Lesson 5 Flashcards
This deck covers the immediate future tense, ordinal numbers, duration words, and location words. You will also learn vocabulary centered on hobbies and sports.
How do you contract the preposition à with the definite articles le and les?
à + le = au, à + les = aux
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What is your hobby?
Quel est ton hobby?
a hobby - un hobby
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They desire many things
Ils désirent beaucoup de choses
to desire, to want, to wish for - désirer. Note that this verb is commonly followed by the infinitive: ils désirent partir en vacances – “they want to go on vacation.”
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Do you want to listen to the radio?
Voulez-vous écouter la radio?
a radio - une radio
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We make radios
Nous fabriquons des radios
to make, to construct, to manufacture - fabriquer
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I’m going to see Paul tomorrow
Je vais voir Paul demain
immediate future tense - aller + infinitive. The immediate future tense is used to express something that will happen soon. (The future tense, on the other hand, is used for future events in general.) The immediate future tense is composed of the present tense of aller + the infinitive of the action verb. For example, “he’s going to eat” would be il va manger.
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He is going to use a pencil
Il va utiliser un crayon
to use - utiliser
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I am going to get a good grade
Je vais recevoir une bonne note
a grade (in a class/on an exam) - une note. A “rank” or a “school year (level)” is best translated by classe.
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They like all sports
Ils aiment tous les sports
a sport - un sport. Note how tous is employed to match the number and gender of sports. The feminine forms of tout are toute and toutes.
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We’re going to play a game of basketball
On va jouer un match de basket
a (sports) match, a game - un match, une partie. Match and partie apply to sports games, while games in general should be described with jeu.
Translate to French:
Before playing a game, I listen to music
Avant de jouer un match, j’écoute de la musique
before - avant. Note that it is common to use avant right before de + the infinitive of a verb.
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I talk to my mom after lunch
Je parle à ma mère après le déjeuner
after - après. Note that après is used here as a preposition, meaning it is followed by a noun.
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It’s going to be enjoyable
Ça va être agréable
pleasant, enjoyable, nice - agréable. Note that the opposite, “unpleasant,” is désagréable.
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It’s a serious matter
C’est une affaire sérieuse
serious - sérieux, grave. Note that affaire is a feminine noun. To refer to literal matter, use matière, which is also feminine.
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Which basketball team do you like better?
Quelle équipe de basket préfères-tu?
a team - une équipe
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Is he an athlete?
Est-il athlète?
an athlete - un athlète
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My favorite team isn’t very popular
Mon équipe préférée n’est pas très populaire
popular - populaire. Note that, in general, adjectives that already end with an “e” do not change from the masculine to the feminine.
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Soccer is the best sport
Le football c’est le meilleur sport
soccer, football - le football. Note that football is frequently shortened to foot.
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Do you want to play tennis?
Est-ce que vous voulez jouer au tennis?
tennis - le tennis. Remember that jouer à ___ normally applies to playing a sport.
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The game is at the soccer field
Le match est au terrain de foot
a (sports) field - un terrain
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I hate (American) football
Je déteste le football américain
(American) football - le football américain
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I’m going to play sports two times today
Je vais faire du sport deux fois aujourd’hui
a time (instance) - une fois. Note that fois is a mark of reiteration. Be careful not to confuse fois with temps, which is both the concept of “time” and “the weather.”
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We are going to arrive late tonight
Nous allons arriver en retard ce soir
late - en retard. Note that this is only the adverbial use of “late.” The adjective for “late” is tard, like in the expression C’est trop tard – “It’s too late.”
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My dad is always early
Mon père est toujours en avance
to be early - être en avance. Note that the construction arriver en avance, “to arrive early,” is also very common.
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Excuse me, I’m in a hurry
Excusez-moi, je suis pressé
in a hurry, in a rush - pressé
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I’m going to swim three times this weekend. But you don’t know how to swim
Je vais nager trois fois ce week-end. Mais tu ne sais pas nager
to swim - nager. The expression faire de la natation can also mean “to go swimming.” In the second sentence, note the construction savoir + infinitive – “to know how to ___.”
Translate to French:
We’re swimming in her pool
Nous nageons dans sa piscine
a (swimming) pool - une piscine. Note that the nous form of nager keeps the “e” so that the stem becomes nage-.
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They run quickly/fast
Elles courent vite
to run - courir. Note that courir has an irregular conjugation: je cours, tu cours, il/elle/on court, nous courons, vous courez, ils/elles courent.
Translate to French:
Are you going jogging today?
Est-ce que tu vas faire du jogging aujourd’hui?
to go jogging - faire du jogging
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He is breathing quickly while running
Il respire rapidement en courant
to breathe - respirer
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Michel wants to go fishing
Michel veut aller à la pêche
to (go) fish(ing) - aller à la pêche. An alternative is the verb pêcher, “to fish.”
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They read a lot of books
Elles lisent beaucoup de livres
to read - lire. The present-tense conjugations for the verb lire are: je lis, tu lis, il/elle/on lit, nous lisons, vous lisez, ils/elles lisent.
Translate to French:
What novel are you reading?
Quel roman lis-tu?
a novel - un roman
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Who is the author of this book?
Qui est l’auteur de ce livre?
an author - un auteur
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Can you describe the novel?
Peux-tu décrire le roman?
to describe - décrire
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There are a lot of characters in the movie
Il y a beaucoup de personnages dans le film
a character (in a story) - un personnage. Note that the masculine word caractère refers to one’s moral character.
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He has a strong personality
Il a une forte personnalité
personality - la personnalité. Note that this word can also mean “celebrity.”
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Pierre no longer likes to travel
Pierre n’aime plus voyager
to travel - voyager
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I need to take a trip
J’ai besoin de faire un voyage
a trip - un voyage. Note the construction faire un voyage. Prendre un voyage does not work.
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She is going to see the world
Elle va voir le monde
the world - le monde
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I play music on the piano
Je joue de la musique sur le piano
to play music - jouer de la musique. Remember that jouer de normally applies to playing music.
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I like rock music
J’aime le rock
rock music - le rock. La musique rock would also work.
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Classical music is better than rock music
La musique classique est mieux que le rock
classical music - la musique classique
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My favorite instrument is the guitar
Mon instrument préféré c’est la guitare
an instrument - un instrument
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She wants to be a musician
Elle veut être musicienne
a musician - un musicien. Note the feminine form, musicienne. Also note that with a profession, you can skip using the (indefinite) article before the noun.
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How much does the coffee cost?
Combien coûte le café?
a coffee, a café - un café. Note how this word can mean both the drink and the literal establishment where coffee is served.
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I want to watch a movie
J’ai envie de regarder un film
a movie - un film
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Do you want to go to the movies?
Voulez-vous aller au cinéma?
the movies - le cinéma
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I’d like to see a play
J’ai envie de voir une pièce
a play (theatre) - une pièce (de théâtre)
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What is your favorite TV show called?
Comment s’appelle ton émission de télé préférée?
a TV show - une émission de télévision, un programme télévisé. Note that une série télé could also work, although that translates more directly to “a TV series.”
Translate to French:
He is going to create a team of athletes
Il va créer une équipe d’athlètes
to create - créer
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He’s still playing the piano
Il joue encore du piano
still, again - encore. Recall that toujours can also be used to mean “still.”
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We are going to watch the movie (once) again
On va regarder le film de nouveau
(once) again, once more - de nouveau
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He is even going to come to the match with us
Il va même venir avec nous au match
even - même. Used here as an adverb, même can also be an adjective, meaning “(the) same.”
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You guys are saying the same thing
Vous êtes en train de dire la même chose
(the) same - (le/la/les) même(s). Même is used here as an adjective, but it can also be used as an adverb and pronoun.
Translate to French:
They are always the same
Ils sont toujours les mêmes
(the) same - (le/la/les) même(s). Here, the base construction le même is used as a pronoun; note the use of the plural form, however.
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the thing itself
la chose même
Note how when même is used after a noun, it takes on an emphatic meaning. Another example: le jour même means “the very day.”
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Even Jean can explain the story
Même Jean peut expliquer l’histoire
to explain - expliquer. Note that “an explanation” is une explication.
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My cat sleeps during the day
Mon chat dort pendant la journée
during - pendant. When followed by a noun, pendant means “during.” An alternative is durant. Note that the feminine noun journée is used to denote the general duration of a day as opposed to a division of time.
Translate to French:
He is going to tell a story for ten minutes
Il va raconter une histoire pendant dix minutes
to tell - raconter. Note that in this case, pendant means “for,” and applies to the duration of something either in the past or the future (but not the present).
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I’m going to say something
Je vais dire quelque chose
to tell, to say - dire. Recall that you can also use raconter for “to tell.”
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I’ve been working since this morning
Je travaille depuis ce matin
since (prep.) - depuis. This preposition is used with the present tense to indicate actions that began in the past and that are still ongoing. It can also mean “for.” For instance, J’étudie l’anglais depuis cinq ans means “I have studied English for five years (and am still studying it).”
Translate to French:
Marie is going to travel for two months
Marie va voyager pour deux mois
Note that you can use pour to discuss the duration of something, but only if it applies to the future. Pendant would work as an alternative. Finally, note that mois is a masculine noun.
Translate to French:
The lesson is boring, but I’m still going to try to listen to what the professor is saying
La leçon est ennuyeuse, mais je vais quand même essayer d’écouter ce que le prof dit
even so, still - quand même. This adverb can also mean “anyhow” or “all the same.”
Translate to French:
Even so, the situation is still very serious
Cependant, la situation est toujours très grave
however, even so - cependant, pourtant. These adverbs can be used in a variety of ways in contradictory phrases, taking on further meanings like “yet” and “nonetheless.”
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Contrary to my classmates, I like my history class a lot
Contrairement à mes camarades de classe, j’aime beaucoup mon cours d’histoire
contrary to - à l’inverse de, contrairement à
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Sophie is always late but Albert, on the other hand, is always on time
Sophie est toujours en retard mais Albert, par contre, est toujours à l’heure
on the other hand, by contrast - par contre. This common expression is used to contrast two statements. It can take on other meanings, like “but” and “whereas,” as well.
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We sing/are singing better and better
Nous chantons de mieux en mieux
better and better - de mieux en mieux
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In any case, Marie thinks he is a good professor
En tout cas, Marie pense qu’il est un bon professeur
at any rate, in any case, anyhow - en tout cas. This construction is invariable. Note that cas is the word for “case.”
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At any rate, he wants to go
De toute façon, il veut aller
at any rate, in any case, anyhow - de toute façon. This expression is an alternative to en tout cas.
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Since I have been in France, I have eaten a lot more
Depuis que je suis en France, je mange beaucoup plus
since (conjunction) - depuis que. Unlike “since” in English, depuis que is used with the present tense, and not the past, to indicate that an activity is still ongoing.
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See you right away!
À tout de suite!
right away, immediately - tout de suite
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I am beginning to write a novel
Je commence à écrire un roman
to begin - commencer. This verb requires the preposition à before an infinitive in order to say “to begin to ___.”
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The beginning of the story is interesting
Le début de l’histoire est intéressant
the beginning, the start - le début. Note how le début de is “the beginning of.”
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Do you like the end of the novel?
Est-ce que tu aimes la fin du roman?
the end - la fin. Note the use of de, changed here to du because roman is masculine. “The end” can be translated in several ways, including le bout (the extremity of something) and la limite (the outer limit of something).
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My cousin Sophia travels everywhere
Ma cousine Sophia voyage partout
everywhere - partout. Partout can take several other meanings, including “wherever,” “all over,” and “throughout.”
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My house is across from the school
Ma maison est en face de l’école
in front of, across from - en face de
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Why does he live next to the soccer field?
Pourquoi habite-t-il à côté du terrain de foot?
beside, next to - à côté de. Note the inclusion of -t- between the inverted verb and subject. This is done in the third-person singular when the verb ends in a vowel, for the sake of the “t” sound.
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Hello. Where are you? I’m in front of Michel
Allo. Où es-tu? Je suis devant Michel
in front of - devant
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I am walking toward the pool
Je marche vers la piscine
toward - vers. Note that this word can also mean “around” or “about”: for example, vers six heures means “around six o’clock.”
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My mom lives close to here
Ma mère habite près d’ici
here - ici
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They are often far from their families
Ils sont souvent loin de leurs familles
far (from) - loin (de)
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The Eiffel Tower? It’s very far from here
La tour Eiffel? C’est très loin d’ici
far (from) - loin (de). Note the use of c’est instead of elle est, because the adverb that follows is modified.
Translate to French:
The closest school is far from here
L’école la plus proche est loin d’ici
closest, nearest - le plus proche, le plus près. Note that you should use le plus proche when talking about either physical distance or emotional intimacy. Use le plus près for numerical or figurative proximity.
Translate to French:
Is there someone else?
Y a-t-il quelqu’un d’autre?
someone else - quelqu’un d’autre. Note the inversion of il y a here, which includes the added “t” sound. People commonly use est-ce que as an alternative: Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un d’autre?
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Marc, are you ready?
Marc, es-tu prêt?
ready - prêt. The feminine form is prête. Note that “ready to” is prêt à.
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They do not agree about the location of the museum
Ils ne sont pas d’accord sur l’emplacement du musée
location - l’emplacement. The construction être d’accord sur means “to agree about,” while être d’accord avec means “to agree with.” Note that musée is masculine.
Translate to French:
This museum is one of my favorite places
Ce musée est un de mes endroits préférés
a location, a place - un lieu, un endroit. These words apply to places in general, while emplacement is used when talking about the location of something in particular.
Translate to French:
I am staying in Paris with my parents
Je demeure à Paris avec mes parents
to stay (somewhere), to remain - demeurer. This verb carries two potential meanings. It can be a synonym of habiter, or it can mean “to remain,” as in the sentence, “This school remains highly competitive.”
Translate to French:
He is there, at school
Il est là, à l’école
there, here - là. This word is used in several ways in French, both for emphasis and as an adverb of place.
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Paul is not here today
Paul n’est pas là aujourd’hui
there, here - là. Note how in this case là is used to mean “here.”
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I’ve been here for ten minutes
Voilà dix minutes que je suis là
Note how voilà can be used as a replacement for il y a or depuis to express how long something’s been going on.
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We live over there
Nous habitons là-bas
over there - là-bas. Note that this can also mean “down there.”
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The cat is behind the piano
Le chat est derrière le piano
behind - derrière
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She is to the right of her friend
Elle est à droite de son amie
right - droite. Note the use of the structure à droite de here. Also note that un droitier is someone who is right-handed.
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My guitar is to your left
Ma guitare est à ta gauche
left - gauche. Note that un gauchier is someone who is left-handed.
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The kitchen is downstairs
La cuisine est en bas
downstairs, down - en bas
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He is not going to buy the right movie
Il ne va pas acheter le bon film
right (correct) - bon. Note that this literally means “good,” so the sense of correctness must be understood from context.
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We are watching the wrong game
Nous regardons le mauvais match
wrong (incorrect, out of a choice) - mauvais. This meaning must be understood from context since mauvais literally means “bad.”
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I don’t like that chair. Plus, it costs too much
Je n’aime pas cette chaise. Et en plus, elle coûte trop cher
plus - (et) en plus
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Where is the park?
Où est le parc?
a park - un parc. Another way of asking this would be Où se trouve le parc?
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I want to throw a party tomorrow
Je veux faire une fête demain
a party - une fête. Une soirée can also mean “a party.” Soirée also means “evening,” but it is used in different situations than soir.
Translate to French:
Does he have alcohol? I don’t know; plus, I don’t like alcohol
A-t-il de l’alcool? Je ne sais pas; en plus, je n’aime pas l’alcool
alcohol - alcool. Note how -t- is added between the inverted verb and subject.
Translate to French:
Do they drink alcohol?
Est-ce qu’ils boivent de l’alcool?
to drink - boire. This is an irregular verb. Its conjugations in the present are: je bois, tu bois, il/elle/on boit, nous buvons, vous buvez, ils boivent.
Translate to French:
He laughs during the film
Il rit pendant le film
to laugh - rire. In the present, the conjugations for this verb are: je ris, tu ris, il/elle/on rit, nous rions, vous riez, ils/elles rient.
Translate to French:
She’s too drunk for this party
Elle est trop ivre pour cette fête
drunk - ivre, soûl
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You guys don’t like beer?
Vous n’aimez pas la bière?
beer - la bière
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She loves red wine
Elle adore le vin rouge
wine - le vin
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The children often drink orange juice
Les enfants boivent souvent du jus d’orange
juice - le jus. Note that a specific type of juice can be specified by using the preposition de. Thus, “prune juice” is le jus de prune.
Translate to French:
They are going hunting this evening
Ils vont à la chasse ce soir
to hunt - chasser, faire la chasse, aller à la chasse
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I’ll drink a little wine
Je vais boire un peu de vin
a little - un peu. Note that peu by itself can mean “few.”
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I have a new bicycle
J’ai un nouveau vélo
a bicycle - un vélo
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It’s too hot to bike
Il fait trop chaud pour faire du vélo
to bike - faire du vélo. Note the use of pour to mean “to.”
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When it’s very cold, do you guys play hockey?
Quand il fait très froid, est-ce que vous faites du hockey?
to play hockey - faire du hockey
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I’m going to take the next plane
Je vais prendre le prochain avion
next, following - prochain. You could also say Je vais prendre le prochain vol, with vol meaning “flight.”
Translate to French:
Apparently he is going to throw something
Apparemment il va lancer quelque chose
to throw - lancer. Note the adverb apparemment.
Translate to French:
I’m going to hike next week
Je vais faire de la randonnée la semaine prochaine
to hike - faire de la randonnée. Note that the placement of prochain can change its meaning. La prochaine semaine means “the following week,” whereas la semaine prochaine means “next week.”
Translate to French:
Next time, he is going to start sooner/earlier
La prochaine fois, il va commencer plus tôt
(the) next time - la prochaine fois. Note how prochaine precedes the noun.
Translate to French:
We are going on vacation for two weeks
Nous allons en vacances pendant deux semaines
vacation - les vacances. “Vacation” is always plural in French. Note the use of en before vacances. The expression prendre des vacances also exists.
Translate to French:
My mother likes to garden behind our house
Ma mère aime faire du jardinage derrière notre maison
to garden - faire du jardinage, jardiner
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I am in the process of collecting old stamps
Je suis en train de collectionner des vieux timbres
to collect - collectionner. Note that faire collection can work as well. Also note that timbre is a masculine noun.
Translate to French:
Is this armchair available in other colors?
Ce fauteuil est-il disponible dans d’autres couleurs?
available - disponible
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Are you free tomorrow morning?
Êtes-vous libre demain matin?
free (available) - libre. Note that disponible would also work.
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Is this seat free?
Ce siège est-il disponible?
a seat - un siège. Note that libre would also work as an alternative to disponible.
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first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
premier, deuxième, troisième, quatrième, cinquième, sixième, septième, huitième, neuvième, dixième
With the exception of premier, ordinal numbers are usually created by adding the suffix -ième to the given number. If the cardinal number ends with an “e,” that letter must be removed before adding the suffix.
Translate to French:
It’s the last (final) day of the week
C’est le dernier jour de la semaine
last - dernier. Note that the placement of this adjective changes its meaning. La dernière semaine means “the last (final) week,” whereas la semaine dernière means “last week.”
Translate to French:
I see the light under the door
Je vois la lumière sous la porte
under(neath), beneath, below - sous. Note that sous must be followed by a noun.
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The book is under the bed
Le livre est au-dessous du lit
under(neath), below - au-dessous (de). This can take the same meaning as sous, although it does not necessarily have to be followed by a noun.
Translate to French:
Does she live below her neighbor?
Habite-t-elle en dessous de son voisin?
under(neath), below - en dessous (de). This construction is interchangeable with au-dessous (de).
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The ship is at the bottom of the sea
Le bateau est au fond de la mer
at the bottom of - au fond de. Note that mer is a feminine noun.
Translate to French:
He lives above his store
Il habite au-dessus de son magasin
on, on top of, above - au-dessus (de). This construction is similar in meaning to sur. However, it does not necessarily have to be followed by a noun. En dessus (de) does not exist. Finally, note that magasin is masculine.
Translate to French:
My team has the upper hand in this game
Mon équipe a le dessus dans ce match
to have the upper hand - avoir le dessus
Translate to French:
Where do you live? I live on the fifth floor
Où habites-tu? J’habite au cinquième étage
a floor, a story - un étage. Note the use of à to mean “on” here. Of course, à le becomes au.
Translate to French:
There are two entrances to this house
Il y a deux entrées à cette maison
an entrance - une entrée