lecture 8: pectoral girdle Flashcards
what are the 2 main bones of the pectoral girdle
is the pcetoral girdle closed?
no it is open posterioly
the scapula can move freely
what is the meedial end of the clavicle
the sternal end
whatt is the lateral end of the clavicle
the acromial end
what does the medial end of the clav ariculae with
the sternum
what doees the latreal end of the clav articulate with
acromion proceess
know the aspects of the clavicle
sternal end
acromiinal end
grooev for subclavius
conoid tubercle
what is the groove on the clavicle for
the subclavius muscle
know how to oritent a clavicle
sub clav groove downwards
long convex medially and shorter concavity laterally
what are the 3 borders and angles of the scapula
borders: medial, superior and lateral
angles: inferior, superior and lateral
what is the most lateral aspect of the scapula
Acromion process
what type of bone is the scapula
irregular bone
what are the 4 fossa of the scap
glenoid fossa
why is the glenoid fossa diffeerent from the other scapular fossae
it has an articular facett (with the shoulder)
what are the different tubercles and processees of the scapula
infraglenoid tubrecle
supragleenoid tubercle
what are ethe 4 joints of the pectoral girdle
acromioclav joint
sternoclav jt
scapulothoracic jt
glenuhumueeral jtt
which is not an anatomical jt
acromioclav joint
sternoclav jt
scapulothoracic jt
glenuhumueeral jtt
what is the classification of tthe AC joint
synovial plane/glidinng
what ligameentst make up he coracoclavicular
trapezoid lig
conoid lig
true or false: the AC lig doese not allow alot of movmeent
what is spceial about the coracoacromia lig
it links two parts of scapula insteead of two bones togeether
what are the ligamentst associated witth the AC jt
acromioclav lig
coracoclav lig (trapezoid annd conoid)
true or false: AC dislocaiton is common
false, rare, results of truama
what is the classificaion of the sternoclav jt
synovial saddle
what are the different ligs of the SC jt
anterior and psotterior sterno clav
what does the ac jt link
acromion process and the clavicle
what does the coracoclavicular lig link
clavicle and the coracoid process
what doese the coracoacromial link
coracoid process and acromion process
where is the interclavicular located
between the clavs
what does the anterior and potserior sternoclav lig joint
the stetrnum to the clavicle
what does the costoclav lig connectc
the clavicle inferiorly to the costal part of rib 1
what aree thee 3 articular surfacse oft the SC jt
sternal end of clavicle, manubrum, first costal carilage
what is the axis of the saddle jt
biaxial jt
explain how tthe SC jt is a saddlee jt
articular surfaces in thee shape of a saddle (concave along one axis and conveex along the otheer )
true or false: ttherre is no axial rotaion at he SC jtt
false, there is very minimal axial rotattion
what are the 3 types of movements at the SC jt
axial roatiton
understtand the slide about SC jt movement
when abducting, dose the scap and clav stay stagnant
no , it stays constant for the first few degrees but then the clav and scap need to move
=scao glides againnst the thoracic cage
trtue or false: the scapulothoracic jt is an anatomical jt and explain
false, there is no capsule, no cartialge, no ligaments
=it is a physiological jt
what is the joint region of the scapulothoracic jt
anterior surface of scapula lying on posterior surface of ribs 2-7
what are tthe two apposed msucle surffaces of the scapulothoracic jt
the subscapularis and the serrattus anterior (with loose connective tissue in nbettween to facilitate gliding)
what is the function of tthe scapulothoracic jt
integrate pectoral girdle motion with shoulder joint to facilitate full abduction of shoulder complex
what are the different types of movemnts of the pectoral girdle at the scapulothoracic jt
protraction/retraction (abd and add)
updown rot/downward rot (lat/med(
where is most of the movement at tthe scapulothoracic jt (movement of scapula on thoracic cage) happening att
sternoclavicular joint (less AC jt)
what are the 2 anterior muscles of the pectoral girldle
pectoralis minor
describe the attachment of the subclavious
attaches to the firs rib (costtal carttilage) and to tthe inferior surface of the clavicle
what is the functiton of the subclavius muscles
depresses the clavicle and sttabilzes the SC jt
what is the innervatiton of tthe subclavius
subclavian nerve (C5-C6)
describe tthe attachment of the pectoralis minor
attachese to the anterior sied of ribs 3-5 and tto the coracoid process of the scapula
what is the function of the pectoralis minor
depression, protraction and downward rotattion of the scapula
what is the innervaiton of the pec minor
medial pecttoral nerve (C8-T1)
which muscle crosses the scapulothoracic jt
the pec minor also the lat dorsi
what is the lateral muscle of the pecttoral girdle
serratus anterior
descrbine the attachment of the serrattus anterior
attaches to the lateral surface of the ribs 1-8/9 and to the anteromedial border of the scapula
what is the innervation of the serratus anterior
the long thoracic n (C5-C7)
what is the function of the seerratus anterior
protracts the scapula (also accessory muscle of expiration)
wha is he cause of winged scapula
injury to the long tthoracic nerve (trauma, impingement(
what does injury to the long thoracic nerve cause
weakness or paralysis in serratus anterior and the inability/weakness in protracitng tthe scapula
what are the 4 muscles of the posterior pectoral girdle
lat dorsi
lev scap
rhombs minor and major
describe the atttachment of the trapexius
skull/verts (C7-T12) to spine/acromion of scapula and LATERAL 1/3 of the clavicle
what is the innervattin of the traps
accessory spinal n
what is the function of the upper 1/3 ttraps
elevattion and upward rotation
what is the function of the mid 1/3 ttraps (or all fibersO
what is the function of the lower 1/3 ttraps
depression and upward rotation
descrrbine the attachment of the lev scap
cervical spine to the supeerior angle/border og the scapula
what is thee innrevation of the lev scap
what is thee function of the lev scapula
elevation of scapula and some retrarcttion
describe the attachemn of the rhomboids
cervical and thoracic spine to meedial border and inferior anglee of thee scapula
what is the innervation of the rhomb
dorsal scapula C5
what is the action of thee. rhombs
retraction, downward rotation (major). a and some. eeleevation. of the scapual
describe the attachmentt. of tthee lat dorsi
from. t7-tt12. spinous proceesses, thoracolumbar fascia, ilium to thee interubercular groove of the humeurs
what is the innervation of the lat dorsi
thoracodorsal n (c6-c8)
what is the function of the lat dorsi
(should adduction, extnsion and medial rotation)
crossese the scapulothoracic joints so has actions on scapula motion=downward rotation and some retraction, depression
when you elevate the scapula, which ligaments are taut/tight and which are loose
superior capsule and interclavicykar are loose
costoclav are tight
when you depress the scapula, which ligaments are taut/tight and which are loose
superior capsule and interclavicykar are tight
costoclav are loose
when you do retraction/posterior movement of the clavciel, which ligs are tight and which are loose.
Posterior sternocalv is loose
anterior sternoclav is tight and costcoclav is tight
when you do posterior/protraction movement of the clavciel, which ligs are tight and which are loose.
posteriocalv is tight
anterior sternoclav and costcoclav are loose