Lecture 2.6 - Pelvis and Perinum Flashcards
What consists in the Pelvic region?
- area of transition between trunk and lower limbs
- enclosed by bones, ligaments, and muscles
What is the difference between Pelvic inlet and Pelvic outlet?
- marked by arcuate line of ilium and pectineal line of pubis
- superior and open to abdominal cavity
- marked by the ischial tuberosities, pubic symphysisis and arch, and coccyx
- inferior and closed to pelvic diaphragm
– levator ani m. and coccygeus m.
Sex differences in pelves?
Male pelvis: - heart shaped inlet - smaller outlet Female pelvis: - oval shaped inlet - larger pelvis outlet, everted ischial spines - shallower greater and lesser pelves - rounded and wider subpubic angle
What is the Pelvic cavity? Divisions?
- funnel shaped space bount by the bones of the pelvis
- greater pelvis: between the ala of ilium and pelvic inlet
- lesser pelvis: between pelvic inlet/outlet
- continuous with abdominal cavity
- contains urinary bladder, terminal parts of ureters, pelvic genital organs, and recutm
What is the Perineum?
- triangular area of trunk between thighs and buttocks extending from the pubis to the coccyx
- seen best in lithotomy position - diamond shaped
- separated from pelvic cavity by the pelvic diaphragm
Perineum contents?
Males: - penis, scrotum, anus Females: - vulva (clitoris, vagina, anus Consists of 2 parts: urgenital triangle/region and anal triangle/region
Obturator Internus (OINA)
O: ilium, superior pubic ramus, ischium (anterolateral wall of lesser pelvis)
I: greater trochanter of femur
N: nerve of obturator internus
A: not relevant for pelvic diaphragm
Piriformis (OINA)
O: 2-4th sacral segments I: greater trochanter of femur N: S1-S2 A: not relevant for pelvic diaphragm runs through the greater sciatic foramen, along with lots of nerves and arteries going to the gluteal region
What is the Pelvic diaphragm and what does it do?
- = levator ani m. + coccygeus m.
- forms floor of pelvis, supporting abdominopelvic organs
- aids in urinary and fecal continence
- supports the abdominopelvic viscera during coughing, sneezing, etc.
- raises the pelvic floor during urination, vomiting, coughing, and weight lifting, increasing intra-abdominal pressure
- during parturition, supports the fetal head while the cervix dilates for delivering the baby
What is Tendinous arch of levator ani formed form?
- formed by the thickened fascia of obturator internus m.
- origin of levator ani m.
Iliococcygeus (OINA)
O: tendinous arch of obturator fascia
I: perineal body, coccyx
N: S4
A: supports pelvic viscera
Puberorectalis (OINA)
O: inferior ramus of pubis
I: rectum, prostate in males, vaginal in females
N: S4, S5
A: supports pelvic viscera
Pubococcygeneus (OINA)
O: inferior ramus of pubis, tendinous arch of obturator internus
I: coccyx
N: S4/S5
A: supports pelvic viscera
Coccygeus (OINA)
O: ischial spine
I: inferior end of sacrum, coccyx
N: S4/S5
A: supports pelvic viscera and flexes coccyx
What are the qalls of pelvic cavity posteriorly? Anteriorly? Laterally? Inferiorly? Superiorly?
Posterior: sacrum, piriform m. Anterior: pubic rami/symphysis Lateral: obturator internus Inferior: levator ani muscles, coccygeus Superior: open to abdominal cavity