Lesson 13 Flashcards
This deck introduces the adverbial pronouns "y" and "en." It also teaches kitchen and geography words.
Translate to French:
The ocean was very beautiful
L’océan était très beau
an ocean - un océan. Recall that “the sea” is la mer.
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The sand seems whiter than usual
Le sable semble être plus blanc que d’habitude
sand - le sable. Note the construction plus… que d’habitude, which means “more… than usual.”
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The Alps are the most beautiful mountains in the world
Les Alpes sont les plus belles montagnes du monde
a mountain - une montagne. Montagnes russes, or “Russian mountains,” is the French term for “roller coaster.”
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Julie decided to climb the hill with her friends
Julie a décidé de monter la colline avec ses amis
a hill - une colline
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The Latin Quarter is found on the Left Bank of the Seine
Le Quartier latin se trouve sur la Rive gauche de la Seine
a river bank - une rive
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We’re going to the store. Do you want to go there?
Nous allons au magasin. Tu veux y aller?
The adverbial pronoun y is used to replace a location or prepositional phrase beginning with any preposition other than de. It should not, however, be used to replace a phrase that includes a person (e.g. à mon cousin). These phrases get replaced with indirect object pronouns.
Translate to French:
Paul is reflecting on his new idea. He reflects on it often
Paul réfléchit à sa nouvelle idée. Il y réfléchit souvent
Note how the pronoun y replaces a phrase containing à plus a noun: à sa nouvelle idée.
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Julie likes to go to the market. She goes there on Fridays
Julie aime aller au marché. Elle y va le vendredi
Note how the pronoun y replaces a prepositional phrase meaning “at/to a place”: au marché.
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I am in the kitchen. I am there
Je suis dans la cuisine. J’y suis
Here, the pronoun y replaces a phrase beginning with the preposition dans. Recall that to use y, the object of the preposition must be a thing (places included).
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They think about the soccer match. They think about it
Ils pensent au match de foot. Ils y pensent
Here, y replaces a thing following a verb that requires à: au match de foot.
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You respond to your dad. You respond to him
Tu réponds à ton père. Tu lui réponds
Remember that when the object of the preposition is a person, you should use indirect object pronouns.
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He thinks about the story. He thinks about it
Il pense à l’histoire. Il pense à cela/ Il y pense
Recall that penser à does not allow preceding indirect object pronouns. Also recall that when the indirect object is a thing, you can use à + an indefinite demonstrative pronoun (Il pense à cela). Another option is to replace the preposition and indirect object with y (Il y pense).
Translate to French:
I don’t want this cake anymore. Do you want some?
Je ne veux plus ce gâteau. Tu en veux?
Note how en is used here not as a preposition, but as a pronoun. The adverbial pronoun en is similar to y, except that it replaces quantities and prepositional phrases beginning with de.
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Did Jean speak about his book? Yes, he spoke about it
Est-ce que Jean a parlé de son livre? Oui, il en a parlé
Note how the pronoun en replaces the phrase de son livre.
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You come from Grenoble. You come from there
Vous venez de Grenoble. Vous en venez
Note how the pronoun en replaces a noun after the preposition de.
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She needs money. She needs it
Elle a besoin d’argent. Elle en a besoin
Note how en is used with an expression followed by de.
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He has some sugar. He has some
Il a du sucre. Il en a
Note how en is used to replace a phrase containing a partitive or indefinite article.
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I had five pencils. I had five of them
J’avais cinq crayons. J’en avais cinq
Note how en can replace phrases of quantity.
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They have too many clothes. They have too many of them
Ils ont trop de vêtements. Ils en ont trop
Note how en replaces a phrase of quantity here.
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I am thinking about Julie. Are you thinking about her?
Je pense à Julie. Penses-tu à elle?
Note that y cannot be used to replace à Julie because this phrase refers to a person. To avoid repetition, Julie can at least be replaced by the disjunctive pronoun elle.
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I see clouds beyond the mountains
Je vois des nuages au-delà des montagnes
beyond - au-delà de. This word can apply both to physical distance and time.
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The book is up there
Le livre est là-haut
up there - là-haut. The prefix là- can be added to adverbs of place. It means “that” or “there.” Its opposite is the prefix ci-, which has more uses.
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It was on top of that
C’était là-dessus
on top of that - là-dessus. Note that the opposite of this phrase is là-dessous, “under that.”
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He is going to look inside that
Il va regarder là-dedans
inside - dedans. Note how this adverb is used here with the prefix là-. Also note that the opposite of dedans is dehors, “outside.”
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You will find the explanation below
Vous trouverez l’explication ci-dessous
The prefix ci- is usually used in the context of written documents. It can be added to adverbs (as in the example), but also to prepositions, past participles, and adjectives. (Ci-joint, for example, means “attached here.”) Its opposite is the prefix là-.
Translate to French:
We are going to jump over the barrier. We are going to jump over it
Nous allons sauter par-dessus la barrière. Nous allons sauter par-dessus
over (it) - par-dessus. This construction denotes movement. Note how it does not have to be followed by a noun. Its opposite is par-dessous, “under (it).”
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She always behaved normally with regard to her teachers
Elle se comportait toujours normalement envers ses enseignants
toward, with regard to - envers, à l’égard de. Envers is both a preposition and a noun: as a noun, it means “back(side)” or “other side.”
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He was wearing his shirt inside out
Il portait sa chemise à l’envers
inside out, upside down - à l’envers
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I am walking through the forest
Je marche à travers la forêt
through, across - à travers
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My sister is going to France next summer. She comes from China
Ma soeur va en France l’été prochain. Elle vient de Chine
The use of prepositions with geographical names is dependent on the gender and type of the given location. For feminine countries or continents, use en (“to/in”) and de/d’ (“from”). Most countries that end in “e” are feminine. All the continents are feminine.
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He is going to Brazil
Il va au Brésil
For masculine countries that start with a consonant, use the preposition au (“to/in”).
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Are you in Ecuador?
Es-tu en Équateur?
For masculine countries that start with a vowel, use the preposition en (“to/in”).
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My mom is coming back to the United States
Ma mère revient aux États-Unis
For countries with plural names, use the preposition aux (“to/in”).
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Mexico, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Lebanon, Morocco, Luxembourg, Denmark, Portugal, Senegal, Vietnam
le Mexique, le Japon, le Canada, le Brésil, le Liban, le Maroc, le Luxembourg, le Danemark, le Portugal, le Sénégal, le Viêt Nam
These are masculine countries. They take the prepositions au (“to/in”) and du (“from”).
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Spain, Italy, Germany, China, Russia, Libya, Algeria, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Egypt, India
l’Espagne, l’Italie, l’Allemagne, la Chine, la Russie, la Lybie, l’Algérie, l’Israël, la Grèce, la Turquie, l’Autriche, l’Égypte, l’Inde
These are feminine countries. They use the prepositions en (“to/in”) and de/d’ (“from”).
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the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Fiji, the Maldives, the Philippines
les Pays-Bas, les Émirats arabes unis, les États-Unis, les Fidji, les Maldives, les Philippines
These are countries with plural names. They use the prepositions aux (“to/in”) and des (“from”).
Translate to French:
Claire just returned from Mexico. She went there with her family
Claire vient de revenir du Mexique. Elle y est allée avec sa famille
Note how le Mexique is an irregular country name in that it ends with an “e” but is masculine.
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They live in New York. They are from Haiti
Ils habitent à New York. Ils sont d’Haïti
To say “to” or “in” a city or island, use à. Some islands have plural names, in which case you should use aux.
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We are in California
On est en Californie
Feminine states and provinces are rare. They take the preposition en (“to/in”).
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He is from Quebec. He’s going to Vermont
Il est du Québec. Il va dans le Vermont
To say “to” or “in” a masculine state or province, use either au or dans le.
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Last week we were in Indiana
La semaine dernière nous étions en Indiana
To say “to” or “in” a masculine state/province beginning with a vowel, use either en or dans l’.
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Marie decided to sit close to me
Marie a décidé de s’asseoir auprès de moi
next to, close to/near - auprès de. You could use près de as well. Auprès de can also be used figuratively to say “in the eyes of.”
Translate to French:
Jean’s dog is outside at the moment
Le chien de Jean est dehors en ce moment
outside - dehors, au-dehors. As an alternative you could say à l’extérieur. Also note the common expression en ce moment, “at the moment.”
Translate to French:
Apart from him, nobody liked the show
En dehors de lui, personne n’a aimé l’émission
apart from - en dehors de, à part. Note that en dehors de can also take a literal meaning – “outside of.”
Translate to French:
It’s so cold! I’m going to stay inside
Il fait si froid! Je vais rester dedans
inside - dedans, au-dedans. Another alternative would be à l’intérieur.
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Among European countries, France is my favorite
Parmi les pays européens, la France est mon pays préféré
among - parmi
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The people among whom you lived were funny
Les gens parmi lesquels vous viviez étaient drôles
Recall that the relative pronoun lequel and its variants usually apply to things. After entre and parmi, however, the forms of lequel must be used to refer to people. Qui cannot be used.
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As for my work, I’ll do it tomorrow
Quant à mon travail, je le ferai demain
as for, as far as - quant à
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As far as I’m concerned, it’s the year’s best novel
En ce qui me concerne, c’est le meilleur roman de l’année
as far as I’m concerned, as for me - en ce qui me concerne, à mon avis. The latter literally means “in my opinion.” Other suitable alternatives include pour ma part and d’après/selon moi.
Translate to French:
The French are happier compared to Americans
Les Français sont plus heureux par rapport aux Américains
compared to, in relation to - par rapport à. Note that you could also say Les Français sont plus heureux que les Américains.
Translate to French:
I started running at a rate of six hours per week
J’ai commencé à courir à raison de six heures par semaine
at a/the rate of - à raison de. Note that the expression en raison de also exists, meaning “on account of” or “because of.”
Translate to French:
They already told me something about you
Ils m’ont déjà raconté quelque chose à propos de toi
with regard to, about, speaking of - à propos de. Note that a more formal alternative would be Ils m’ont raconté quelque chose à ton propos.
Translate to French:
Are you informed (aware) of what happened at the college?
Es-tu au courant de ce qu’il s’est passé à l’université?
(to be/to keep) informed - (être/tenir) au courant. Note that you could also say Es-tu au courant à propos de l’université?
Translate to French:
The film’s main character is great, especially in terms of his personality
Le personnage principal du film est génial, surtout en ce qui concerne sa personnalité
in terms of - en termes de, en matière de, en ce qui concerne. While it normally has a comparative meaning (“compared to”), the expression par rapport à is used with increasing frequency as a synonym of expressions like en ce qui concerne and à propos de (“in terms of” and “with regard to”).
Translate to French:
I arrived just a second ago
Je viens d’arriver tout à l’heure
just a second ago; in just a second - tout à l’heure. This expression is used to express that something either has just happened or is about to happen.
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See you soon!
À tout à l’heure!
See you soon! - À tout à l’heure!
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All of a sudden, they left
Tout à coup, ils sont partis
all of a sudden, suddenly - tout à coup. As an alternative, French speakers often use the expression tout d’un coup, which technically means “all at once” or “in one go.”
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We were lined up in front of the store
On faisait la queue devant le magasin
to line up, to stand in line - faire la queue
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I woke up before sunrise this morning
Je me suis réveillé ce matin avant le lever de soleil
sunrise - le lever de soleil. This noun is formed from the verb “to rise,” lever. The feminine noun aube is another word for “sunrise.”
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I love being outside during sunset
J’adore être dehors pendant le coucher du soleil
sunset - le coucher du soleil. An alternative is the masculine noun crépuscule.
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I have gone for my daily walk
Je suis parti faire ma promenade quotidienne
daily, everyday - quotidien. This word is also a masculine noun meaning “daily newspaper.”
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The bread is in the oven
Le pain est dans le four
an oven - un four. Note that “a microwave (oven)” is un four à micro-ondes, or simply un micro-ondes.
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The soup is on the stove
La soupe est sur la cuisinière
a stove - une cuisinière
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The dishwasher is next to the oven
Le lave-vaisselle est à côté du four
a dishwasher - un lave-vaisselle
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You must cook the fish before eating it
Il faut cuire le poisson avant de le manger
to cook - cuire. This verb refers to the act of heating food, whereas cuisiner refers to the general preparation of food. Also note how de le does not change to du here. This is because le is a direct object pronoun (referring to the fish).
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Claire stirred the soup
Claire a remué la soupe
to stir - remuer. Note that you could also use mélanger, which technically means “to mix.”
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Marc burned the milk by forgetting to stir it
Marc a brûlé le lait en oubliant de le remuer
to burn - brûler
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You must boil the water in order to cook the eggs
Il faut faire bouillir l’eau pour cuire les oeufs
to boil - (faire) bouillir. Faire bouillir quelque chose is “to boil something,” while bouillir by itself is an intransitive verb: l’eau bout – “the water boils.”
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Jean is cooking the eggs in a frying pan
Jean cuit les oeufs dans une poêle
a frying pan - une poêle
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You can put the duck into the pot
Tu peux mettre le canard dans la casserole
a pot - une casserole. This term can also be used to mean “pan.”
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According to the recipe, we do not have enough milk
Selon la recette, on n’a pas assez de lait
a recipe - une recette
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Which flavor of ice cream would you like?
Quel parfum de glace aimeriez-vous?
a scent, a flavor - un parfum. Note that parfum also means “perfume.”
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I just ordered a cheese plate
Je viens de commander une assiette de fromage
a plate - une assiette
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Paul put the soup into this bowl
Paul a mis la soupe dans ce bol
a bowl - un bol
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I prefer to eat fries with a fork
Je préfère manger les frites avec une fourchette
a fork - une fourchette
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He stirred his coffee with a spoon
Il a remué son café avec une cuillère
a spoon - une cuillère