Lesson 2 Flashcards
This deck covers the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. You will also learn about possessive adjectives, how to ask questions, and basic negation.
Translate to French:
hi (informal, friendly) - coucou. Note that coucou is only used with friends and family members.
Translate to French:
Hi honey!
Coucou chéri!
honey, sweetie (informal) - chéri. Note that the feminine form would be chérie.
Translate to French:
kiss(es) - bisou(s)
Translate to French:
I have too many friends
J’ai trop de copains
too much, too many - trop. Note that when trop precedes a noun, de is usually placed between them.
Translate to French:
It’s early
Il est tôt
early - tôt
Translate to French:
It’s late
Il est tard
late - tard. Note the use of Il est instead of C’est here. The latter would only be appropriate if the following adverb (tard) were modified: C’est trop tard – “It’s too late.”
Translate to French:
plus tôt
earlier - plus tôt. Note that this literally means “more early.”
Translate to French:
plus tard
later - plus tard. Note that this literally means “more late.”
Translate to French:
See you later!
À plus tard!
see you later - à plus tard
Translate to French:
I’m arriving/coming soon
J’arrive bientôt
soon - bientôt
Translate to French:
See you soon!
À bientôt!
see you soon - à bientôt
Translate to French:
bon, bien
good (adj.) - bon, bien. Note that bon is typically used as an adjective, while bien can also be used as an adverb – “well.”
Translate to French:
a good week
une bonne semaine
a week - une semaine
Translate to French:
Have a good weekend!
Bon week-end!
a weekend - un week-end. An alternative is the feminine term fin de semaine, which literally translates to “end of the week.”
Translate to French:
I am hungry
J’ai faim
to be hungry - avoir faim. The above sentence translates literally to “I have hunger.”
Translate to French:
She is perfect
Elle est parfaite
perfect - parfait
Translate to French:
The house is great
La maison est géniale
great, fantastic - génial. Note that génial also translates to “brilliant” or “of genius.”
Translate to French:
A large pizza, please
Une grande pizza, s’il vous plaît
a pizza - une pizza
Translate to French:
I have (some) ice cream
J’ai de la glace
ice cream - la glace. In French, a distinction must be made between ice cream in general (de la glace) and a single portion of ice cream (une glace).
Translate to French:
He is always happy
Il est toujours heureux
always - toujours. In French, most adverbs follow the verbs they modify. Also note that for the most part, French adverbs are invariable.
What are the three types of infinitive verb endings in French?
- -ER, as in parler (to speak)
- -IR, as in finir (to finish)
- all other endings including -RE and -OIR, as in entendre (to hear) or voir (to see)
What are the present tense conjugation endings of 1st group (-ER) verbs?
-e -es -e -ons -ez -ent
For example, for parler, which means “to speak”: je parle, tu parles, il/elle/on parle, nous parlons, vous parlez, ils/elles parlent.
Translate to French:
You walk
Tu marches
to walk - marcher. In the second-person singular of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -es.
Translate to French:
We talk
Nous parlons
to speak, to talk - parler. In the first-person plural of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -ons.
Translate to French:
You talk a lot
Tu parles beaucoup
a lot - beaucoup. Most adverbs immediately follow conjugated verbs. Beaucoup can also function as an adjective when followed by de: beaucoup de pizza – “many pizzas/a lot of pizza.”
Translate to French:
They have a lot of candy
Ils ont beaucoup de bonbons
(a piece of) candy - un bonbon. The plural form of this masculine noun is used to designate “some candy” or “sweets,” while its singular form un bonbon is used to denote a single piece of candy.
Translate to French:
The girls dance
Les filles dansent
to dance - danser. In the third-person plural of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -ent.
Translate to French:
She sings well
Elle chante bien
to sing - chanter. In the third-person singular of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -e.
Translate to French:
I work a lot
Je travaille beaucoup
to work - travailler. In the first-person singular of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -e.
Translate to French:
You eat a lot
Tu manges beaucoup
to eat - manger
Translate to French:
I sing badly
Je chante mal
badly - mal. Recall that when an adverb modifies a conjugated verb, it immediately follows the verb.
Translate to French:
I love pizza
J’adore la pizza
to love (something) - adorer. There are two ways to say “to love” in French: adorer and aimer. Adorer is used to describe fondness for an object, activity, event, celebrity, or friend (but not for a romantic lover).
Translate to French:
You (plural) hate sweets
Vous détestez les bonbons
to hate - détester. In the second-person plural of the present tense, verbs with infinitives ending in -ER adopt the ending -ez.
Conjugate the verb arriver in the present tense.
- j’arrive
- tu arrives
- il/elle/on arrive
- nous arrivons
- vous arrivez
- ils/elles arrivent
This is a regular -ER verb.
Translate to French:
I love my house
J’adore ma maison
my (singular) - mon/ma. These are the possessive adjectives for je when referring to singular nouns. Possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun: they agree with what is possessed, not with the possessor.
Translate to French:
My friends are rich
Mes copains sont riches
my (plural) - mes. This is the possessive adjective for je when referring to plural nouns, regardless of gender. Note how it agrees in number with the noun.
Translate to French:
I love my life
J’adore ma vie
life - la vie
Translate to French:
(to a close friend) Your friend is hungry
Ton ami a faim
your (singular) - ton/ta. Ton and ta are the possessive adjectives for tu when referring to singular nouns.
Translate to French:
Your (female) students are brilliant
Tes étudiantes sont brillantes
your (plural) - tes. This is the possessive adjective for tu when referring to plural nouns, regardless of gender.
Translate to French:
I have his table
J’ai sa table
his/her (singular) - son/sa. These are the possessive adjectives for il/elle/on when referring to singular nouns.
Translate to French:
We have her candy
Nous avons ses bonbons
his/her (plural) - ses. This is the possessive adjective for il/elle/on when referring to plural nouns.
Translate to French:
I like candy
J’aime les bonbons
to like - aimer. This verb means “to like” when applied to things. When applied to people, it means “to love (romantically).”
Translate to French:
He loves his girlfriend
Il aime sa petite amie
to love (someone) - aimer. Recall that generally, when dealing with objects instead of people, aimer means “to like.”
Translate to French:
She is in love with Paul
Elle est amoureuse de Paul
in love (with) - amoureux (de). Amoureux can be used without the preposition de to mean “romantic.”
Translate to French:
We always win
Nous gagnons toujours
to win - gagner. Note that gagner de l’argent means “to earn money.”
Translate to French:
I like our house
J’aime notre maison
our - notre/nos. Notre is the possessive adjective for nous when referring to a singular noun, regardless of gender. Nos is the possessive adjective for nous when referring to a plural noun.
Translate to French:
He likes music
Il aime la musique
music - la musique
Translate to French:
You (informal) play piano
Tu joues du piano
to play - jouer. Note that piano is a masculine noun. Also note that jouer de refers to playing a musical instrument, whereas jouer à refers to playing a game or a sport.
Translate to French:
Marcel plays guitar
Marcel joue de la guitare
a guitar - une guitare
Translate to French:
We play basketball too
Nous jouons au basket aussi
also, as well, too - aussi. The word for “basketball” is le basket-ball, often shortened to le basket. Note how à le is contracted to au.
Translate to French:
You guys like your house, no?
Vous aimez votre maison, non?
your (plural/formal) - votre/vos. These are the possessive adjectives for vous.
Translate to French:
The girls love their boyfriends
Les filles aiment leurs petits amis
their - leur/leurs. These are the possessive adjectives for ils/elles.
Translate to French:
They listen to pop music
Ils écoutent de la musique pop
to listen - écouter
Translate to French:
My (female) friend talks a lot
Mon amie parle beaucoup
Note that ma changes to mon when the (feminine) noun begins with a vowel sound. The same applies to ta and sa: they change to ton and son, respectively.
Translate to French:
She has a small car
Elle a une petite voiture
a car - une voiture
Translate to French:
They have our keys
Ils ont nos clés
a key - une clé/clef. Both spellings are pronounced the same way and are entirely interchangeable.
Translate to French:
The car works very well
La voiture marche très bien
to function, to work - marcher. Note this second meaning of the verb marcher, in addition to the meaning “to walk.”
Translate to French:
I really like her convertible
J’aime beaucoup son cabriolet
a convertible - un cabriolet. The French here translates more directly to “I like her convertible a lot.”
Translate to French:
They are in the car
Ils sont dans la voiture
in - dans. The preposition dans can also mean “within” or “into.”
Translate to French:
I think a lot
Je pense beaucoup
to think - penser. This verb is conjugated in the present as follows: je pense, tu penses, il/elle/on pense, nous pensons, vous pensez, ils/elles pensent.
Translate to French:
I think about Marie
Je pense à Marie
to think about (someone, something) - penser à. In this case “about” is translated with the preposition à. Very common in French, à can have various meanings – including “to” and “toward” – depending on context.
Translate to French:
I have a good book
J’ai un bon livre
a book - un livre
Translate to French:
She is a teacher
C’est une enseignante
a teacher - un enseignant. Note that it is common to use c’est rather than il/elle est, even for a person. C’est must be followed by an indefinite article (un/une), while il/elle est should NOT: Elle est enseignante.
Translate to French:
She is a (primary school) teacher
C’est une institutrice
a teacher (primary school) - un(e) instituteur/-trice. Note that when addressing primary (and sometimes middle) school teachers, students usually use the noun maître/-esse.
Translate to French:
a (middle/high school) teacher, a professor
un professeur
a (middle/high school) teacher, a professor - un professeur. In written form, professeur is always a masculine noun. When spoken, especially with the colloquial abbreviation prof, you can use the feminine form – une prof.
Translate to French:
It’s an American school
C’est une école américaine
school - l’école
Translate to French:
The middle school is big
Le collège est grand
middle school - le collège. Note that the French word for “college” or “university” is the feminine université.
Translate to French:
a good high school
un bon lycée
high school - le lycée. Note that although most nouns ending in an “e” are feminine, lycée is masculine.
Translate to French:
I study mathematics
J’étudie les mathématiques
to study - étudier. After étudier, you should always use an article before the noun. Note also that mathématiques is a special noun that can only be plural.
Translate to French:
She is studying with a friend
Elle révise avec un ami
to study, to review, to revise - réviser. Note that this verb is different from étudier, which means to study a subject regularly or in general. Réviser pertains instead to studying for something specific like an exam or a quiz.
Translate to French:
She enters the house
Elle entre dans la maison
enter - entrer
Translate to French:
I am studying at home
J’étudie à la maison
at home - à la maison. This literally translates to “at the house.”
Translate to French:
They are coming (back) home
Ils rentrent à la maison
to come home, to come back - rentrer. To express “to come (back) to” you use rentrer à, while to express “to come (back) from” you would use rentrer de.
Translate to French:
We’re finally home
Nous sommes enfin à la maison
finally - enfin
Translate to French:
The boys are interesting
Les garçons sont intéressants
interesting - intéressant
Translate to French:
Is he a professor?
Est-il professeur?
Note that things are often inversed in questions, such that the pronoun comes after the verb, joined by a dash. Another example: “Do you have my book?” translates as As-tu mon livre?
Translate to French:
Are you guys classmates?
Êtes-vous camarades de classe?
a classmate - un(e) camarade (de classe)
Translate to French:
We have homework
Nous avons des devoirs
homework - les devoirs. Used here as a plural masculine noun, devoir is also a verb, meaning “to owe” or “to have to.”
Translate to French:
You speak very quickly
Tu parles très vite
quickly - vite. Note that when an adverb (in this case, très) modifies another adverb (vite), it precedes that adverb.
Translate to French:
I am often sad
Je suis souvent triste
often - souvent. Note that when adverbs modify adjectives, they usually precede the adjectives.
Translate to French:
We’re coming home by car
Nous rentrons (à la maison) en voiture
to go home by (means of transportation) - rentrer en. The preposition en can be used to introduce most modes of transportation. Note that en can also mean “in” or “inside.”
Translate to French:
You (singular) live a good life
Tu vis une bonne vie
to live - vivre. This is an irregular verb: je vis, tu vis, il/elle/on vit, nous vivons, vous vivez, ils/elles vivent.
Translate to French:
I live in France
J’habite en France
to live, to reside - habiter. Note that habiter is a regular -ER verb. Also note that it is different from vivre in that it is used to speak about one’s place of residence.
Translate to French:
We’re coming home by train
Nous rentrons (à la maison) en train
a train - un train
What are the present tense conjugation endings of 2nd group (-IR) verbs?
-is -is -it -issons -issez -issent
For example, for finir, which means “to finish”: je finis, tu finis, il/elle/on finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils/elles finissent.
Translate to French:
I choose to work
Je choisis de travailler
to choose - choisir. Note that you translate “to choose to” with choisir de. In the first-person singular of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -is.
Translate to French:
You react badly
Tu réagis mal
to react - réagir. In the second-person singular of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -is.
Translate to French:
Is the train long?
Le train est-il long?
long - long. Note that the feminine form is longue.
Translate to French:
Does she concentrate well?
Réfléchit-elle bien?
to reflect, to ponder, to concentrate - réfléchir. In the third-person singular of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -it.
Translate to French:
We are growing old
Nous vieillissons
to age, to grow old - vieillir. In the first-person plural of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -issons.
Translate to French:
You guys grow up fast
Vous grandissez vite
to grow (up), to expand - grandir. In the second-person plural of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -issez.
Translate to French:
They always succeed
Ils réussissent toujours
to succeed - réussir. In the third-person plural of the present tense, regular -IR verbs take the ending -issent.
Translate to French:
I finish my work
Je finis mon travail
to finish - finir. Note that travail is a masculine noun.
Translate to French:
Is the book on the table?
Le livre est-il sur la table?
on - sur. This preposition usually means “on,” but it can also take other meanings, depending on context. For instance, deux fois sur quatre means “two times out of four.” No matter what, note that sur should be followed by a noun.
Translate to French:
The teacher punishes the students
Le professeur punit les étudiants
to punish - punir
Translate to French:
I am counting on Marie!
Je compte sur Marie!
to count on - compter sur
Translate to French:
Our homework is easy
Nos devoirs sont faciles
easy - facile
Translate to French:
French is difficult
Le français est difficile
difficult, hard - difficile
Translate to French:
She finishes her homework easily
Elle finit ses devoirs facilement
easily - facilement. Note that many adverbs are formed by adding the suffix -ment to adjectives (in this case, facile, or “easy”).
Translate to French:
You (plural) slim down easily
Vous maigrissez facilement
to slim down, to lose weight - maigrir
Translate to French:
He often puts on weight
Il grossit souvent
to gain/put on weight - grossir
What are the most common present tense conjugation endings for 3rd group (-RE and -OIR) verbs?
-s -s -t/-d -ons -ez -ent
For comprendre, which means “to understand”: je comprends, tu comprends, il/elle/on comprend, nous comprenons, vous comprenez, ils/elles comprennent.
Conjugate the verb entendre, “to hear,” in the present tense.
- j’entends
- tu entends
- il/elle/on entend
- nous entendons
- vous entendez
- ils/elles entendent
Verbs with the same infinitive ending, like prendre (to take), apprendre (to learn), and comprendre (to understand), share the same conjugation endings in the present.
Translate to French:
She doesn’t speak
Elle ne parle pas
not - ne… pas. To make a sentence or question negative as you would with the word “not” in English, first place ne after the subject and before the verb. Then put the negative adverb pas after the conjugated verb. If the verb starts with a vowel, ne becomes n’.
Translate to French:
He never eats
Il ne mange jamais
never - ne… jamais. Note how negation is formed here by simply replacing pas with jamais. Note also that you can use jamais on its own, usually as the answer to a question, meaning “never.”
Translate to French:
You guys don’t work anymore
Vous ne travaillez plus
no more, not anymore, no longer - ne… plus
Translate to French:
I do not hear anything/ I hear nothing
Je n’ entends rien
not anything, nothing - ne… rien. In a positive sentence such as “Anything will work,” there is a different French word for “anything”: n’importe quoi.
Translate to French:
They eat soup. They do not eat soup. They no longer eat soup. They never eat soup
Ils mangent de la soupe. Ils ne mangent pas de soupe. Ils ne mangent plus de soupe. Ils ne mangent jamais de soupe
Notice how in a negative construction, the partitive article changes to de. This change happens for the articles un, une, du, de la, de l’, des.
Translate to French:
He is a bad friend
C’est un mauvais ami
bad - mauvais. Note the use of c’est to introduce the modified noun. When deciding between c’est and il est before a noun, remember to use c’est for modified nouns and il est for unmodified nouns.
Translate to French:
We are taking a train
Nous prenons un train
to take - prendre. This is a very common verb. Its conjugations in the present are: je prends, tu prends, il/elle/on prend, nous prenons, vous prenez, ils/elles prennent.
Translate to French:
He is taking the plane
Il prend l’avion
an airplane - un avion
Translate to French:
They are taking the boat
Ils prennent le bateau
a boat - un bateau
Translate to French:
It’s a strange boat
C’est un bateau bizarre
weird, strange - bizarre, étrange
Translate to French:
They learn to play piano
Ils apprennent à jouer du piano
to learn - apprendre. This verb is conjugated in the present tense as follows: j’apprends, tu apprends, il/elle/on apprend, nous apprenons, vous apprenez, ils/elles apprennent.
Translate to French:
You guys hear well
Vous entendez bien
to hear - entendre. This verb is conjugated in similar fashion to the verbs prendre and apprendre.
Translate to French:
You hear everything
Tu entends tout
everything - tout. Note that tout is a common word that can take several different meanings, including “every,” “each,” and “all.” It is invariable here because it functions as a noun and not an adjective.
Translate to French:
Do they understand everything?
Comprennent-ils tout?
to understand - comprendre
Translate to French:
We lose money
Nous perdons de l’argent
to lose - perdre. This verb is conjugated in the present tense as follows: je perds, tu perds, il/elle/on perd, nous perdons, vous perdez, ils/elles perdent.
Translate to French:
We sleep a lot
Nous dormons beaucoup
to sleep - dormir. Note that dormir is not a regular -IR verb. In the present tense, it is conjugated like so: je dors, tu dors, il/elle/on dort, nous dormons, vous dormez, ils/elles dorment.
Translate to French:
You guys always lie
Vous mentez toujours
to lie - mentir. Note that mentir is not a regular -IR verb: je mens, tu mens, il/elle/on ment, nous mentons, vous mentez, ils/elles mentent.
Translate to French:
They feel bad
Ils se sentent mal
to feel - (se) sentir, ressentir. These are not regular -IR verbs. Note also that sentir is often used in the reflexive form. We will learn about reflexive verbs elsewhere.
Translate to French:
She dies in the movie
Elle meurt dans le film
to die - mourir. Note that mourir is not a regular -IR verb. Also note that film, “movie,” is masculine.
Translate to French:
He writes good books
Il écrit des bons livres
to write - écrire. This verb is conjugated in the present as follows: j’écris, tu écris, il/elle/on écrit, nous écrivons, vous écrivez, ils/elles écrivent.
Translate to French:
I receive a lot of letters
Je reçois beaucoup de lettres
to receive - recevoir. Note that after adverbs of quantity like beaucoup, de is used instead of the partitive article (des).
Translate to French:
Do you (plural) believe in Julie?
Croyez-vous en Julie?
to believe - croire. In the present tense, this verb is conjugated as follows: je crois, tu crois, il/elle/on croit, nous croyons, vous croyez, ils/elles croient.
Conjugate the verb vouloir, “to want,” in the present tense.
- je veux
- tu veux
- il/elle/on veut
- nous voulons
- vous voulez
- ils/elles veulent
Translate to French:
They want a child
Ils veulent un enfant
to want - vouloir. Remember that vouloir is an irregular verb.
Translate to French:
He can play the piano
Il peut jouer du piano
to be able to - pouvoir. Note that pouvoir is an irregular verb: je peux, tu peux, il/elle/on peut, nous pouvons, vous pouvez, ils/elles peuvent.
Translate to French:
We can cook easily
Nous pouvons cuisiner facilement
to cook - cuisiner
Translate to French:
I am doing my homework
Je fais mes devoirs
to do, to make - faire. Note that faire is one of the most common French verbs. It is irregular and used in several expressions.
Conjugate the verb faire, “to do,” in the present tense.
- je fais
- tu fais
- il/elle/on fait
- nous faisons
- vous faites
- ils/elles font
Translate to French:
He is making dinner
Il fait à manger
to make a meal - (se) faire à manger. Note that this literally means “to make to eat.” The reflexive form, se faire à manger, means “to make oneself a meal.”
Translate to French:
It’s a good breakfast
C’est un bon petit déjeuner
breakfast - le petit déjeuner
Translate to French:
We do not want a bad lunch
Nous ne voulons pas un mauvais déjeuner
lunch - le déjeuner. Note that déjeuner is also a regular -ER verb meaning “to eat lunch.”
Translate to French:
He wants a big dinner
Il veut un grand dîner
dinner - le dîner. Note that dîner is also a verb meaning “to have dinner.”
Translate to French:
I want to eat a snack
Je veux manger un encas
a snack - un encas. This noun does not change in the plural since it already ends with an “s.” As an alternative, you could use the noun un goûter. Finally, note the construction vouloir + infinitive.
Translate to French:
I am right
J’ai raison
to be right - avoir raison. This literally translates as “to have reason.”
Translate to French:
You are wrong
Tu as tort
to be wrong - avoir tort
Translate to French:
He makes a decision
Il prend une décision
a decision - une décision. Note that “to make a decision” is prendre une décision, not faire une décision.
Translate to French:
He asks Paul to make a meal
Il demande à Paul de faire à manger
to ask - demander. This verb is often followed by the preposition à. The construction demander à + person + de + infinitive is common, and means “to ask someone to do something.”
Conjugate the verb demander in the present tense.
- je demande
- tu demandes
- il/elle/on demande
- nous demandons
- vous demandez
- ils/elles demandent
Translate to French:
I understand the question
Je comprends la question
a question - une question. Note that the verb “to question” also exists in French – questionner.
Translate to French:
She asks Marie a question
Elle pose une question à Marie
to ask a question - poser une question. Note that “to ask questions” is poser des questions.
Translate to French:
I go to work by car
Je vais au travail en voiture
to go - aller. Note that aller is one of the most common French verbs. It is irregular. Also note how à le must be changed to au.
Conjugate the verb aller, “to go,” in the present tense.
- je vais
- tu vas
- il/elle/on va
- nous allons
- vous allez
- ils/elles vont
Give examples of 3rd group/irregular verbs (i.e. verbs not from the regular -ER and -IR groups).
entendre, comprendre, voir, boire, pouvoir
The 3rd group of French verbs comprises non-ER and non-IR verbs, as well as irregular -ER and -IR verbs. Recall that there are many irregular verbs in French, most of them among the most commonly used verbs.
Translate to French:
She is thinking about going to school
Elle pense aller à l’école
The construction penser + infinitive means “to consider/think about doing something.”
Translate to French:
She thinks that you are right
Elle pense que tu as raison
that (conjunction) - que. Que is an important word that has several uses. Used as a conjunction, as above, it means “that.”
Translate to French:
What are you doing?
Qu’est-ce tu fais?
what (in a question) - qu’est-ce que. Note that here que has been contracted to qu’.
Translate to French:
What is he doing?
Que fait-il?
what (in a question with inversion) - que. Note that the common structure here is: interrogative word + verb + pronoun. When “what” is the subject of the question and placed before the verb, you can begin the sentence with Que and then invert the verb and subject.
Translate to French:
(informal) You’re doing what?
Tu fais quoi?
what (direct object in a question) - quoi. This is an informal construction frequently used instead of its more formal equivalent: Que fais-tu?
Translate to French:
I understand what she is doing
Je comprends ce qu’elle fait
what (as the direct object in a sentence) - ce que. Note how ce que becomes ce qu’ when followed by a vowel sound.
Translate to French:
You sing, which is funny
Tu chantes, ce qui est drôle
which (as a pronoun) - ce qui
Translate to French:
Which middle school?
Quel collège?
which/what - quel. When “what” precedes a noun, the correct translation is always quel. If the noun is feminine, use quelle.
Translate to French:
Who am I?
Qui suis-je?
who - qui. Note that the common interrogative form is: interrogative word + verb-pronoun.
Translate to French:
When can she go?
Quand peut-elle aller?
when - quand
Translate to French:
Why do you study?
Pourquoi étudies-tu?
why - pourquoi
Translate to French:
I am eating because I am hungry
Je mange parce que j’ai faim
because - parce que
Translate to French:
Where is my book?
Où est mon livre?
where - où. Note that the verb remains conjugated in the third-person singular form to match the direct object, “book.”
Translate to French:
How are you?
Comment vas-tu?
how - comment. Comment vas-tu? literally translates as “How are you going?” instead of the English phrasing “How are you?” Alternatively, you can say Comment ça va?
Translate to French:
How much money do you have?
Combien d’argent as-tu?
how much, how many - combien. Note that there is no difference in French between the questions “How much?” and “How many?”
Translate to French:
What is a convertible?
Qu’est-ce qu’un cabriolet?
What is a… - Qu’est-ce qu’un/une…
Translate to French:
What does “snack” mean?
Que veut dire “encas”?
What does ___ mean? - Que veut dire ___?
Translate to French:
What do you think about the dinner?
Que penses-tu du dîner?
to have an opinion about, to think about - penser de. Recall that penser à means “to think about (someone, something).” Penser de, on the other hand, means “to have an opinion about” someone or something.
Translate to French:
Why is the dinner so important?
Pourquoi le dîner est-il tellement important?
so, so much - tellement. This adverb can also mean “to such a degree” or “in such a manner.” An alternative is si: Pourquoi le dîner est-il si important?
Translate to French:
Here is a good example
Voici un bon exemple
here is, this is - voici. Exemple is a masculine noun. Note that you would still use Voici even if the sentence began “Here are…”
Translate to French:
There is my car
Voilà ma voiture
here is, there is - voilà. Note how in this case voilà functions as a presentative.
Translate to French:
That is why I can’t cook
Voilà pourquoi je ne peux pas cuisiner
that is why - voilà. This word is difficult to translate directly into English, as it has many different uses.
Translate to French:
The whole house is beautiful
Toute la maison est belle
the whole, all of, every - tout + definite article. Note the feminine form of tout, toute. Here you are essentially saying “All of the house is beautiful.” The plural toutes les maisons would mean “all of the houses” or “every house.”
Translate to French:
All of the trains are long
Tous les trains sont longs
the whole, all of, every (plural) - tous + definite article. Note that the feminine form of tous is toutes.
Translate to French:
He is eating each snack
Il mange chaque encas
each, every - chaque. The indefinite adjective chaque always takes a singular noun and/or the third-person singular verb form: Chaque train est long.
Translate to French:
All right (then)!
all right - d’accord. Note that d’accord is only used as an affirmation (to agree with someone), never as a description (to say something is “all right”). “To agree” or “to be in agreement” is expressed with the construction être d’accord.
Translate to French:
They are perfect together
Ils sont parfaits ensemble
together - ensemble. Note that ensemble is an invariable adverb.
Translate to French:
I study for school
J’étudie pour l’école
for - pour. Note that pour can also be used to mean “to” or “in order to.”
Translate to French:
I eat in order to live
Je mange afin de vivre
in order to, so (as to) - afin de. This expression is usually followed by an infinitive. As an alternative, you could use pour.
Translate to French:
We’re together; I’m glad
Nous sommes ensemble; je suis content
pleased, glad - content. Note that content usually refers to a momentary state (often due to a specific reason) instead of a general state of happiness.
Translate to French:
Anyway, we’re coming home
D’ailleurs, on rentre à la maison
anyway, incidentally - d’ailleurs
Translate to French:
Do you have another boat?
As-tu un autre bateau?
other, another, different - autre. The plural form is d’autres: d’autres enfants means “other kids.” Autre can also be used as a noun: les autres means “the others.”
Translate to French:
The two boys are very different
Les deux garçons sont très différents
different - différent
Translate to French:
He wants a different house
Il veut une autre maison
other, another, different - autre. Note how in this case autre is used, not différent. Here you are essentially saying “He wants another house.” Meanwhile, “The house is different” would be translated as La maison est différente.
Most fundamentally, the prepositions dans and en both mean “in.” However, they are used differently and are not interchangeable. Describe some basic differences in usage.
Dans expresses an amount of time before something will happen: Nous mangeons dans deux minutes – “We’re eating in two minutes.” It also means “in” when used with an article and a noun: dans la maison – “in the house.”
En indicates how long something takes: Je peux faire mes devoirs en trois minutes – “I can do my homework in three minutes.” It also means “in” when used with a noun without an article: en classe – “in class/school.”