Lecture 2.5 - Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
What role does the paravertebral ganglia play in Sympathetic Pathway?
Paraverterbal ganglion are:
- site of synapse for:
- sympathetic innervation to skin
- sympathetic innervation from T1-T5 to the thoracic organs
- connected to form the sympathetic chain/trunk
What role does the prevertebral ganglia play in Sympathetic Pathway?
Prevertebral ganglion are:
- site of synapse for sympathetic innervation to abdominal and pelvic organs:
- celiac ganglion: synapse form T5-T9 (greater splanchnic nerve) to Foregut, liver, pancreas
- superior mesenteric ganglion: synapse from T9-T12 (lesser splanchnic nerve) to Midgut, kidneys
- inferior mesenteric ganglion: synapse from T12-L2 (least splanchnic and lumbar splanchnic nerves) to Hindgut, pelvic organs
What are the organs and blood supply of the skin?
Organs: sweat glands, sebaceous glands, arrector muscles
Blood supply: cutaneous vessels
Where are the sympathetic/parasympathetic pre-synaptic and synapse neurons for the skin?
Sympathetic pre-synapse: T1-L2 spinal cord levels
Sympathetic synapse: paravertebral ganglia within sympathetic trunk
Parasympathetic pre-synapse/synapse: none
Which dermatome is referred for pain in skin?
at corresponding dermatome level
What are the organs and blood supply of the thorax?
Organs: heart and lungs
Blood supply: branches off of aorta
Where are the sympathetic/parasympathetic pre-synaptic and synapse neurons for the thorax?
Sympathetic pre-synapse: T1-T5 spinal cord levels
Sympathetic synapse: paravertebral ganglia within
sympathetic trunk
Parasympathetic pre-synapse: Vagus n. (CN X)
Parasympathetic synapse: On the target organ
Which dermatome is referred for pain in thorax?
T1-T5 dermatomes
What are the organs and blood supply of the foregut?
Organs: liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, duodenum
Blood supply: branches of celiac trunk
Where are the sympathetic/parasympathetic pre-synaptic and synapse neurons for the foregut?
Sympathetic pre-synapse: T5-T9 spinal cord levels
Sympathetic synapse: prevertebral ganglia around celiac trunk
Parasympathetic pre-synapse: Vagus n. (CN X)
Parasympathetic synapse: On the target organ
Which dermatome is referred for pain in skin foregut?
T5-T9 dermatomes
What are the organs and blood supply of the midgut?
Organs: jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, kidneys
Blood Supply: branches of superior mesenteric artery
Where are the sympathetic/parasympathetic pre-synaptic and synapse neurons for the midgut?
Sympathetic pre-synapse: T9-T12 spinal cord levels
Sympathetic synapse: prevertebral ganglia around superior mesenteric artery
Parasympathetic pre-synapse: Vagus n. (CN X)
Parasympathetic synapse: On the target organ
Which dermatome is referred for pain in midgut?
T9-T12 dermatomes
What are the organs and blood supply of the hindgut?
Organs: descending colon, rectum, ovary, testis
Blood Supply: branches of inferior mesenteric artery