lecture 11: brachial plexus Flashcards
brachial plesux provides motor and sensory innervation to where (general)
to upper limb from shoulder to tip of fingers
the brachial plexus is derived from what spinal nerves
where does the brachial plexus funnel through
the axilla
what is the brachial plexus in close relationship with
the axillary artery
what the 5 general division of the bracial plexus
terminal nerves
the roots of the brachial plexus come from what rami
anterior rami
how many roots are there
what are the 5 roots of the bracial plexus
what are the 3 trnks of the bracial plexus
what are the.2 divisions of the brachial plexus
anterior posterior
how many cords are there in the brachial plexus
what are the 3 cords in the brachial plexus
how many terminal bracnhes are there of the brachial plexus
what are the 5 terminal bracnhes of the brachial plexus
where do the trunks turn into divisions
the clavicle
what is the mnemonic for the basic organization of the brachial plexus
read (roots)
the (trunk)
darn (division)
cadaver (cords)
book (branches)
what is the only level of organization that has no branches off it
the 5 terminal bracnhes wrap around what
the axillary artery
where are cords named in relation to
in trelation to the axillary artery (lateral, medial, posterior)
what are the bracnhes above the clavicle called
what are the branches below the clavicle called
the musculocutaneus nevre is derived from what spinal nerves
the median nevre is derived from what spinal nerves
c6-c8, t1
(no c5)
the radial nerve is derived from what spinal nerves
c5-c8, t1
the ulnar n is derived from what spinal nerves
the axillary nerver is derived from what spinal nerves
what level of organization of the brachial plexus is considered supraclavicular
roots and trunks
what level of organization of the brachial plexus is considered infraclavicular
terminal branches
what are the supraclavicaular branches from the roots
dorsal scapular n
long thoracic n
how many branches are there branching from the roots
where do the roots pass trhu
the anterior and middle scales
dorsal scapular nerve is contributions from what nerve
root c5 (also c4)
long thoracic comes from what roots
long thoracic n supplies what muscle
serratus anterior
true or false: dorsal scapular n and a travel together
what muscless do the dorsal scpular n supple
levator scap
rhomboid minor and major
is leavtor scap inneravted only from dorsal scapula (c5)
no, also c3 and c4
what is the only trunk that has branches
superior trunk
superior trunk is made up of what roots
middle trunk is made up of what roots
just c7
inferior trunk is made up of what roots
c8 and t1
when the roots come together they form the…
what are the contributions to the suprascap nerve
(c4) c5-c6
what are the contributions to the subclavian nerve
what does the suprascapular innervte
supra and infraspinatus mm
true or false: all the branches coming off the trunk come from the superior trunk
true or false: the suprascap n and a do not travel together
false, they do
suprascap n and a travel together but when do they seperate
at the scapular notch
the nerve goes under the transverse scapualr ligament and the artery goes over
what ligament seperated the suprascapular n and a
the transverse scapular ligament
what is a clinical consequence of having the suprascapular n pass under the transverse scapular ligament
entrapment of the suprascapular n in the notch
what m does the subclavian n innervate
the subclavius
lateral cords are made up of what spinal n
medial cords are made of what spinal n
c8 t1
posterior cords are made of what spinal n
how many nerves branch off the lateral. cord
what is the nerve that branches off the lateral cord
lateral pectoral n
lateral pectoral nevre is contributed by what nerves
where does the medial pectoral n branch off
medial cord
what are the n contributions of the mediall pectoral n
medial pectoral n inneravtewhat muscvles
the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major (sternocostal part)
lateral pectoral n is innervates what muscles
pectoralis major (claviclar part)
how many branches of off the posterior cords
what are the branches fof the posterior cords
upper and lower subscapular n
thoracodordasl n
how many branches off the medial cord
what are the branhes off the medial cord
medial perctoral n
cutaneuous to the arm and forearm (brachial/antebrachial n)
superior and inferior subscapular nn come from what nerve
superior and inferior subscapular nn innervate what muscles
subscapularis (inf and sup)
teres major (inf)
true or false: the teres major is only supplied by the superior subscapular n
false, the inferior subscapualr n
both the subscapular nn and the thoracodrsal n branch off the BLANK cord
posteior cord
what roots supply the thoracodorsal n
what muscle is innervated by the thoracodorsal n
latissiumus dorsi
generally, branches travelling anterior to the axillary artery (from medial and lateral cords) provide innervation to what
antior comparements of the arm
what terminal branches arrise from the medial and lateral cords
median n
ulnar n
musculocut n comes solely from what cord
lateral cord
musculocut n is supplied by what nerve
median n comes from what cords
medial and lateral
median n is supplied from what nevres
ulnar n comes from what cord
medial cord
ulnar nerve has which spinal roots assocaited t it
which nerve lies most laterally of the terminal branches
which nerve of the M is in the middle
which nerve of the M is medial
ulnar n
true or false: musculocutaneuous n comes all from the lateral cord
true (c5-c7)
what is the motor innervation of the musculocutaneous
motor innervation to the ANTERIOR compartment of the BRACHIM (upper arm ex: coraco)
what is the sensory innervation of the musculocutaneous
sensory innervation to the anterior/lateral part of the ANTEBRACHIUM
what happens to the name of the musculocutaneous as it provides sensory innervation to the anterbrachium
it changes to lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
true or false: median n comes from only lateral cord
false, mixed from lateral/medial cord
explain the pathway of the median n
travels down the midline (median) through the cubital fossa,
what anatomical landmark does the median nerve pass thru
cubital fossa
explain the sensory and motor inneravtion of the median n
provides sensory and motor ineravtion to the ANTERIOR comparements of the antebrachium and hand
where does the median nerve supply innevation to
anterior compartments of the anterbrachium and hand (palm area)
where does the musculocut nrve supply motor innervation to
anterior compartment of the brachium
where does the musculocut nrve supply sensory innervation to
anterior/lateral part of the antebrachium
true or false; the ulnar n comes from exclusively the lateral cord
false only medial (c8-t1 and occ. c7)
explain the pathway of the ulnar n
travels down the medial arm, posterior to the medial epicondyle humerus (where it can be hit=funny bone)/
the ulnar nerve travels posterior to what
the medial epicondyle of the humerus
what nerve makes up the funny bone
ulnar n
where does the ulnar n provide motor and sensory innervation to
anterior forearm and hand
how many branches come from the posterior cord
axillary and radial
generally, branches travelling posterior to axillary artery provide motor/sensory innevation to what
the shoulder
and posterior comparements of the arm, forearm and hand
axillary n comes from the BLANK cord
radial n comes from the BLANK cord
musculocutl n comes from the BLANK cord
ulnar n comes from the BLANK cord
median n comes from the BLANK cord
lateral and medial cord
explain the pathway of the axillary n
dips inferior to the lateral scapular broder and wraps around the surgical neck of humerus to the psoterior side
where does the axillary n wrap around
the surgical neck of the hum. to posterior side
where does the axillary n provide MOTOR inneavtion to t
deltoid and teres minor
where does the axillary n provide sensory innervation to
inferior deltoid region and shoulder jt
the axillary n comes from what spinal root
the radial n comes from what spinal root
what is the largest terminal branch
radial n
true or false: the axillary n is the largest of the terminal branches
false, the radial n is
explain the pathway of the radial r
travels posterior to humerus in the radial groove
what nerve passes through the radial groove
the radial n
the radial nerve provides motor and sensory innevation to what
the posterior comparement of the arm anf forearm
true or false: nerve injuries can manifest as sets of motor deficits
at the shoulder, what would happen with a c5 injury
inpair shoulder flexion (anterior deltoid)
abduction (supraspinatus, lateral deltoid)
and lateral rotation (infraspinatus and teres minor)
suprascapular (c5-c6) innervates what
supraspinatus and infraspinatus
axillary n (c5-c6) innevates what
deltoi, teres minor
subscapular (c5-c6) innevates what
subscapularis and teres major
thoracodorsal n (c6-c8) innevrates what
latissiumus dorsi
true or false: brachial plexus provides only motor info
false, also sensory
axillary n provides cutaneous innervation to what main region
medial brachial cutaenous nerve is a branch from what
medial cord (c8-t1)
medial antebrachial cutaenous nerve is a branch from what
medial cord (c8-t1)
cuteanously, the muscuolocut n continues as …
lateal antebrachial cutaneous n.
what nerve provides cut. innervation to the posteromedial hand
ulnar n (c8-t1)
what nerve provides cutaenous innevation to the medial wrist and medial 1.5 digits
ulnar n
what cutaneous innervation does the ulnar nerve supply to
posteromedial hand
medial writs, medial 1.5 digits
what provides cut. innevation to the lateral wrist, lateral 3.5 digits, tips of digits 2-4
median n
the median nerve provides cut. innevation to
lateral wrist, lateral 3.5 digits, tips of digits 2-4
what is a dermatome
region of skin innevated by a single spinal nerve
from a sensory perspective, injury at the root vs the peripheral n of the brachial plexus will have different or the same clinical manifestations
explain the effect of injury at the c8 root
will lead to loss of sensation on entire medial upper limb and lower scapula
explain the effect of injury to the ulnar nerve (which comes from c8-t1)
effects are only observed at medial hand/wrist, medial 2 digits (and medial brachian and antebrachial nerves, also c8-t1 may no t be injured
what happens in scapular spaces
nerves, bones, msucles ec all together
what are the 3 subscapular spaces
triangular space
triangular interval
quadrangular space
suprascpular notch is closed to form a foramen via what
transvere scapular ligament
what are the boundaries of the quadrangular space
teres minor, humerus, teres major and long head of the triceps
what are the boundaries of the triangualr soace
teres minor
teres major
long head of triceps
what are the boundaries of the triangular interval
teres major and minor
and long and lateral heads of the tricep[s
what are the contents of the quadrangular space
axillary n and postoerior humeral circumflex
what are the contents of the triangular space
circumflex scapular a (from subscapular 3rd part axillary)
no nerve
true or false: tbere is no nerve that passes through the triangular interval
false, the trinagular space
what are the contents of the triangular interval
radial n (on the way to the groove of the hum)
and deep brachial a.
musculo is derived from what cord
lateral (c5-c7)
median is dereiced from what cord
medial and lateral (c6-t1)
ulnar is dervived from what crod
medial (c8-t1)
axillary is derveied from what cord
posterior (c5-c6)
radial is dervied from what cord
posterior (c5-t1)
post cord is made up of what divisins
all posterior divisions of the trunks
lateral cord is made up of what divisions
ant division of the superior trunk and ant division of the middle trink
medial cord is made up of what diviisions
ant division of the inferior trunk
what two divisions of the brachial plexus are considered supraclavicular branches
roots and trunks
what divisions of the brachai lplexus are consdiered infraclavicular branches
divisions, cords and terminal branches