an exam - réussir un examen. Note that it would be wrong to say passer un examen.
Translate to French:
This history quiz is easy
Cette interro d’histoire est facile
a quiz - une interro(gation). The abbreviated form interro is used more frequently than interrogation.
Translate to French:
I am trying to learn the lesson
J’essaie d’apprendre la leçon
to try - essayer. Note that this verb should be followed by the preposition de.
Conjugate the verb essayer in the present tense.
- j’essaie
- tu essaies
- il/elle/on essaie
- nous essayons
- vous essayez
- ils/elles essaient
This verb can also be conjugated this way: j’essaye, tu essayes, il/elle/on essaye, nous essayons, vous essayez, ils/elles essayent. Both are correct.
Translate to French:
The professor ends the lesson
Le professeur termine la leçon
to end - terminer. Note that terminer is a synonym of finir and can mean both “to finish” or “to reach the end of” something.
Translate to French:
Jean stops his studies
Jean arrête ses études
to stop - arrêter. This verb applies to the cessation of an activity. Another form, the reflexive s’arrêter, applies to movement. Also note the feminine word for “studies,” études.
Translate to French:
I know that lunch is at noon
Je sais que le déjeuner est à midi
to know - savoir. Note that savoir is used to denote knowing how to do things as well as knowing facts. It can easily be confused with another French verb, connaître, which has a slightly different meaning.
Conjugate the verb savoir (to know) in the present tense.
- je sais
- tu sais
- il/elle/on sait
- nous savons
- vous savez
- ils/elles savent
Note the very useful phrase je ne sais pas – “I don’t know.”
Translate to French:
Her aunt knows Jean
Sa tante connaît Jean
to know, to meet - connaître. Connaître is used to indicate that you know someone, or that you know or are familiar with something. Another example: je connais ce livre – “I know this book (I am familiar with it).”
Conjugate the verb connaître (to know, to meet) in the present tense.
- je connais
- tu connais
- il/elle/on connaît
- nous connaissons
- vous connaissez
- ils/elles connaissent
Translate to French:
I know how to play basketball
Je sais jouer au basket
Note the construction savoir + infinitive: “to know how to ___.” Comment, “how,” is not needed.
Translate to French:
She has the best idea
Elle a la meilleure idée
an idea - une idée. Note the added “e” at the end of meilleure, since idée is a feminine noun.
Translate to French:
Marie’s children are adorable
Les enfants de Marie sont adorables
adorable - adorable
Translate to French:
I’m always tired when I come home from school
Je suis toujours fatigué quand je rentre de l’école
tired - fatigué. Recall that adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify, so if a girl said this sentence, it would be fatiguée.
Translate to French:
Your grandpa is angry
Ton grand-père est fâché
angry - fâché. This adjective is formed from the past participle of the verb fâcher, “to anger.”
Translate to French:
I have a gift for my niece
J’ai un cadeau pour ma nièce
a gift, a present - un cadeau