Lecture 4.2 - The Face Flashcards
Where do facial muscles attach? What happens when facial muscles contract? Which nerve innervates facial muscles?
- attachments are between the skull and overlying skin
- when a muscles contracts, the skin moves (rather than a joint)
- all innervated by facial nerve (CN VII)
What are the parasympathetic function/innervation for the facial nerve?
- lacrimal gland (tears)
- mucous glands of nasal cavity, pharynx, and palate
- submandibular/sublingual salivary gland
What are the Special sensory functions of the facial nerve?
taste receptors on anterior 2/3 of tongue
What are the somatic motor function/innervations for the facial nerve?
- muscles of facial expression
- stylohyoid m.
- posterior digastric m.
Where does the facial nerve cranially exit?
- through the internal acoustic meatus (temporal bone)
- out of the stylomastoid foramen (temporal bone)
What are the branches of the facial nerve?
temporal posterior articular zygomatic buccal mandibular cervical
Function of Occipitofrontalis?
- elevates eyebrows and skin of forehead
- as in a surprised or doubtful look
Function of Procerus?
- depresses skin between eyebrows
- as in a look of anger
Function of Orbicularis Oculi
- closes eyelids
- palpebral: gentle
- orbital: tight
Function of Orbicularis Oris?
- compresses and protrudes the lips
- as in puckering/tightly closing lips (duck lips)
Function of Buccinator?
- presses cheek agains the molar teeth
- keeps cheek taut when blowing
Function of zygomaticus major?
- pulls superiorly on upper lip
- as in smiling
Function of Risorius?
- pulls corners of mouth posteriorly
- as in a insincere smile
Function of Levator Labii Superioris?
- elevates lips, dilates nostrils, and raises angle of the mouth
- as in Elvis, sneering
Function of Depressor Labii Inferioris?
- pulls lower lip inferiorly (to show lower teeth)