Lesson 11 Flashcards
In this deck, you will learn about the imperfect tense, along with more advanced negation and vocabulary about animals.
Translate to French:
I am going to apologize to him later tonight
Je vais lui demander pardon plus tard ce soir
to apologize to - demander pardon à. You could also use the verb s’excuser or the expression présenter des excuses.
Translate to French:
Are you going to feed the children?
Vas-tu nourrir les enfants?
to feed - nourrir, donner à manger
Translate to French:
She has to feed the animals
Elle doit nourrir les animaux
an animal - un animal. Note the plural form.
Translate to French:
What kind of pet do you have?
Quel type d’animal domestique avez-vous?
a pet - un animal domestique. Note that a more colloquial way of asking this would be Tu as quoi comme animal domestique?
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The male is often larger and more muscular
Le mâle est souvent plus grand et plus musclé
a male - un mâle. Note that mâle is also an adjective. The term is normally used to talk about animals.
Translate to French:
What is the difference between the male and the female?
Quelle est la différence entre le mâle et la femelle?
a female - une femelle. Like mâle, femelle can also be used as an adjective. This term is only used to talk about animals.
Translate to French:
I have only two pets
Je n’ai que deux animaux domestiques
only - ne… que. If the sentence were “I only have pets” (without the specific number of pets), you would have to use the partitive: Je n’ai que des animaux domestiques. Another way of saying “only” is with the adverb seulement.
Translate to French:
I have only two pets
J’ai seulement deux animaux domestiques
only - seulement. Recall that as an alternative, you can use the construction ne… que.
Translate to French:
He only bought one thing today because he knows he will get Christmas presents. He bought one thing today only because he knows he will get Christmas presents
Il n’a acheté qu’une chose aujourd’hui parce qu’il sait qu’il va recevoir des cadeaux de Noël. Il a acheté une chose aujourd’hui seulement parce qu’il sait qu’il va recevoir des cadeaux de Noël
Note how the placement of que and/or seulement changes the meaning as far as what is qualified by “only.”
Translate to French:
I do not only have three cars, I have two boats too
Je n’ai pas que trois voitures, j’ai deux bateaux aussi
not only - ne… pas que. There are other ways of saying “not only,” using seulement.
Translate to French:
I do not only have three cars, I have two boats too
Je n’ai pas seulement trois voitures, j’ai deux bateaux aussi
not only - ne… pas seulement
Translate to French:
Not only do I have two dogs, but I have three cats too
Non seulement j’ai deux chiens, mais aussi trois chats
not only - non seulement. This construction cannot stand alone and requires something to balance it; in this case, aussi serves that purpose.
Translate to French:
I’m going to the pet store to buy some dog food
Je vais à l’animalerie pour acheter de la nourriture pour chien
a pet store - une animalerie
Translate to French:
No one knows this person
Nul ne connait cette personne
no one… - nul ne… This is a formal alternative to personne ne…
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She is not going anywhere
Elle ne va nulle part
nowhere, not anywhere - ne… nulle part
Translate to French:
We are going to buy a Christmas tree next week
Nous allons acheter un arbre de Noël la semaine prochaine
a tree - un arbre
Translate to French:
There are hundreds of trees in this small forest
Il y a des centaines d’arbres dans cette petite forêt
a forest - une forêt. Note that “jungle” is jungle, which is also feminine.
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(formal) Do you want to go hiking in the countryside?
Voulez-vous faire de la randonnée dans la campagne?
the countryside - la campagne
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In France, we eat a lot of duck
En France, on mange beaucoup de canard
a duck - un canard
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My uncle has a farm in the countryside
Mon oncle a une ferme à la campagne
a farm - une ferme
Translate to French:
I hope that we will see the farm
J’espère qu’on va voir la ferme
to hope - espérer. Note how “to hope that” is espérer que + a verb in the indicative mood. “To hope for” or “to count on” is translated by espérer en + a noun.
What is the imperfect tense in French?
The imperfect tense (l’imparfait) is a descriptive form of the past tense. It denotes incomplete and/or repeated actions, or an ongoing state of being. It is used for past habits, descriptions, and actions of unspecified duration. The imperfect is most often translated in English as “was” or “was ___-ing.”
How do you conjugate the imperfect tense?
Take the present tense nous form of the verb in question and drop the original ending. Then add the imperfect endings: ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient.
For example, the je form of arriver in the imperfect is j’arrivais.
Translate to French:
In 2006, I was going to school every day
En 2006, j’allais à l’école tous les jours
Note the first-person singular in the imperfect tense of the verb aller. This is formed by taking the stem of the present tense nous form (all-) and adding the appropriate imperfect ending.
Translate to French:
- I was going
- you were going
- he/she/it was going
- we were going
- you (plural) were going
- they were going
- j’allais
- tu allais
- il/elle/on allait
- nous allions
- vous alliez
- ils/elles allaient
Translate to French:
He was studying. We were studying too
Il étudiait. Nous étudiions aussi
The imperfect root for this verb is étudi-, which results in a double “i” in both the nous and vous forms.
Translate to French:
When he was nine, he studied very little
Quand il avait neuf ans, il étudiait très peu
Note the imperfect of the verb avoir. The imperfect is used here to describe a past habit.
Translate to French:
She used to eat a lot
Elle mangeait beaucoup
The imperfect is used for past habits or states of being, so the imperfect of manger can convey that the subject “used to eat.” The imperfect root of manger is mange-, except for the nous and vous forms, which don’t need the “e”: nous mangions, vous mangiez.
Translate to French:
It was nice out yesterday
Il faisait beau hier
Note the imperfect of the verb faire, which takes the stem fais-. Also note how the imperfect is used to describe weather in the past. The imperfect is generally used for any physical and emotional descriptions in the past.
Translate to French:
It was raining on my birthday
Il pleuvait le jour de mon anniversaire
Note that the imperfect stem of pleuvoir is pleuv-.
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(formal) Were you lying to your mother?
Est-ce que vous mentiez à votre mère?
Translate to French:
She believed in me
Elle croyait en moi
Translate to French:
I was going to sit on the sofa, but it’s no longer in the living room
J’allais m’asseoir sur le canapé, mais il n’est plus dans le salon
Translate to French:
- I was
- you were
- he/she/it was
- we were
- you (plural) were
- they were
- j’étais
- tu étais
- il/elle/on était
- nous étions
- vous étiez
- ils/elles étaient
Être is irregular in the imperfect in that it doesn’t use its present tense nous form as the stem.
Translate to French:
When I was young, I often went to the supermarket near my house
Quand j’étais petit, j’allais souvent au supermarché près de chez moi
Note the imperfect of être. It is common to say quand j’étais petit to mean “when I was young” (rather than quand j’étais jeune).
Translate to French:
We had just eaten
On venait de manger
In the past, the construction venir de + infinitive is conjugated in the imperfect.
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He was in the process of making a meal
Il était en train de faire à manger
In the past, the construction être en train de + infinitive is used in the imperfect.
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There was a student in the classroom
Il y avait un étudiant dans la salle
Note that the expression il y a can be used in tenses other than the present; simply conjugate avoir in the intended tense.
Translate to French:
She was writing in her office. Meanwhile, I was taking a shower
Elle écrivait dans son bureau. Pendant ce temps, je prenais une douche
meanwhile - pendant ce temps. Note the imperfect tense of the verbs écrire and prendre.
Translate to French:
He is in the middle of the street
Il est au milieu de la rue
the middle, the center - le milieu, le centre. Note that milieu can also mean “environment.”
Translate to French:
They played sports because they had free time
Ils faisaient du sport parce qu’ils avaient du temps libre
The imperfect is used here to describe an unspecified duration of time: the beginning and end of the past actions/conditions are not indicated. So even though the first verb’s English translation is “played” instead of “were playing,” the imperfect is appropriate.
Translate to French:
In the past, people believed that the earth was (at) the center of the universe
Autrefois, on croyait que la terre était au centre de l’univers
in the past, formerly - autrefois, auparavant
Translate to French:
I was going up the stairs when I fell
Je montais les escaliers quand je suis tombé
Both the imparfait and passé composé are used here. The imperfect is used to set the background of the scenario, which is then interrupted by the action in the passé composé.
Translate to French:
The dog was hungry when we found it
Le chien avait faim quand nous l’avons trouvé
Note the use of both the imperfect and the passé composé here.
Translate to French:
They were coming home when they decided to stop at the store
Elles rentraient à la maison quand elles ont décidé de s’arrêter au magasin
Note the use of both the imperfect and the passé composé.
Translate to French:
They were skiing when I arrived
Ils faisaient du ski quand je suis arrivé
Translate to French:
He was a professor at the time
Il était alors professeur
at the time, at that time - alors. Recall that this word most often means “so” or “then.” Used like this, however, it takes on this different, time-related meaning.
Translate to French:
You arrived as I was leaving
Tu es arrivé alors que je partais
while, as, at that time - alors que. Note that alors que can sometimes also mean “even though.”
Translate to French:
Marcel wanted to start even though Jules wasn’t with us
Marcel voulait commencer alors que Jules n’était pas avec nous
even though - alors que. You can infer this meaning of alors que largely based on context. You can also say “even though” with the expression bien que.
Translate to French:
You can do your homework while I watch the movie
Tu peux faire tes devoirs pendant que je regarde le film
while - pendant que, tandis que. An alternative is tout en: Je nettoie le salon tout en regardant un film – “I clean the living room while watching a film.”
Translate to French:
She likes that song whereas I hate it
Elle aime cette chanson tandis que je la déteste
whereas, while (contradiction) - tandis que. Two alternatives with which to present opposition and/or contradiction are alors que and lorsque.
Translate to French:
When I was young, I used to be afraid of dogs
Lorsque j’étais petit, j’avais peur des chiens
when, as soon as - lorsque. Used like this, lorsque means “when” and is thus a synonym of quand. Note, however, that it can also mean “as soon as” and is not always interchangeable with quand.
Translate to French:
He has not seen you in a while
Il ne t’a pas vu depuis quelque temps
awhile, a while - quelque temps, un moment. Note that quelque temps is an adverb (“awhile”), whereas un moment is a noun (“a while”).
Translate to French:
There’s a river somewhere in this jungle
Il y a une rivière quelque part dans cette jungle
somewhere - quelque part
Translate to French:
How long had they been arguing when you went to bed?
Depuis combien de temps se disputaient-ils quand tu es allé te coucher?
Note how depuis is used here to show that something was happening in the past when something else occurred. When a past action interrupts another past action, both the imperfect and passé composé are used.
Translate to French:
From the age of nine on, he was scared of animals
Dès l’âge de neuf ans, il avait peur des animaux
from, as soon as - dès, dès que. Dès que, “as soon as,” is often employed with the future tense. Note also that dès lors means “henceforth” or “from then on.”
Translate to French:
The supermarket is open from 8 am on
Le supermarché est ouvert à partir de 8 heures
from - à partir de. This expression is used with dates, time, or places. It forms the basis of several other expressions, like à partir de maintenant (“from now on”) and à partir de ce moment-là (“from then on”).
Translate to French:
I have no idea
Je n’ai aucune idée
no, none (of), not any (of) - ne… aucun. Note the agreement of aucun with the feminine noun that it’s modifying.
Translate to French:
I see some ducks. Now I see no ducks
Je vois quelques canards. Maintenant je ne vois aucun canard
Note how ne… aucun serves as the negative replacement for quelque(s).
Translate to French:
I no longer have any pants
Je n’ai plus aucun pantalon
no longer any - ne… plus aucun. In this construction, aucun must agree with the noun being modified.
Translate to French:
None of these houses is yellow
Aucune de ces maisons n’est jaune
none (of) - aucun (de)… ne. An “e” has been added to aucun since maisons is feminine. However, the verb is conjugated in the third-person singular because the singular aucune is the subject. Finally, note the negative ne before the verb.
Translate to French:
They are not bright at all
Ils ne sont pas du tout brillants
not at all - ne… pas du tout
Translate to French:
She did not buy a single shirt
Elle n’a acheté aucune chemise
Negative words (ne + pas/rien/etc.) usually surround the conjugated auxiliary verb in compound tenses. Personne, aucun, and nulle part are exceptions to this rule, and come after both the auxiliary verb and the participle. For instance, you cannot say Elle n’a aucune acheté chemise.
Translate to French:
It is hardly possible
Il n’est guère possible
hardly - ne… guère. This construction is used formally.
Translate to French:
I (simply) cannot do it
Je ne peux point le faire
not (for emphasis) - ne… point. This construction is used formally and for emphasis.
Translate to French:
I’m going to call my mother later
Je vais téléphoner à ma mere plus tard
to call (someone) - téléphoner (à quelqu’un), appeler (quelqu’un). Téléphoner takes the preposition à; therefore, the verb takes an indirect object, whereas its English equivalent takes a direct object. Appeler, however, is like English in that it takes a direct object.
Translate to French:
I’m going to send my mother a gift for her birthday
Je vais envoyer un cadeau à ma mère pour son anniversaire
to send - envoyer. Note that “to send something to someone” is envoyer quelque chose à quelqu’un.
Translate to French:
He likes this play’s characters as well as the fact that it takes place in Paris
Il aime les personnages de cette pièce ainsi que le fait qu’elle a lieu à Paris
as well as, like, just as - ainsi que
Translate to French:
His company supports the poor
Son entreprise soutient les pauvres
to support - soutenir. This verb is the most appropriate translation of “to support”; one alternative is supporter, but that is an informal Anglicism that many consider incorrect. Note how the word pauvre can function as both an adjective and a noun.
Translate to French:
I can’t stand this kind of behavior!
Je ne supporte pas ce type de comportement!
to stand, to put up/deal with - supporter. This is a common use of this verb, which can also mean “to accept” or “to bear.”
Translate to French:
I was athletic but my brother was even more so
J’étais athlétique mais mon frère l’était davantage
more - davantage. This is a comparative word both signifying and emphasizing superiority. It is roughly translated by “more” and is usually placed at the end of sentences. Note the object pronoun l’, representing the act of being athletic.
Translate to French:
Our house is much smaller than theirs
Notre maison est beaucoup plus petite que la leur
smaller, the smallest - plus petit, le plus petit. These are the regular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective petit.
Translate to French:
You guys don’t have the slightest idea
Vous n’avez pas la moindre idée
the least, the slightest - le moindre
Translate to French:
We prepared a meal that is superior to the one from last week
Nous avons préparé un repas qui est supérieur à celui de la semaine dernière
superior to - supérieur à. Note that the opposite structure also exists: “inferior to” – inférieur à.
Translate to French:
The more I go to school, the more I feel like learning
Plus je vais à l’école, plus j’ai envie d’apprendre
the more… the more - plus… plus. Note that the opposite construction also exists: “the less… the less” – moins… moins.
Translate to French:
There were so many people here that we couldn’t find Christophe
Il y avait tant de personnes ici que nous n’arrivions pas à trouver Christophe
so many - tant de, tellement de
Translate to French:
The flowers that Denis brought are beautiful
Les fleurs que Denis a apportées sont belles
a flower - une fleur
Translate to French:
The flowers were growing very quickly
Les fleurs poussaient très vite
to grow - pousser. This verb is used with plants, while grandir is used with people. Growing animals are often described with the verb se développer.
Translate to French:
Butterflies seem to love flowers
Les papillons semblent adorer les fleurs
a butterfly - un papillon
Translate to French:
I was listening to the birds
J’écoutais les oiseaux
a bird - un oiseau. Note how the plural form takes an “x.”
Translate to French:
The horse crossed the river
Le cheval a traversé la rivière
a horse - un cheval. Note that the plural is chevaux, while “by horse” is translated by à cheval.
Translate to French:
They were riding horses
Ils montaient à cheval
to ride (an animal) - monter à. Note how in French the kind of animal is shown in the singular.
Translate to French:
I was running along the river when I fell
Je courais le long de la rivière quand je suis tombé
along - le long de. Note that this literally translates to “the length of.”
Translate to French:
He is not French. He comes from somewhere else
Il n’est pas français. Il vient d’ailleurs
elsewhere, somewhere else - ailleurs, autre part. Note that the expression par ailleurs means “otherwise” or “besides.”
Translate to French:
I have never liked cow’s milk
Je n’ai jamais aimé le lait de vache
a cow - une vache. Note the word for “milk,” lait, which is masculine.
Translate to French:
Did you eat the rest of the chicken?
Avez-vous mangé le reste du poulet?
chicken - le poulet. Like in English, this word applies both to the bird and to the food. Note the noun reste, which of course refers to the “remainder” or “rest” of something.
Translate to French:
When I was five years old, I wanted a rabbit
Quand j’avais cinq ans, je voulais un lapin
a rabbit - un lapin
Translate to French:
It was a very fat pig
C’était un très gros cochon
a pig - un cochon, un porc. Only porc applies to the food, “pork.”
Translate to French:
Goat’s milk is delicious
Le lait de chèvre est délicieux
a goat - une chèvre
Translate to French:
We were going to the circus to see the animals
Nous allions au cirque pour voir les animaux
a circus - un cirque
Translate to French:
They’re going to go on a safari to hunt animals
Ils vont faire un safari pour chasser des animaux
a safari - un safari. Note the construction faire un safari. The literal translation of the English, aller sur un safari, is incorrect.
Translate to French:
My daughter rode an elephant at the circus
Ma fille est montée sur le dos d’un éléphant au cirque
an elephant - un éléphant. Note the use of monter sur le dos d’un éléphant, “to ride on the back of an elephant,” instead of monter à éléphant. As an alternative, some French speakers say monter un éléphant to avoid the awkward use of à éléphant.
Translate to French:
The lion is often regarded as the king of the jungle
Le lion est souvent considéré comme le roi de la jungle
regarded/considered (as) - considéré (comme). Note that lion is a masculine noun.
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You were always scared of tigers
Tu avais toujours peur des tigres
a tiger - un tigre
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Is there a monkey in the tree?
Est-ce qu’il y a un singe dans l’arbre?
a monkey - un singe
Translate to French:
The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world
La girafe est l’animal le plus grand du monde (entier)
a giraffe - une girafe. Note the use of du monde (entier) to mean “in the world.”
Translate to French:
The children obey their parents
Les enfants obéissent à leurs parents
to obey - obéir à. Note that in French this verb takes an indirect object.
Translate to French:
By playing with her son, she forgot about her anxiety
En jouant avec son fils, elle a oublié son angoisse
anxiety, fear - l’angoisse. This is a feminine noun.
Translate to French:
He is relieved to learn that he did not lose his ticket
Il est soulagé d’apprendre qu’il n’a pas perdu son billet
relieved - soulagé. This adjective is the past participle of the verb soulager, meaning “to relieve.”
Translate to French:
The bear was big and mean
L’ours était grand et méchant
a bear - un ours
Translate to French:
Sheep’s fur is used to make wool
La fourrure des moutons est utilisée pour (faire de) la laine
fur - la fourrure. Note the masculine noun for “sheep,” mouton.